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116 make plot and predict consistent
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pat-alt authored Sep 3, 2024
2 parents f7bf0f4 + e88f54a commit 3700cb9
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65 changes: 45 additions & 20 deletions src/baselaplace/predicting.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -23,19 +23,24 @@ function has_softmax_or_sigmoid_final_layer(model::Flux.Chain)
return has_finaliser

@doc raw"""
functional_variance(la::AbstractLaplace, 𝐉::AbstractArray)
Compute the functional variance for the GLM predictive. Dispatches to the appropriate method based on the Hessian structure.
Computes the functional variance for the GLM predictive as `map(j -> (j' * Σ * j), eachrow(𝐉))` which is a (output x output) predictive covariance matrix. Formally, we have ``{\mathbf{J}_{\hat\theta}}^\intercal\Sigma\mathbf{J}_{\hat\theta}`` where ``\mathbf{J}_{\hat\theta}=\nabla_{\theta}f(x;\theta)|\hat\theta`` is the Jacobian evaluated at the MAP estimate.
Dispatches to the appropriate method based on the Hessian structure.
function functional_variance(la, 𝐉)
return functional_variance(la, la.est_params.hessian_structure, 𝐉)

@doc raw"""
glm_predictive_distribution(la::AbstractLaplace, X::AbstractArray)
Computes the linearized GLM predictive.
Computes the linearized GLM predictive from neural network with a Laplace approximation to the posterior ``p(\theta|\mathcal{D})=\mathcal{N}(\hat\theta,\Sigma)``.
This is the distribution on network outputs given by ``p(f(x)|x,\mathcal{D})\approx \mathcal{N}(f(x;\hat\theta),{\mathbf{J}_{\hat\theta}}^\intercal\Sigma\mathbf{J}_{\hat\theta})``.
For the Bayesian predictive distribution, see [`predict`](@ref).
# Arguments
Expand All @@ -49,7 +54,7 @@ Computes the linearized GLM predictive.
# Examples
using Flux, LaplaceRedux
using LaplaceRedux.Data: toy_data_linear
x, y = toy_data_linear()
Expand All @@ -58,42 +63,55 @@ nn = Chain(Dense(2,1))
la = Laplace(nn; likelihood=:classification)
fit!(la, data)
glm_predictive_distribution(la, hcat(x...))
function glm_predictive_distribution(la::AbstractLaplace, X::AbstractArray)
𝐉, fμ = Curvature.jacobians(la.est_params.curvature, X)
= reshape(fμ, Flux.outputsize(la.model, size(X)))
fvar = functional_variance(la, 𝐉)
fvar = reshape(fvar, size(fμ)...)
fstd = sqrt.(fvar)
normal_distr = [Normal(fμ[i], fstd[i]) for i in 1:size(fμ, 2)]
normal_distr = [Normal(fμ[i], fstd[i]) for i in axes(fμ, 2)]
return (normal_distr, fμ, fvar)

predict(la::AbstractLaplace, X::AbstractArray; link_approx=:probit, predict_proba::Bool=true)
@doc raw"""
Computes predictions from Bayesian neural network.
Computes the Bayesian predictivie distribution from a neural network with a Laplace approximation to the posterior ``p(\theta | \mathcal{D}) = \mathcal{N}(\hat\theta, \Sigma)``.
# Arguments
- `la::AbstractLaplace`: A Laplace object.
- `X::AbstractArray`: Input data.
- `link_approx::Symbol=:probit`: Link function approximation. Options are `:probit` and `:plugin`.
- `predict_proba::Bool=true`: If `true` (default) apply a sigmoid or a softmax function to the output of the Flux model.
- `return_distr::Bool=false`: if `false` (default), the function output either the direct output of the chain or pseudo-probabilities (if predict_proba= true).
- `return_distr::Bool=false`: if `false` (default), the function outputs either the direct output of the chain or pseudo-probabilities (if `predict_proba=true`).
if `true` predict return a Bernoulli distribution in binary classification tasks and a categorical distribution in multiclassification tasks.
# Returns
For classification tasks, LaplaceRedux provides different options:
if ret_distr is false:
- `fμ::AbstractArray`: Mean of the predictive distribution if link function is set to `:plugin`, otherwise the probit approximation. The output shape is column-major as in Flux.
if ret_distr is true:
- a Bernoulli distribution in binary classification tasks and a categorical distribution in multiclassification tasks.
For classification tasks:
1. If `ret_distr` is `false`, `predict` returns `fμ`, i.e. the mean of the predictive distribution, which corresponds to the MAP estimate if the link function is set to `:plugin`, otherwise the probit approximation. The output shape is column-major as in Flux.
2. If `ret_distr` is `true`, `predict` returns a Bernoulli distribution in binary classification tasks and a categorical distribution in multiclassification tasks.
For regression tasks:
- `normal_distr::Distributions.Normal`:the array of Normal distributions computed by glm_predictive_distribution.
1. If `ret_distr` is `false`, `predict` returns the mean and the variance of the predictive distribution. The output shape is column-major as in Flux.
2. If `ret_distr` is `true`, `predict` returns the predictive posterior distribution, namely:
``p(y|x,\mathcal{D})\approx \mathcal{N}(f(x;\hat\theta),{\mathbf{J}_{\hat\theta}}^\intercal\Sigma\mathbf{J}_{\hat\theta} + \sigma^2 \mathbf{I})``
# Examples
using Flux, LaplaceRedux
using LaplaceRedux.Data: toy_data_linear
x, y = toy_data_linear()
Expand All @@ -111,15 +129,22 @@ function predict(
normal_distr, fμ, fvar = glm_predictive_distribution(la, X)
_, fμ, fvar = glm_predictive_distribution(la, X)

# Regression:
if la.likelihood == :regression

# Add observational noise:
pred_var = fvar .+ la.prior.σ^2
fstd = sqrt.(pred_var)
pred_dist = [Normal(fμ[i], fstd[i]) for i in axes(fμ, 2)]

if ret_distr
return reshape(normal_distr, (:, 1))
return reshape(pred_dist, (:, 1))
return fμ, fvar
return fμ, pred_var


# Classification:
Expand Down
6 changes: 3 additions & 3 deletions src/full.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -50,10 +50,10 @@ function _fit!(
return la.posterior.n_data = n_data

@doc raw"""
functional_variance(la::Laplace, hessian_structure::FullHessian, 𝐉)
Compute the linearized GLM predictive variance as `𝐉ₙΣ𝐉ₙ'` where `𝐉=∇f(x;θ)|θ̂` is the Jacobian evaluated at the MAP estimate and `Σ = P⁻¹`.
Computes the functional variance for the GLM predictive as `map(j -> (j' * Σ * j), eachrow(𝐉))` which is a (output x output) predictive covariance matrix. Formally, we have ``{\mathbf{J}_{\hat\theta}}^\intercal\Sigma\mathbf{J}_{\hat\theta}`` where ``\mathbf{J}_{\hat\theta}=\nabla_{\theta}f(x;\theta)|\hat\theta`` is the Jacobian evaluated at the MAP estimate.
function functional_variance(la::Laplace, hessian_structure::FullHessian, 𝐉)
Σ = posterior_covariance(la)
Expand Down
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion src/kronecker/kron.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -133,7 +133,7 @@ function _fit!(

functional_variance(la::Laplace, hessian_structure::KronHessian, 𝐉::Matrix)
functional_variance(la::Laplace, hessian_structure::KronHessian, 𝐉::Matrix)
Compute functional variance for the GLM predictive: as the diagonal of the K×K predictive output covariance matrix 𝐉𝐏⁻¹𝐉ᵀ,
where K is the number of outputs, 𝐏 is the posterior precision, and 𝐉 is the Jacobian of model output `𝐉=∇f(x;θ)|θ̂`.
Expand Down

2 comments on commit 3700cb9

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@pat-alt pat-alt commented on 3700cb9 Sep 3, 2024

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