Welcome to BiogecoBayes
We are a small group of researchers, PhD students and post-docs who meet regularly to progress together in our learning of the Stan
language and Bayesian modelling in general. You can find below the workshops we have done so far, as well as course materials.
- Workshop1 - Linear Models
- Workshop2 - Animal model
- Workshop3 - Binomial model
- Workshop4 - Hierarchical models - Part 1
- Workshop4 - Hierarchical models - Part 2
- Workshop5 - Population dynamics and time series
- Workshop6 - ODE SIR
- Workshop7 - Dirichlet Multinomial with the video
- Workshop8 - Hidden Markov Models with the video
- Workshop9 - State Space Models
- Workshop10 - HMMs and basketball
- Workshop11 - Neighbourhood and Segmentation
- Workshop12 - Occupancy models
- Workshop13 - Hierarchical models
- Workshop14 - Ensuring Identifiability
- Introduction to Bayesian modelling with stan [Slides] [Code] Thursday, 01 Mar 2018 at UMR ECOFOG, Kourou Sylvain Schmitt
- Introduction to Bayesian modelling with WinBUGS [Slides] [Code] Thursday, 07 Nov 2019 and 2020 at Master Écologie des Forêts de Guyane, Kourou Sylvain Schmitt
- Statistical Rethinking of McElreath.
- Stan Guide
- Regression and Other Stories by Andrew Gelman, Jennifer Hill and Aki Vehtari with the code and data for the examples available here.
- stan website
- stan GitHub
- stan examples
- Inférence bayesienne avec R par Éric Marcon useful to understand basics of bayesian inferences.
- Bayesian workshops of Olivier Gimenez (2020)