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Rewrite broadcast() using Base implementation and lifting semantics
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Remove the custom implementation of broadcast(), and just call
the base method on the lifted method. For now, standard lifting
semantics are always used, even for logical operators and isnull/get.

Performance will probably be worse than before, but at least the
semantics will be correct. We can always re-implement the custom
and faster versions later when broadcast() has stabilized in Base
and Nullable support has settled.
  • Loading branch information
nalimilan committed Nov 20, 2016
1 parent b7b50c3 commit 5de334f
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Showing 4 changed files with 103 additions and 203 deletions.
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion REQUIRE
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@@ -1,3 +1,3 @@
julia 0.4
julia 0.5
Compat 0.8.4
262 changes: 86 additions & 176 deletions src/broadcast.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
using Base: promote_eltype
using Base.Cartesian
using Base: _default_eltype, null_safe_op
using Compat

if VERSION >= v"0.6.0-dev.693"
using Base.Broadcast: check_broadcast_indices, broadcast_indices
Expand All @@ -8,198 +9,107 @@ else
const broadcast_indices = broadcast_shape

if VERSION >= v"0.5.0-dev+5189"
_to_shape(dims::Base.DimsOrInds) = map(_to_shape, dims)
_to_shape(r::Base.OneTo) = Int(last(r))
if !isdefined(Base.Broadcast, :ftype) # Julia < 0.6
ftype(f, A) = typeof(f)
ftype(f, A...) = typeof(a -> f(a...))
ftype(T::DataType, A) = Type{T}
ftype(T::DataType, A...) = Type{T}
_to_shape(x) = x
using Base.Broadcast: ftype

if VERSION < v"0.5.0-dev+5434"
function gen_nullcheck(narrays::Int, nd::Int)
e_nullcheck = macroexpand(:( @nref $nd isnull_1 d->j_d_1 ))
for k = 2:narrays
isnull = Symbol("isnull_$k")
j_d_k = Symbol("j_d_$k")
e_isnull_k = macroexpand(:( @nref $nd $(isnull) d->$(j_d_k) ))
e_nullcheck = Expr(:||, e_nullcheck, e_isnull_k)
return e_nullcheck
if !isdefined(Base.Broadcast, :ziptype) # Julia < 0.6
if isdefined(Base, :Iterators)
using Base.Iterators: Zip2
using Base: Zip2
ziptype(A) = Tuple{eltype(A)}
ziptype(A, B) = Zip2{Tuple{eltype(A)}, Tuple{eltype(B)}}
@inline ziptype(A, B, C, D...) = Zip{Tuple{eltype(A)}, ziptype(B, C, D...)}
using Base.Broadcast: ziptype

function gen_broadcast_body(nd::Int, narrays::Int, f, lift::Bool)
F = Expr(:quote, f)
e_nullcheck = gen_nullcheck(narrays, nd)
if lift
return quote
# set up aliases to facilitate subsequent Base.Cartesian magic
B_isnull = B.isnull
@nexprs $narrays k->(values_k = A_k.values)
@nexprs $narrays k->(isnull_k = A_k.isnull)
# check size
@assert ndims(B) == $nd
@ncall $narrays check_broadcast_shape size(B) k->A_k
# main loops
@nloops($nd, i, B,
d->(@nexprs $narrays k->(j_d_k = size(A_k, d) == 1 ? 1 : i_d)), # pre
begin # body
if $e_nullcheck
@inbounds (@nref $nd B_isnull i) = true
@nexprs $narrays k->(@inbounds v_k = @nref $nd values_k d->j_d_k)
@inbounds (@nref $nd B i) = (@ncall $narrays $F v)
@inline function broadcast_lift(f, x)
if null_safe_op(f, typeof(x))
return @compat Nullable(f(x.value), !isnull(x))
U = Core.Inference.return_type(f, Tuple{eltype(typeof(x))})
if isnull(x)
return Nullable{U}()
return Base.Broadcast.gen_broadcast_body_cartesian(nd, narrays, f)

function gen_broadcast_function(nd::Int, narrays::Int, f, lift::Bool)
As = [Symbol("A_"*string(i)) for i = 1:narrays]
body = gen_broadcast_body(nd, narrays, f, lift)
@eval let
local _F_
function _F_(B, $(As...))
return Nullable(f(unsafe_get(x)))

function Base.broadcast!(f, X::NullableArray; lift::Bool=false)
broadcast!(f, X, X; lift=lift)

@eval let cache = Dict{Any, Dict{Bool, Dict{Int, Dict{Int, Any}}}}()
@doc """
`broadcast!(f, B::NullableArray, As::NullableArray...; lift::Bool=false)`
This method implements the same behavior as that of `broadcast!` when called on
regular `Array` arguments. It also includes the `lift` keyword argument, which
when set to true will lift `f` over the entries of the `As`.
Lifting is disabled by default. Note that this method's signature specifies
the destination `B` array as well as the source `As` arrays as all
`NullableArray`s. Thus, calling `broadcast!` on a arguments consisting
of both `Array`s and `NullableArray`s will fall back to the implementation
of `broadcast!` in `base/broadcast.jl`.
""" ->
function Base.broadcast!(f, B::NullableArray, As::NullableArray...; lift::Bool=false)
nd = ndims(B)
narrays = length(As)

cache_f = Base.@get! cache f Dict{Bool, Dict{Int, Dict{Int, Any}}}()
cache_lift = Base.@get! cache_f lift Dict{Int, Dict{Int, Any}}()
cache_f_na = Base.@get! cache_lift narrays Dict{Int, Any}()
func = Base.@get! cache_f_na nd gen_broadcast_function(nd, narrays, f, lift)

func(B, As...)
return B
end # let cache
using Base.Broadcast: newindexer, map_newindexer, newindex

function _nullcheck(nargs)
nullcheck = :(isnull_1[I_1])
for i in 2:nargs
sym_isnull = Symbol("isnull_$i")
sym_idx = Symbol("I_$i")
nullcheck = Expr(:||, :($sym_isnull[$sym_idx]), nullcheck)
@inline function broadcast_lift(f, x1, x2)
if null_safe_op(f, typeof(x1), typeof(x2))
return @compat Nullable(
f(x1.value, x2.value), !(isnull(x1) | isnull(x2))
U = Core.Inference.return_type(
f, Tuple{eltype(typeof(x1)), eltype(typeof(x2))}
if isnull(x1) | isnull(x2)
return Nullable{U}()
return Nullable(f(unsafe_get(x1), unsafe_get(x2)))
# if 0 argument arrays, treat nullcheck as though it returns false
nargs >= 1 ? nullcheck : :(false)

@generated function Base.Broadcast._broadcast!{K,ID,XT,nargs}(f,
Z::NullableArray, keeps::K, Idefaults::ID, Xs::XT, ::Type{Val{nargs}}; lift=false)
nullcheck = _nullcheck(nargs)
T = eltype(Z)
$(Expr(:meta, :noinline))
# destructure keeps and Xs tuples (common to both lifted and non-lifted broadcast)
@nexprs $nargs i->(keep_i = keeps[i])
@nexprs $nargs i->(Idefault_i = Idefaults[i])
if !lift
# destructure the keeps and As tuples
@nexprs $nargs i->(X_i = Xs[i])
@simd for I in CartesianRange(indices(Z))
# reverse-broadcast the indices
@nexprs $nargs i->(I_i = newindex(I, keep_i, Idefault_i))
# extract array values
@nexprs $nargs i->(@inbounds val_i = X_i[I_i])
# call the function and store the result
@inbounds Z[I] = @ncall $nargs f val
# destructure the indexmaps and Xs tuples
@nexprs $nargs i->(values_i = Xs[i].values)
@nexprs $nargs i->(isnull_i = Xs[i].isnull)
@simd for I in CartesianRange(indices(Z))
# reverse-broadcast the indices
@nexprs $nargs i->(I_i = newindex(I, keep_i, Idefault_i))
if $nullcheck
# if any args are null, store null
@inbounds Z.isnull[I] = true
# extract array values
@nexprs $nargs i->(@inbounds val_i = values_i[I_i])
# call the function and store the result
@inbounds Z[I] = @ncall $nargs f val
eltypes(x) = Tuple{eltype(x)}
eltypes(x, xs...) = Tuple{eltype(x), eltypes(xs...).parameters...}

broadcast_lift(f, xs...)
Lift function `f`, passing it arguments `xs...`, using standard lifting semantics:
for a function call `f(xs...)`, return null if any `x` in `xs` is null; otherwise,
return `f` applied to values of `xs`.
@inline function broadcast_lift(f, xs...)
if null_safe_op(f, map(typeof, xs)...)
# TODO: find a more efficient approach than mapreduce
# (i.e. one which gets lowedered to just isnull(x1) | isnull(x2) | ...)
return @compat Nullable(f(unsafe_get.(xs)...), !mapreduce(isnull, |, xs)
U = Core.Inference.return_type(f, eltypes(xs...))
# TODO: find a more efficient approach than mapreduce
# (i.e. one which gets lowedered to just isnull(x1) | isnull(x2) | ...)
if mapreduce(isnull, |, xs)
return Nullable{U}()
return Nullable(f(unsafe_get.(xs)...))

@doc """
`broadcast!(f, B::NullableArray, As::NullableArray...; lift::Bool=false)`
This method implements the same behavior as that of `broadcast!` when called
on regular `Array` arguments. It also includes the `lift` keyword argument,
which when set to true will lift `f` over the entries of the `As`.
Lifting is disabled by default. Note that this method's signature specifies
the destination `B` array as well as the source `As` arrays as all
`NullableArray`s. Thus, calling `broadcast!` on a arguments consisting of
both `Array`s and `NullableArray`s will fall back to the implementation of
`broadcast!` in `base/broadcast.jl`.
""" ->
# Required to solve dispatch ambiguity between
# broadcast!(f, X::AbstractArray, x::Number...)
# broadcast!(f, Z::NullableArrays.NullableArray, Xs::NullableArrays.NullableArray...)
@inline Base.broadcast!(f, Z::NullableArray; lift=false) =
broadcast!(f, Z, Z; lift=lift)

@inline function Base.broadcast!(f, Z::NullableArray, Xs::NullableArray...;
nargs = length(Xs)
shape = indices(Z)
check_broadcast_indices(shape, Xs...)
keeps, Idefaults = map_newindexer(shape, Xs)
Base.Broadcast._broadcast!(f, Z, keeps, Idefaults, Xs, Val{nargs}; lift=lift)
return Z
broadcast(f, As::NullableArray...)
Call `broadcast` with standard nullable lifting semantics and return a `NullableArray`.
Lifting means calling function `f` on the the values wrapped inside `Nullable` entries
of the input arrays, and returning null if any entry is missing.
function Base.broadcast{N}(f, As::Vararg{NullableArray, N})
f2(x...) = broadcast_lift(f, x...)
T = _default_eltype(Base.Generator{ziptype(As...), ftype(f2, As...)})
if isleaftype(T) && !(T <: Nullable)
dest = similar(Array{eltype(T)}, broadcast_indices(As...))
dest = similar(NullableArray{eltype(T)}, broadcast_indices(As...))
invoke(broadcast!, Tuple{Function, AbstractArray, Vararg{AbstractArray, N}}, f2, dest, As...)

@doc """
`broadcast(f, As::NullableArray...;lift::Bool=false)`
This method implements the same behavior as that of `broadcast` when called on
regular `Array` arguments. It also includes the `lift` keyword argument, which
when set to true will lift `f` over the entries of the `As`.
Lifting is disabled by default. Note that this method's signature specifies the
source `As` arrays as all `NullableArray`s. Thus, calling `broadcast!` on
arguments consisting of both `Array`s and `NullableArray`s will fall back to the
implementation of `broadcast` in `base/broadcast.jl`.
""" ->
@inline function Base.broadcast(f, Xs::NullableArray...;lift::Bool=false)
return broadcast!(f, NullableArray(eltype(promote_eltype(Xs...)),
Xs...; lift=lift)
function Base.broadcast!{N}(f, dest::AbstractArray, As::Vararg{NullableArray, N})
f2(x...) = broadcast_lift(f, x...)
invoke(broadcast!, Tuple{Function, AbstractArray, Vararg{AbstractArray, N}}, f2, dest, As...)

# broadcasted ops
Expand Down
5 changes: 2 additions & 3 deletions src/operators.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -20,8 +20,7 @@ if VERSION < v"0.5.0-dev+5096"

null_safe_op(f::Any, ::Type)::Bool
null_safe_op(f::Any, ::Type, ::Type)::Bool
null_safe_op(f::Any, ::Type...)::Bool
Returns whether an operation `f` can safely be applied to any value of the passed type(s).
Returns `false` by default.
Expand All @@ -38,7 +37,7 @@ always computing the result even for null values, a branch is avoided, which hel
null_safe_op(f::Any, ::Type) = false
null_safe_op(f::Any, ::Type, ::Type) = false
null_safe_op(f::Any, ::Type, ::Type...) = false

typealias SafeSignedInts Union{Int128,Int16,Int32,Int64,Int8}
typealias SafeUnsignedInts Union{Bool,UInt128,UInt16,UInt32,UInt64,UInt8}
Expand Down
37 changes: 14 additions & 23 deletions test/broadcast.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -31,15 +31,10 @@ module TestBroadcast
Z3 = NullableArray(Float64, 10, [dims; i]...)

f() = 5
f(x) = Nullable(5) * x
f(x, y) = x + y
f(x, y, z) = x + y + z
g() = 5
g(x::Float64) = 5 * x
g(x::Float64, y::Float64) = x * y
g(x::Float64, y::Float64, z::Float64) = x * y * z
f(x::Float64) = 5 * x
f(x::Float64, y::Float64) = x * y
f(x::Float64, y::Float64, z::Float64) = x * y * z

i = 1
for (dests, arrays, nullablearrays, mask) in
( ((C2, Z2), (A1, A2), (U1, U2), ()),
((C3, Z3), (A2, A3), (U2, U3), ()),
Expand All @@ -50,37 +45,25 @@ module TestBroadcast
((C3, Z3), (A1, A2, A3), (V1, V2, V3), (Q3,)),

# Base.broadcast!(f, B::NullableArray, As::NullableArray...; lift::Bool=false)
# Base.broadcast!(f, B::NullableArray, As::NullableArray...)
broadcast!(f, dests[1], arrays...)
broadcast!(f, dests[2], nullablearrays...)
@test isequal(dests[2], NullableArray(dests[1], mask...))

broadcast!(g, dests[1], arrays...)
broadcast!(g, dests[2], nullablearrays...; lift=true)
@test isequal(dests[2], NullableArray(dests[1], mask...))

# Base.broadcast(f, As::NullableArray...;lift::Bool=false)
# Base.broadcast(f, As::NullableArray...)
D = broadcast(f, arrays...)
X = broadcast(f, nullablearrays...)
@test isequal(X, NullableArray(D, mask...))

D = broadcast(g, arrays...)
X = broadcast(g, nullablearrays...; lift=true)
@test isequal(X, NullableArray(D, mask...))

# Base.broadcast!(f, X::NullableArray; lift::Bool=false)
# Base.broadcast!(f, X::NullableArray)
for (array, nullablearray, mask) in
( (A1, U1, ()), (A2, U2, ()), (A3, U3, ()),
(A1, V1, (M1,)), (A2, V2, (M2,)), (A3, V3, (M3,)),
broadcast!(f, array)
broadcast!(f, nullablearray)
@test isequal(nullablearray, NullableArray(array, mask...))

broadcast!(g, array)
broadcast!(g, nullablearray; lift=true)
@test isequal(nullablearray, NullableArray(array, mask...))

# test broadcasted arithmetic operators
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -111,5 +94,13 @@ module TestBroadcast
@test isequal(op(X1, Y), NullableArray(op(A, B), M))

A = rand(Bool, 100)
B = rand(Bool, 100)
M1 = rand(Bool, 100)
M2 = rand(Bool, 100)
X = NullableArray(A, M1)
Y = NullableArray(B, M2)
@test isequal(broadcast(&, X, Y), NullableArray(A & B, M1 | M2))
@test isequal(broadcast(|, X, Y), NullableArray(A | B, M1 | M2))

end # module

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