The code (.qmd
files) used to generate the following reports can be found in the folder /reports
FormattingScotsPineGenomicData.html Scots pine genomic data - formatting (e.g., replacing 'AA', 'AB', 'BB' etc by 0, 1, 2); filtering (based on the proportion of missing data for each SNP/individual, minor allele count and minor allele frequencies for each SNP); SNP position on the genome; imputation of missing data based on the most common allele within the family.
PopulationGeneticStructureAndVariancePartioningScotsPine.html Exploring the neutral population genetic structure in Scots pine with a Principal Component Analysis (PCA) and estimating the relative contribution of climate, population genetic structure and geography in explaining Scots pine genomic variation.
ClimaticDataScotsPine.html Extracting and exploring climatic data at the location of the Scots pine populations.
ExploringFormattingCGdata.html Formatting and exploring the dataset with phenotypic data.
EstimatingPhenotypicPlasticityScotsPine.html Variance partioning and estimating phenotypic plasticity of Scots pine populations.
EstimatingNurseryEffectInverewe.html Estimating the nursery effect on height variation in 2016 and 2020 in Inverewe (FW), the field site in which trees come from three different nurseries.
EstimatingEvolvabilityScotsPine.html Estimating narrow-sense heritability, evolvability and family variance at the species and population level in Scots pine for height (height in 2014 and 2020).
ExploreChessCapeClimaticData.html Extracting and visualizing the CHESS-SCAPE climatic data at the location of the studied populations.
Shinny app to vizualise the differences between current and future climates at the location of the populations:
Shinny app to vizualise the correlations among the selected climatic variables:
IdentifyingCandidateSNPsScotsPine.html Identifying outlier SNPs (i.e., potential candidate for adaptation to climate) with Redundancy Analysis (correcting or not for population structure) and predicting the genomic offset with the RDA.