Releases: JvanKatwijk/qt-dab
Qt-DAB-6.9.1 Experimental (third version)
It turned out that in the previous version there were two issues
First of all the naming of the files, now all Eid's and SId's in the filepath's are UC
furthermore there were some problems caused by misunderstanding of the string handling.
The latetr issue causes xml files to be not well-formed
Note that the naming of the xml files that are stored in the directory with as name the Eid is now:
YYYYMMDD_XXXX_SI.xml, with the "XXXX" standing for the ServiceId as hexadecimal number in Capitals for the letters, e.g.
This version of Qt-DAB is the release candidate for Qt-DAB-6.9.
The comments on the Beta version have been processed and I managed to get the sound when using Qt6 doing something.
In order to allow a fait comparison between the Qt5 and Qt6 based versions, all precompiled versions ar eprecompiled for both Qt5 and Qt6
While the documentation is adapted for the functionality of the release, the "building" instructions are still relared to Qt5
(I see that I have something to do with the naming of the 64 bit installers)
14 -1
The precompiled versions for windows are replaced, and a small donload tool (downloading the database) is added
Qt-DAB-6.9 differs in details from the previous version, most of them are deep inside the software.
A few observations though
a. a new implementation of a viterbi decoder is installed, and made default in constructing an executable. The implementation is parameterized on the cpu support for either none, SSE4 or AVX2 instructions. The software will dynamically select the support value
b. merely as a gadget, clicking on any of the widgets {main widget, configuration and control widget, spectrum widget} instructs the software to generate a picture of the widget involvded. The picture is stored in the Qt-DAB-files filder.
The transition to Qt6 seems complete, therefore in this release only the Qt6 based versions are shown
Since the first version of 6.X was uploaded, a lot of changes were made. One of the - for me - more annoying things was the mess that was made of the "ini" file. So, one of the changes is that the structure of the ini file was (re)designed, and
made into clean paragraphs.
The drawback is that the new ini file is not compatible with the old one, therefore the ini file for the 6.8 version is named differently.
It means (a.o) that settings done for older versions - in particular the home position for using the TII decoding - has to be redone.
When starting the first time, a warning will appear to indicate that the home location is to be filled in.
A second visible change is that the software now records for each channel the service selected, and - on re-enetering the channel -
will (try to) restart the service.
As before, files generated by the software, i.e. slides if they are saved, the tii text file and the log file - if enabled - appear in the folder (or directory ffor Linux) "Qt-DAB-files", in the user's home directory.
The configuration and control idget has a button "path" when touched, allows setting a different path for that file
Minor addition: I found out that some young people had trouble figuring out which direction e.g. 330 degrees azimut was,
so I added a compass to the dxDisplay, showing the direction of the strongest signal, i.e. the one used in processing
12-11 small update, some settings in the new ini file were incorrectly handled
15-11 updates, some scanning functions did not work, skip (or scan)table handling modified and corrected
Qt is the framework with which Qt-DAB (note the name) is built. While for the past years Qt5 was used, nowadays it is all Qt6. Most of the differences are manaegable quite well, the sound handling in Qt6 differes considerably for that in Qt5.
So, for some time now, I am rewriting things required for Qt6.
A few problems occur
a. AppImages are to be developed with "older" libraries, that is why I am using Ubuntu 20 for generating AppImages, and in U20 there is no support for Qt6, so until I either have installed Qt6 (and Qwt 6.2) on U20 or U22 is "old enough" I'll generate AppImages on U20 with Qt5
b. While the rewritten sound handling works fine under Linux, there is a sound problem with Q6 sound output under Windows, I am working on it. Until that is solved it does not make sense to make installers for Qt-DAB built on Qt6 available, and the installers will be based on using Qt5
(The sourcetree is such that without problems Qt-DAB can be compiled with either Qt5 or Qt6)
Since, while working on the conversion from Qt5 to Qt6, I made some other changes as well, the current intermediate version is named 6.9, and it is still slightly experimental. However, I added an AppImage and a 64 bit Windows installer
While some details still have to be modified, the development of the version that can be compiled with Qt5 or with Qt6 reaches completion. Unfortunately, one of the - nasty - details is that the Windows versions when compiled using Qt6 still give problems 👍 they run perfectly, but the soundoutput with Qt_audio does not work yet.s), so windows versions are still compiled with Qt5.
Test versions - one for Linux and one for W64 - have been attached to this list (setup-dab64-qt5-6.9. exe as a windows installer and Qt_DAB-6.9-x86_64.AppImage as a Linux AppImage_
The sources in the previous version of this release dated from April, and, while writing, it is ctober. Too many changes have been applied to consider those sources as truly indicating the 6.X release as it has been developed.
While 6.X is considered to be a (more or less) stable release, from time to time some updates are applied. Since April we had the addition of better TPEG handling, journaline processing, removing some errors, adding a DX button, etc etc.
For (most likely) current and future functionality, look at the README and the manual.
The precompiled version have - as usual - the code for accessing and uploading the TII database included, as well as support
for most devices that are known to me. The manual is updated and now contains even an appendix telling how to add a device to the implementation. Note that soapy is not installed in the AppImage, due to compatibility problems with the soapy libraries on different distributions
The precompiled versions (and the manual) date from october 12
small update : a lower limit is set on the spinbox for TII thresholds, setting that to 0 is not allowed.
Small update: rewrite of the "log" handling, the log is written in the logFile
Small update: addition of a "folder" icon that - when touched - tells the system to show the folder/directory where Qt stores the generated data, such as the tii file, the log file, audiofiles etc
15-10: small error that prohibited functioning of appimage on U24
17-10 display of largest distance on the map
21-10 issue with mono solved
30-10 fresh appimage uploaded
After some time indicating the version as Beta. it is now time to freeze the functionality and move on.
Copared to the most recent Beta version there are not mmany changes.
The changes are such that maintaining V4 was not realistic, saving V5 succeeded.
As usual (for some time now) there are two 32 bit windows versions, one with support for V4 dabsticks (which seems to
make the software a little deaf when using older type dabsticks) and one for support for V3.
The 64 bit Windows version is compiled with V4 support in. The known issue is that in this versions not all types of slide can be displayed.
Further development will be done in the version in the directory "qt-dab-RC"
Qt-DAB 6.5Beta
Qt_DAB 6.5Beta is the logical successor of 6.40. The most important visible change is the "double view" in what was the ensemble list. The list now shows either the ensemble list - with a mark for those services that are included in the favorites list - or the
favorites list - with for each service the channel where it was found.
Furthermore, Qt_DAB now has support for accessing a spyServer (although one needs quite some bandwidth to use it).
It turned out that some virus scanners (falsely) detected something in the Windows installers. Removing all optimization flags in the compilation seems to have solved that. Of course the Linux AppImage is optimized maximally.
As usual, two windows installers (with different libraries included for RTLSDR V4 support and for support of only older versions) and an AppImage for use in Linux x64, a manual is updated and included in the sourcetree and in the list below.
The installer 6.5Beta contains the RTLSDR library supporting the V4 versions, the installer with V3 in its name has support for the older sticks.
As (almost always) some virusscanners (Windows of course) merk the 6.5 installers as infected, most don't.
Since with 6.40 no such signals were received, I added a freshly compiled 6.40 version - generated with the same tools, the same source tree, with the only difference in the GUI handler - and a 64 bit version (from the latter it is known that it does not handle all slide formats. If your virusscanner does not show the same behaviour on the latter 2, be convinced that it is a false positive.
All versions presented here are built on the same day, from the same sourcetree with the same toolset
In the most recent updates an erroneous rounding in the computation of distances and corners was corrected and the color selection was changed: it turned out that Qt provides a menu for that.
Firthermore, the color of the font used for showing the name of the selected service and the dynamic Label can now be set by clicking on the name of the selected service (just above the slide position)
In Qt-DAB 6.40 a transition is being prepared to move from 32 bit Windows programs to 64 bits.
In the release the scanning code was largely rewritten and the scan button on the main widget now only controls the visibility of a scan-monitor. Furthermore, the number of buttons on the main widget is reduced. While the schedule button is moved to the configuration and control widget, the content button, the technical widget button and the mute button are replaced by "clickable labels", resp. the label containing the ensemble name for the content button, the label containing the selected service name for the technical display, and the newly introduced speaker label for the mute button.
The label indicating the computer load disappeared, as well the the label telling the estimated TII. After all, the name of the transmitter is given - if available - on the bottom line of the widget
This repo contains two 32 bit versions, one for the rtlsdrV4 library, the other one for the "old" V3 library. The 64 bit version is compiled with the library for the rtlsdr V4 devices
The latest AppImage has - experimental - a device entry "spyServer" and is a development to use the excellent spyserver software for remotely accessing devices like rtlsdr and airspy. Obviously, the Airspy HF will be refused as device since it cannot provide the minimum required samplerate (the Airspy one will do of course).
With some help from Youssef (Airspy) a (very) first version of the device interface for the spyserver is now also running under
windows (the regular 32-6.40 version). There are 2 instances, one for a 16 bit transfer and one for 8 bit.
Be aware of the bandwidth: the datastream contains samples with a rate of 2.5MS/s. Using the 16 bit transfer, there are 4 bytes per sample (two int16 values), so the bitrate will be close to 80Mb/s. Using the 8 bit transfer, the rate is app halved of course, however, the samples are less accurate.
I added an experimental version, labeled with "E". The main difference with previous versions is that the ensembleList is replaced by a table that contains
a. the currently active ensemble,
b. the remaning elements of the favorites
To be able to distinguish, the table has three columns, the second one tells the channel, the third one is a marker, if set the service is (also) part of the list of favorites.
Of course, if a service from the current ensemble is also a favorite, it is then marked as such but it does not appear a second time in the list.
Note that selecting a service from the favorites (in another example) will show a reordering of the list
Comments are welcome
Qt-DAB 6.30
Since 6.25 there are many changes, internally and visible, so it was time to freeze a release.
The most significant visible change is that what was called presets is now renamed "favorites" and is places in a
separare widget. Adding a servicename to the favorites is simplified: under normal settings, clicking with the right mouse button
on a service name in the ensemble window or in the scan list widget will add that name to the favorites.
Since this change was added to the 4 and 5 version as well, there are renamed.
Having the right library for the dabsticks seems to be an issue, that is why the (Windows) V6.30 is available in two versions, the regular 6.30 version uses the library that was developed for a.o the V4 dabsticks, the Qt-DAB V3 version has built-in support for the "old"
driver for "older" versions of the support library for rtlsdr based devices. Note that the 2 versions are identical, apart from the library that is linked in, their appearance is also identical. The Windows V4 and V5 versions are linked with the "old" support library.
For Linux x64 there are appimages, created on an Ubuntu 20 running VM.
The manual (attached) is updated to reflect the changes (well, at least hopefully).
A separate document exists - also attached - that gives some guidelines on building an executable. Note that it is
written on the afore mentioned U20 system, libraries may have other names on other distros. That document contains
a section on how to add a device to the list of supported devices.
Note that the Qt-DAB system supports interfaces to various devices, the approach is that by selecting a device, an attempt is
made to read the required functions from the device library, so the device libraries themselves are NOT included in the
precompiled Linux versions. They are included in the Windows installers though (that is why there are 2 versions)
While having "skin"s is nice, there was one drawback. On deselecting a service in the ensemble display, the font of the deselected service was made black. While for most of the skins the background is black, it meant that the servicename was essentially invisible. The default setting now is "white". In the ".ini" file you can set the default servicename color to whatever you want with "fontColor=XXX", where the XXX stands for a stringname of a color. Version 6.30 - both the W installer and the AppImage included - contains on the configuration and control widget a button for setting the color. Note that the versions 4 and 5 will use that color.
Just a minor update, not enough for a new version number
Latest update: issue in scheduling,.
Qt-DAB 6.1
Qt-DAB 6.1 replaces 6.0. Apart from many changes in the code (invisible), there are a few mods made to the GUI.
A number of changes - the invisible ones - had effect of the 4.7 and 5.4 version as well.