This bot buy and sell automatically on and raydium.
it can be used to be displayed on the main page of
Private keys exported from Solflare are in a different format than Phantom.
This is why there are two folders:
- One to work with private keys exported from Solflare
- Another one to work with the exported private keys from Phantom
Depending on which extension you use, choose the right folder.
If you have git installed on your computer you can fetch the content of this repository with the command :
git clone
Else, you can download the repository in a zip here :
you need to install nodejs :
For Windows :
For MacOS :
For Linux, execute in a terminal :
curl -o- | bash
nvm install 22
To check if nodejs is installed :
- on Windows, open a cmd.exe, and run the command :
node -v
- On MacOs & linux, open a terminal, and run the same command :
node -v
It should return the version of nodejs.
In a cmd.exe or a terminal, go to the folder of Solflare or Phantom with the command :
cd /path/to/the/folder
Then, in your cmd.exe / terminal, start the command :
npm install
It should install all the dependencies in a new folder named "node_modules".
You have six things to setup :
The RPC endpoint to connect you to the Solana blockchain (Quicknode or Helius provide good free RPC endpoints)
The private keys of the wallets who will buy and sell
The contract address of the token you want to bump
The slippage you want for each buy / sell
The fees (more fees = more speed & successful transactions)
The amount in SOL for each buy
export const RPC_URL = ""; // Quicknode or Helius give good rpc urls
export const TOKEN_ADDR = ""; // Put the address of the token you want to bump here
export const SOL_BUY_AMOUNT = 0.011; // here you can choose to increase/decrease the buy amount
export const FEES = 0.0005; // here you can adjust the fees
export const SLIPPAGE = 5; // here you can adjust the slippage
export const KEYPAIRS = [""] // here you can put multiple private keys to bump with multiple accounts
To run the bump bot, in a cmd.exe or a terminal, start the command:
node index.js
And it's all. The bot will buy 4 times with each account, then sell all the balances.
If you want to buy more or less times before selling, it's at the bottom of the index.js script, in the while loop :
// Buy
promises.push(swap(SOL_ADDR, TOKEN_ADDR, solanaTracker, keypair, connexion, SOL_BUY_AMOUNT));
promises.push(swap(SOL_ADDR, TOKEN_ADDR, solanaTracker, keypair, connexion, SOL_BUY_AMOUNT));
promises.push(swap(SOL_ADDR, TOKEN_ADDR, solanaTracker, keypair, connexion, SOL_BUY_AMOUNT));
promises.push(swap(SOL_ADDR, TOKEN_ADDR, solanaTracker, keypair, connexion, SOL_BUY_AMOUNT));
If you want to buy only 2 times for example, you just have to remove 2 lines, like this :
// Buy
promises.push(swap(SOL_ADDR, TOKEN_ADDR, solanaTracker, keypair, connexion, SOL_BUY_AMOUNT));
promises.push(swap(SOL_ADDR, TOKEN_ADDR, solanaTracker, keypair, connexion, SOL_BUY_AMOUNT));
To handle the pause between transactions you can add/adjust this line:
await new Promise(r => setTimeout(r, 2000)); // it's in milliseconds
To try to spend less fees, you can try to decrease the amount of fees in the config.js file, and run multiple instances of the script in multiple cmd.exe / terminals to spam the transactions.
If you have any question/problem, you can contact me on telegram :
To buy me a coffee, here are my addresses:
Solana : 2zzTcxBkbFSseYzDrutrxSdeWaij3Un9oBtWjHF7v1bN
BSC / ETH : 0xB041Dc915254D3E4F56487017076DCeDb61A81E3
Happy bumping!