K-scope is a Fortran source code analysis tool with graphical user interface that visualizes program structures for Fortran 90 and FORTRAN 77 source code. This tool simply visualizes call tree from AST based on compiler's static analysis. The call tree consists of loops, branches, and procedure-calls as candidates of hot-spot in an application. Such a source code visualization is suitable for source code reading for engineers who improve application performance in high performance computing. This tool will be expected to understand program structure before performance tuning.
K-scope is developed by RIKEN AICS Software Development Team, and is distributed as open-source software. The latest version and documents are available in the following download site.
K-scope requires Java version 1.8 or later. If you build a binary package from the K-scope source codes, please download JDK from the Oracle site and install it on your environment.
Except for the above case (for example, developer), JRE is enough for ordinary use.
In addition, K-scope uses intermediate codes (= AST) created by front end of the Omni XcalableMP compiler. Please download the compiler suite from following URL.
This software is written by pure Java to improve portability. We provide two-type packages: jar-executable package and source code package in our site. Especially, the source cord package includes all source codes necessary for modify and compiling. (The source codes includes Japanese comments by UTF-8.)
The source code package includes build.xml to compiler with Apache ant. Also compiling is simple and easy.
$ ant
After the compiling, you may obtain jar-executable including classes. Run is simple as follow.
$ java -jar kscope.jar
At the time of startup, K-scope requires specific folders for properties. If K-scope cannot find those folders, it may terminate abnormally.
Tips on usage. VM-option "-Duser.language" is used for selecting language: "en" for English and "ja" for Japanese.
$ java -jar -Duser.language=en kscope.jar ## for english mode
$ java -jar -Duser.language=ja kscope.jar ## for japanese mode
For using K-scope with remote server or Docker see instructions in README_docker.
K-scope Copyright 2012-2015 RIKEN, Japan
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.