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Release 2.0.0

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@vnitinv vnitinv released this 01 Sep 08:59
· 1338 commits to master since this release

Console connection using PyEZ

Now PyEZ will support Console (Telnet/Serial) connection apart from SSH

  1. Telnet Connection
    • Over managment ip
    • Over Console Server ip/port
  2. Serial Connection
from jnpr.junos import Device
from lxml import etree

with Device(host='console-srv-ip', user='xxx', password='xxxx', mode='telnet', port='7011', gather_facts=True) as dev:
    print dev.facts
    op = dev.rpc.get_interface_information(interface_name='fxp0')
    print etree.tostring(op)

Python >=3.4 support

$ python
Python 3.4.3 (v3.4.3:9b73f1c3e601, Feb 23 2015, 02:52:03) 
[GCC 4.2.1 (Apple Inc. build 5666) (dot 3)] on darwin
Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
>>> from jnpr.junos import Device
>>> dev = Device('xxxx', user='xxxx', password='xxxx')
>>> print (dev.facts)

Configuration Tables to Define and Configure Structured Resources


from jnpr.junos import Device
from jnpr.junos.resources.interface import InterfaceTable

dev = Device(host='xx.xx.xx.xx', user='xxx', gather_facts=False)

intf = InterfaceTable(dev) = "ge-1/1/5"
intf.unit_name = 0
intf.disable = True
intf.mode = "trunk"
intf.vlan_list = [510, 520, 530]
intf.native_vlan = 510
intf.desc = "l2-interface created"

JSON Config load

For devices >=16.1, user can also load JSON config apart from xml/set/text


from jnpr.junos import Device

dev = Device(host='', user='xxxx', password='xxxx', gather_facts=False)

cnf = """{
    "configuration" : {
        "system" : {
            "services" : {
                "telnet" : [null]

cu = Config(dev)
op = cu.load(cnf, format='json')
print etree.tostring(op)

FTP Utility

Option to use FTP utility to transfer files in addition to existing SCP.

from jnpr.junos import Device
from jnpr.junos.utils.ftp import FTP

dev = Device(host='', user='xxxx', password='xxxx', gather_facts=False)

with FTP(dev) as ftp:
    ftp.put('/var/tmp/test.txt', '/var/tmp/test.txt')


Multi RPC error

If the config being loaded got more then 1 error/warning, PyEZ will give all error details to the user

from jnpr.junos import Device
from jnpr.junos.utils.config import Config

dev = Device(host='', user='xxxx', password='xxxx', gather_facts=False)

cnf = \
"""set interfaces xe-0/0/10 ether-options 802.3ad ae10
et interfaces xe-0/0/11 ether-options 802.3ad ae11
set interfaces xe-0/0/12 ether-options 802.3ad lcap force-up
set interfaces xe-0/0/14 ether-options 802.3ad ae14"""
cu = Config(dev)
    cu.load(cnf, format='set')
except Exception as ex:
    print ex.errs
    print ex```


[{'source': None, 'message': 'syntax error', 'bad_element': 'ether-options', 'severity': 'error'},
{'source': None, 'message': 'unknown command', 'bad_element': 'et', 'severity': 'error'},
{'source': None, 'message': 'syntax error', 'bad_element': 'ether-options', 'severity': 'error'},
{'source': None, 'message': 'syntax error', 'bad_element': 'ether-options', 'severity': 'error'}]

ConfigLoadError(severity: error, bad_element: ether-options, message: error: syntax error
error: unknown command
error: syntax error
error: syntax error)```

Bug fixes

  • dev.cli "invalid command" returned even in case of proper command. #498 #492
  • StartShell utility to work on Occam and root users.
  • StartShell run function to return Tuple of last_ok & command output
  • Many other bug fixes.