CSP version of DeepSORT PyTorch
Pretrained model should be copied to here. (Checkpoints for CSP and Deepsort)
Dataset files in .npz for faster loading
You can put your own dataloader here. (and import them!)
Pretrained ResNet50 model should be put here for training
Tasks for project. They also provide visualization.
The output directory of tasks. It contains sequence of output images.
- prepare your own dataset or put dataset in data_PETS2009
- Download pre-trained ResNet50 model. ('https://download.pytorch.org/models/resnet50-19c8e357.pth')
- Run train_csp.py in terminal or IDE. You can adjust config (eg. image size, batch size, #gpu) in config.py.
- The checkpoints will be stored in ./weights
- Put trained CSP model and Deepsort model checkpoints under ./checkpoints
- run test_csp.py in terminal or IDE
- You can also use Tasks.ipynb for evaluation of tasks.
- Pytorch implementation of deepsort with Yolo3
- Center-and-Scale-Prediction-CSP-Pytorch
- Deep Sort with PyTorch
- Deepsort
- PETS2009 Benchmark Data
- Ground truths for PETS2009 tasks
title={High-level Semantic Feature Detection: A New Perspective for Pedestrian Detection},
author={Wei Liu, Shengcai Liao, Weiqiang Ren, Weidong Hu, Yinan Yu},
booktitle={IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR)},