is google's material design like notification view with smooth fade in/out animation features, based on UIButton subclass.
You can select fade in/out direction as you like. Also, customizable properties can be tweaked behaviors and enhance your application UI cool.
With this library, you can easily implement floating in-app notification to your app, such as login success/fail notification messages.
JTFadingInfoView is available on CocoaPods.
You can use this library by adding the following command onto your Podfile:
pod "JTFadingInfoView"
The simplest setup:
CGRect frame = CGRectMake(150, 200, 150, 50);
NSString *label = @"JTFadingInfoView!";
JTFadingInfoView *infoView = [[JTFadingInfoView alloc] initWithFrame:frame
[self.view addSubview:infoView];
JTFadingInfoView has parameters to customize behaviors as you like:
/** A float represeting the time for displaying this view itself (second).
/** If <= 0, view will not disappear */
@property float displayDuration;
/** A float representing the time the view is appeared by (second). */
@property float appearingDuration;
/** A float representing the time the view is disappeared by (second). */
@property float disappearingDuration;
/** A float representing how much the view moves during fading in/out. */
@property float animationMovement;
/** A JTFadeInType representing from which direction the view appears */
@property JTFadeInDirectionType fadeInDirection;
/** A JTFadeInType representing to which direction the view will be disappeared */
@property JTFadeOutDirectionType fadeOutDirection;
- First release
- Bug Fix
- Bug Fix
iOS 7.0 or later
Junichi Tsurukawa [email protected]
JTFadingInfoView is available under the MIT license.