We modify the official SemanticKITTI api to calculate the closed-set mIoU and open-set metrics including AURP, AUROC, and FPR95 in this repository.
To use this repository for calculating metrics, the closed-set prediction labels and uncertainty scores for each points in the dataset should be generated and saved as:
├── ...
└── dataset/
├── 00/
│ ├── velodyne/
| | ├── 000000.bin
| | ├── 000001.bin
| | └── ...
│ └── labels/
| ├── 000000.label
| ├── 000001.label
| └── ...
├── 08/ # for validation
├── 11/ # 11-21 for testing
└── 21/
└── ...
└── predictions/
├── 08/
│ ├── closed-set_prediction_results/
| | ├── 000000.label
| | ├── 000001.label
| | └── ...
│ └── uncertainty_scores/
| ├── 000000.score
| ├── 000001.score
| └── ...
- First, remap the closed-set prediction results to the non-entropy type, the path is determined
in the
and line 74 ofremap_semantic_label.py
- Then, run the evaluation script to obtain the closed-set mIoU and open-set metrics including AUPR,
AUROC, and FPR95. The path is determined in the
and line 158, 171 ofevaluate_semantics.py
- The result is shown like:
Data: /harddisk/semantic_kitti/dataset
Predictions: /harddisk/semantic_kitti/predictions
Backend: numpy
Split: valid
Config: config/semantic-kitti.yaml
Limit: None
Codalab: None
Opening data config file config/semantic-kitti.yaml
Ignoring xentropy class 0 in IoU evaluation
[IOU EVAL] INCLUDE: [ 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19]
labels: 4071
predictions: 4071
Evaluating sequences: 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% AUPR is: 0.20303703822506583
AUROC is: 0.852544601771817
FPR95 is: 0.4676692998629576
Validation set:
Acc avg 0.900
IoU avg 0.574
IoU class 1 [car] = 0.923
IoU class 2 [bicycle] = 0.415
IoU class 3 [motorcycle] = 0.553
IoU class 4 [truck] = 0.762
IoU class 5 [other-vehicle] = 0.000
IoU class 6 [person] = 0.651
IoU class 7 [bicyclist] = 0.821
IoU class 8 [motorcyclist] = 0.000
IoU class 9 [road] = 0.945
IoU class 10 [parking] = 0.447
IoU class 11 [sidewalk] = 0.813
IoU class 12 [other-ground] = 0.011
IoU class 13 [building] = 0.857
IoU class 14 [fence] = 0.405
IoU class 15 [vegetation] = 0.870
IoU class 16 [trunk] = 0.621
IoU class 17 [terrain] = 0.754
IoU class 18 [pole] = 0.582
IoU class 19 [traffic-sign] = 0.465
below can be copied straight for paper table