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Open Automated Driving Framework. Full autonomous driving functionalities that can be used as a baseline for develope your own approaches, or connect to your own simulators or real robots/cars.

How it works?:

OADF is packed as a black box in a Docker container. It will work in any computer where Docker can be installed, but GPU support is suggested. Launchfiles for several examples are included.

Simulation requirements:

CoinCar simulation ( is included in OADF.

CarMaker plugins are included in sandbox/CM_ProjectDirectory_UNICARagil. CarMaker license is not provided inside OADF. Readme for compilation is included inside this folder. Requirements: ROS melodic or noetic should be installed in the host machine and CarMaker 9.1.2. ** Note: libgeographic-dev in Ubuntu 18.04 is still in version 1.49-2. In order to compile it should be uninstalled and install version 1.52

Launch examples:

For all launchfiles, run docker (docker/ and execute source devel/launch/setup.bash

Coincar Simulation:

Campus Ost: area in campus Ost of KIT

roslaunch lanelet_map_launch lanelet_map.launch map:=campus-ost

Ludwigsburg: area in Ludwigsburg altstadt

roslaunch lanelet_map_launch lanelet_map.launch map:=ludwigsburg

Visualization: Open a second docker and source devel/launch/setup.bash. cd launch/lanelet_map_launch/res and execute rviz -d coincar.rviz

CarMaker Simulation:

In order to run CarMaker, Open CarMaker with Launch roscore with Extras/Launch & Start Application. The select testrun with File/Open and press start to run the simulation. Simulation can be visualized in real time with File/IpgMovie

Ramp simulation: Straight lane with slope for test the controller

Testrun: ramp roslaunch lanelet_map_launch lanelet_map.launch map:=ramp

Straight simulation: Straight lane with a slower vehicle. ACC tests Testrun: straight roslaunch lanelet_map_launch lanelet_map.launch map:=straight

Spiral simulation: Progressively more difficult curves to drive Testrun: spiral roslaunch lanelet_map_launch lanelet_map.launch map:=spiral

Change the route

Route can be changed adding route:="laneletid1 laneletid2 laneletid3..." to the roslaunch. Lanelet ids can be obtained opening the corresponding map (in lanelet_map_launch/res) using JOSM.

Disconnect modules:

All message definitions are included in msg folder, along with the ros non standar dependencies needed for compilation. Message explanation included on each message definition.

Longitudinal control: To deactive add to launchfile controller:=lateral_only or controller:=none (Only working in CoinCar)

Two possible inputs, full trajectory to be controlled and car position, or only reference point.


  • /control_pipeline/control_reference_lon [controller_msgs_ros/ControlRef] OR
  • /2d_pipeline/trajectory_to_be_controlled_lon [nav_msgs/Path]
  • /motion_state [automated_driving_msgs/MotionState]

Output of the controller is acceleration

Outputs: /control/acceleration [controller_msgs_ros/StampedFloat64]

Lateral control: To deactivate add to launchfile controller:=longitudinal_only or controller:=none (Only working in coincar)

Two possible inputs, full trajectory to be controlled and car position, or only reference point. Inputs:

  • /motion_state [automated_driving_msgs/MotionState]
  • /control_pipeline/control_reference_lat [controller_msgs_ros/ControlRef] OR
  • /2d_pipeline/trajectory_to_be_controlled_lat [nav_msgs/Path]

Outut of the controller is steering value


  • /control/steering [controller_msgs_ros/StampedFloat64]

Planner: Optimization based planner in the free space. To deactivate add planner:=false

Inputs are free space in a corridor array format (include left and right borders and reference speed).


  • /2d_pipeline/planning_corridor_array [behavior_msgs/PlanningCorridorArray]
  • /motion_state [automated_driving_msgs/MotionState]

Output is position used for calculate the trajectory, and trajectory to be controlled (only longitudinal is used for CarMaker. Both are used for coincar, but they can be the same).


  • /2d_pipeline/normal_trajectory_lat [nav_msgs/Path]
  • /2d_pipeline/normal_trajectory_lon [nav_msgs/Path]
  • /control_motion_state [automated_driving_msgs/MotionState]


Behavior module: behavior arbitration to select free space and change between basic scenarios (yielding, lane change)

Inputs are the predicted obstacles (comes from a map based prediction based on ground truth from simulation), position of the car and map information (include speed limits, stop lines and relationship between lanes).


  • /motion_state_20hz [automated_driving_msgs/MotionState]
  • /prediction/predicted_objects [lanelet_msgs/LaneletMatchedObjectStateArray]
  • map (not in topic). File information in launchfile

Output is free space and reference speed profile.


  • /2d_pipeline/planning_corridor [behavior_msgs/PlanningCorridor]


Open Automated Driving Framwork






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