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Make LinearAlgebra.jl independent of SparseArrays.jl
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dkarrasch authored and KristofferC committed Jan 14, 2022
1 parent 8a506f4 commit f341c79
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Showing 3 changed files with 236 additions and 46 deletions.
16 changes: 2 additions & 14 deletions src/SparseArrays.jl
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Expand Up @@ -38,21 +38,9 @@ include("linalg.jl")

# temporarily moved here and commented out from from base/linalg/diagonal.jl, base/linalg/tridiag.jl
# and base/linalg/bidiag.jl due to their usage of spzeros
similar(B::Bidiagonal, ::Type{T}, dims::Union{Dims{1},Dims{2}}) where {T} = spzeros(T, dims...)
similar(D::Diagonal, ::Type{T}, dims::Union{Dims{1},Dims{2}}) where {T} = spzeros(T, dims...)
similar(S::SymTridiagonal, ::Type{T}, dims::Union{Dims{1},Dims{2}}) where {T} = spzeros(T, dims...)
similar(M::Tridiagonal, ::Type{T}, dims::Union{Dims{1},Dims{2}}) where {T} = spzeros(T, dims...)

zero(a::AbstractSparseArray) = spzeros(eltype(a), size(a)...)

const BiTriSym = Union{Bidiagonal,SymTridiagonal,Tridiagonal}
function *(A::BiTriSym, B::BiTriSym)
TS = promote_op(matprod, eltype(A), eltype(B))
mul!(similar(A, TS, size(A)...), A, B)

LinearAlgebra.diagzero(D::Diagonal{<:AbstractSparseMatrix{T}},i,j) where {T} = spzeros(T, size(D.diag[i], 1), size(D.diag[j], 2))
LinearAlgebra.diagzero(D::Diagonal{<:AbstractSparseMatrix{T}},i,j) where {T} =
spzeros(T, size(D.diag[i], 1), size(D.diag[j], 2))

36 changes: 4 additions & 32 deletions src/sparsevector.jl
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import Base: sort, findall, copy!
import LinearAlgebra: promote_to_array_type, promote_to_arrays_
using LinearAlgebra: _SpecialArrays, _DenseConcatGroup

### The SparseVector

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1062,30 +1063,16 @@ vcat(X::Union{Vector,SparseVector}...) = vcat(map(sparse, X)...)

### Concatenation of un/annotated sparse/special/dense vectors/matrices

# TODO: These methods and definitions should be moved to a more appropriate location,
# particularly some future equivalent of base/linalg/special.jl dedicated to interactions
# between a broader set of matrix types.

# TODO: A definition similar to the third exists in base/linalg/bidiag.jl. These definitions
# should be consolidated in a more appropriate location, e.g. base/linalg/special.jl.
const _SparseArrays = Union{SparseVector, AbstractSparseMatrixCSC, Adjoint{<:Any,<:SparseVector}, Transpose{<:Any,<:SparseVector}}
const _SpecialArrays = Union{Diagonal, Bidiagonal, Tridiagonal, SymTridiagonal}
const _SparseConcatArrays = Union{_SpecialArrays, _SparseArrays}

const _Symmetric_SparseConcatArrays{T,A<:_SparseConcatArrays} = Symmetric{T,A}
const _Hermitian_SparseConcatArrays{T,A<:_SparseConcatArrays} = Hermitian{T,A}
const _Triangular_SparseConcatArrays{T,A<:_SparseConcatArrays} = LinearAlgebra.AbstractTriangular{T,A}
const _Annotated_SparseConcatArrays = Union{_Triangular_SparseConcatArrays, _Symmetric_SparseConcatArrays, _Hermitian_SparseConcatArrays}

const _Symmetric_DenseArrays{T,A<:Matrix} = Symmetric{T,A}
const _Hermitian_DenseArrays{T,A<:Matrix} = Hermitian{T,A}
const _Triangular_DenseArrays{T,A<:Matrix} = LinearAlgebra.AbstractTriangular{T,A}
const _Annotated_DenseArrays = Union{_Triangular_DenseArrays, _Symmetric_DenseArrays, _Hermitian_DenseArrays}
const _Annotated_Typed_DenseArrays{T} = Union{_Triangular_DenseArrays{T}, _Symmetric_DenseArrays{T}, _Hermitian_DenseArrays{T}}

const _SparseConcatGroup = Union{Number, Vector, Adjoint{<:Any,<:Vector}, Transpose{<:Any,<:Vector}, Matrix, _SparseConcatArrays, _Annotated_SparseConcatArrays, _Annotated_DenseArrays}
const _DenseConcatGroup = Union{Number, Vector, Adjoint{<:Any,<:Vector}, Transpose{<:Any,<:Vector}, Matrix, _Annotated_DenseArrays}
const _TypedDenseConcatGroup{T} = Union{Vector{T}, Adjoint{T,Vector{T}}, Transpose{T,Vector{T}}, Matrix{T}, _Annotated_Typed_DenseArrays{T}}
# It's important that _SparseConcatGroup is a larger union than _DenseConcatGroup to make
# sparse cat-methods less specific and to kick in only if there is some sparse array present
const _SparseConcatGroup = Union{_DenseConcatGroup, _SparseConcatArrays, _Annotated_SparseConcatArrays}

# Concatenations involving un/annotated sparse/special matrices/vectors should yield sparse arrays
_makesparse(x::Number) = x
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1123,23 +1110,8 @@ _hvcat_rows(::Tuple{}, X::_SparseConcatGroup...) = ()

# make sure UniformScaling objects are converted to sparse matrices for concatenation
promote_to_array_type(A::Tuple{Vararg{Union{_SparseConcatGroup,UniformScaling}}}) = SparseMatrixCSC
promote_to_array_type(A::Tuple{Vararg{Union{_DenseConcatGroup,UniformScaling}}}) = Matrix
promote_to_arrays_(n::Int, ::Type{SparseMatrixCSC}, J::UniformScaling) = sparse(J, n, n)

# Concatenations strictly involving un/annotated dense matrices/vectors should yield dense arrays
Base._cat(dims, xs::_DenseConcatGroup...) = Base.cat_t(promote_eltype(xs...), xs...; dims=dims)
vcat(A::Vector...) = Base.typed_vcat(promote_eltype(A...), A...)
vcat(A::_DenseConcatGroup...) = Base.typed_vcat(promote_eltype(A...), A...)
hcat(A::Vector...) = Base.typed_hcat(promote_eltype(A...), A...)
hcat(A::_DenseConcatGroup...) = Base.typed_hcat(promote_eltype(A...), A...)
hvcat(rows::Tuple{Vararg{Int}}, xs::_DenseConcatGroup...) = Base.typed_hvcat(promote_eltype(xs...), rows, xs...)
# For performance, specially handle the case where the matrices/vectors have homogeneous eltype
Base._cat(dims, xs::_TypedDenseConcatGroup{T}...) where {T} = Base.cat_t(T, xs...; dims=dims)
vcat(A::_TypedDenseConcatGroup{T}...) where {T} = Base.typed_vcat(T, A...)
hcat(A::_TypedDenseConcatGroup{T}...) where {T} = Base.typed_hcat(T, A...)
hvcat(rows::Tuple{Vararg{Int}}, xs::_TypedDenseConcatGroup{T}...) where {T} = Base.typed_hvcat(T, rows, xs...)

### math functions

### Unary Map
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230 changes: 230 additions & 0 deletions test/sparse.jl
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# constructor methods well-exercised by the immediately preceding testset
@test sparse(2I, 3, 4)::SparseMatrixCSC{Int,Int} == Matrix(2I, 3, 4)
@test sparse(2I, (3, 4))::SparseMatrixCSC{Int,Int} == Matrix(2I, 3, 4)
@test sparse(3I, 4, 5) == sparse(1:4, 1:4, 3, 4, 5)
@test sparse(3I, 5, 4) == sparse(1:4, 1:4, 3, 5, 4)

se33 = SparseMatrixCSC{Float64}(I, 3, 3)
Expand All @@ -154,6 +156,33 @@ do33 = fill(1.,3)
@test_throws DimensionMismatch map(|, sqrboolmat, colboolmat)
@test_throws DimensionMismatch map(xor, sqrboolmat, colboolmat)

# ascertain inference friendliness, ref.
sparsevec = SparseVector([1.0, 2.0, 3.0])
@test map(-, Adjoint(sparsevec), Adjoint(sparsevec)) isa Adjoint{Float64,SparseVector{Float64,Int}}
@test map(-, Transpose(sparsevec), Transpose(sparsevec)) isa Transpose{Float64,SparseVector{Float64,Int}}
@test broadcast(-, Adjoint(sparsevec), Adjoint(sparsevec)) isa Adjoint{Float64,SparseVector{Float64,Int}}
@test broadcast(-, Transpose(sparsevec), Transpose(sparsevec)) isa Transpose{Float64,SparseVector{Float64,Int}}
@test broadcast(+, Adjoint(sparsevec), 1.0, Adjoint(sparsevec)) isa Adjoint{Float64,SparseVector{Float64,Int}}
@test broadcast(+, Transpose(sparsevec), 1.0, Transpose(sparsevec)) isa Transpose{Float64,SparseVector{Float64,Int}}

@testset "binary ops with matrices" begin
λ = complex(randn(),randn())
J = UniformScaling(λ)
B = bitrand(2, 2)
@test B + I == B + Matrix(I, size(B))
@test I + B == B + Matrix(I, size(B))
AA = randn(2, 2)
for SS in (sprandn(3,3, 0.5), sparse(Int(1)I, 3, 3))
for S in (SS, view(SS, 1:3, 1:3))
@test @inferred(I*S) !== S # Don't alias
@test @inferred(S*I) !== S # Don't alias

@test @inferred(S*J) == S*λ
@test @inferred(J*S) == S*λ

@testset "Issue #30006" begin
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -194,6 +223,14 @@ end
@test nnz(blockdiag()) == 0

@testset "Diagonal of sparse matrices" begin
s = sparse([1 2; 3 4])
D = Diagonal([s, s])
@test D[1, 1] == s
@test D[1, 2] == zero(s)
@test isa(D[2, 1], SparseMatrixCSC)

@testset "concatenation promotion" begin
sz41_f32 = spzeros(Float32, 4, 1)
se33_i32 = sparse(Int32(1)I, 3, 3)
Expand All @@ -213,6 +250,141 @@ end
@test [a[1:2,1:2] a[1:2,3:4]; a[3:5,1] [a[3:4,2:4]; a[5:5,2:4]]] == a

# should all yield sparse arrays
@testset "concatenations of combinations of special and other matrix types" begin
N = 4
diagmat = Diagonal(1:N)
bidiagmat = Bidiagonal(1:N, 1:(N-1), :U)
tridiagmat = Tridiagonal(1:(N-1), 1:N, 1:(N-1))
symtridiagmat = SymTridiagonal(1:N, 1:(N-1))
specialmats = (diagmat, bidiagmat, tridiagmat, symtridiagmat)
# Test concatenating pairwise combinations of special matrices with sparse matrices,
# dense matrices, or dense vectors
spmat = spdiagm(0 => fill(1., N))
spvec = sparse(fill(1., N))
for specialmat in specialmats
# --> Tests applicable only to pairs of matrices
@test issparse(vcat(specialmat, spmat))
@test issparse(vcat(spmat, specialmat))
# --> Tests applicable also to pairs including vectors
for specialmat in specialmats, othermatorvec in (spmat, spvec)
@test issparse(hcat(specialmat, othermatorvec))
@test issparse(hcat(othermatorvec, specialmat))
@test issparse(hvcat((2,), specialmat, othermatorvec))
@test issparse(hvcat((2,), othermatorvec, specialmat))
@test issparse(cat(specialmat, othermatorvec; dims=(1,2)))
@test issparse(cat(othermatorvec, specialmat; dims=(1,2)))

# Test that concatenations of annotated sparse/special matrix types with other matrix
# types yield sparse arrays, and that the code which effects that does not make concatenations
# strictly involving un/annotated dense matrices yield sparse arrays
@testset "concatenations of annotated types" begin
N = 4
# The tested annotation types
testfull = Bool(parse(Int,(get(ENV, "JULIA_TESTFULL", "0"))))
utriannotations = (UpperTriangular, UnitUpperTriangular)
ltriannotations = (LowerTriangular, UnitLowerTriangular)
triannotations = (utriannotations..., ltriannotations...)
symannotations = (Symmetric, Hermitian)
annotations = testfull ? (triannotations..., symannotations...) : (LowerTriangular, Symmetric)
# Concatenations involving these types, un/annotated, should yield sparse arrays
spvec = spzeros(N)
spmat = sparse(1.0I, N, N)
diagmat = Diagonal(1:N)
bidiagmat = Bidiagonal(1:N, 1:(N-1), :U)
tridiagmat = Tridiagonal(1:(N-1), 1:N, 1:(N-1))
symtridiagmat = SymTridiagonal(1:N, 1:(N-1))
sparseconcatmats = testfull ? (spmat, diagmat, bidiagmat, tridiagmat, symtridiagmat) : (spmat, diagmat)
# Concatenations involving strictly these types, un/annotated, should yield dense arrays
densevec = fill(1., N)
densemat = fill(1., N, N)
# Annotated collections
annodmats = [annot(densemat) for annot in annotations]
annospcmats = [annot(spmat) for annot in annotations]
# Test that concatenations of pairwise combinations of annotated sparse/special
# yield sparse matrices
for annospcmata in annospcmats, annospcmatb in annospcmats
@test issparse(vcat(annospcmata, annospcmatb))
@test issparse(hcat(annospcmata, annospcmatb))
@test issparse(hvcat((2,), annospcmata, annospcmatb))
@test issparse(cat(annospcmata, annospcmatb; dims=(1,2)))
# Test that concatenations of pairwise combinations of annotated sparse/special
# matrices and other matrix/vector types yield sparse matrices
for annospcmat in annospcmats
# --> Tests applicable to pairs including only matrices
for othermat in (densemat, annodmats..., sparseconcatmats...)
@test issparse(vcat(annospcmat, othermat))
@test issparse(vcat(othermat, annospcmat))
# --> Tests applicable to pairs including other vectors or matrices
for other in (spvec, densevec, densemat, annodmats..., sparseconcatmats...)
@test issparse(hcat(annospcmat, other))
@test issparse(hcat(other, annospcmat))
@test issparse(hvcat((2,), annospcmat, other))
@test issparse(hvcat((2,), other, annospcmat))
@test issparse(cat(annospcmat, other; dims=(1,2)))
@test issparse(cat(other, annospcmat; dims=(1,2)))
# The preceding tests should cover multi-way combinations of those types, but for good
# measure test a few multi-way combinations involving those types
@test issparse(vcat(spmat, densemat, annospcmats[1], annodmats[2]))
@test issparse(vcat(densemat, spmat, annodmats[1], annospcmats[2]))
@test issparse(hcat(spvec, annodmats[1], annospcmats[1], densevec, diagmat))
@test issparse(hcat(annodmats[2], annospcmats[2], spvec, densevec, diagmat))
@test issparse(hvcat((5,), diagmat, densevec, spvec, annodmats[1], annospcmats[1]))
@test issparse(hvcat((5,), spvec, annodmats[2], diagmat, densevec, annospcmats[2]))
@test issparse(cat(annodmats[1], diagmat, annospcmats[2], densevec, spvec; dims=(1,2)))
@test issparse(cat(spvec, diagmat, densevec, annospcmats[1], annodmats[2]; dims=(1,2)))

@testset "hcat and vcat involving UniformScaling" begin
@test_throws ArgumentError hcat(I)
@test_throws ArgumentError [I I]
@test_throws ArgumentError vcat(I)
@test_throws ArgumentError [I; I]
@test_throws ArgumentError [I I; I]

A = SparseMatrixCSC(rand(3,4))
B = SparseMatrixCSC(rand(3,3))
C = SparseMatrixCSC(rand(0,3))
D = SparseMatrixCSC(rand(2,0))
E = SparseMatrixCSC(rand(1,3))
F = SparseMatrixCSC(rand(3,1))
α = rand()
@test (hcat(A, 2I))::SparseMatrixCSC == hcat(A, Matrix(2I, 3, 3))
@test (hcat(E, α))::SparseMatrixCSC == hcat(E, [α])
@test (hcat(E, α, 2I))::SparseMatrixCSC == hcat(E, [α], fill(2, 1, 1))
@test (vcat(A, 2I))::SparseMatrixCSC == vcat(A, Matrix(2I, 4, 4))
@test (vcat(F, α))::SparseMatrixCSC == vcat(F, [α])
@test (vcat(F, α, 2I))::SparseMatrixCSC == vcat(F, [α], fill(2, 1, 1))
@test (hcat(C, 2I))::SparseMatrixCSC == C
@test_throws DimensionMismatch hcat(C, α)
@test (vcat(D, 2I))::SparseMatrixCSC == D
@test_throws DimensionMismatch vcat(D, α)
@test (hcat(I, 3I, A, 2I))::SparseMatrixCSC == hcat(Matrix(I, 3, 3), Matrix(3I, 3, 3), A, Matrix(2I, 3, 3))
@test (vcat(I, 3I, A, 2I))::SparseMatrixCSC == vcat(Matrix(I, 4, 4), Matrix(3I, 4, 4), A, Matrix(2I, 4, 4))
@test (hvcat((2,1,2), B, 2I, I, 3I, 4I))::SparseMatrixCSC ==
hvcat((2,1,2), B, Matrix(2I, 3, 3), Matrix(I, 6, 6), Matrix(3I, 3, 3), Matrix(4I, 3, 3))
@test hvcat((3,1), C, C, I, 3I)::SparseMatrixCSC == hvcat((2,1), C, C, Matrix(3I, 6,6))
@test hvcat((2,2,2), I, 2I, 3I, 4I, C, C)::SparseMatrixCSC ==
hvcat((2,2,2), Matrix(I, 3, 3), Matrix(2I, 3,3 ), Matrix(3I, 3,3), Matrix(4I, 3,3), C, C)
@test hvcat((2,2,4), C, C, I, 2I, 3I, 4I, 5I, D)::SparseMatrixCSC ==
hvcat((2,2,4), C, C, Matrix(I, 3, 3), Matrix(2I,3,3),
Matrix(3I, 2, 2), Matrix(4I, 2, 2), Matrix(5I,2,2), D)
@test (hvcat((2,3,2), B, 2I, C, C, I, 3I, 4I))::SparseMatrixCSC ==
hvcat((2,2,2), B, Matrix(2I, 3, 3), C, C, Matrix(3I, 3, 3), Matrix(4I, 3, 3))
@test hvcat((3,2,1), C, C, I, B ,3I, 2I)::SparseMatrixCSC ==
hvcat((2,2,1), C, C, B, Matrix(3I,3,3), Matrix(2I,6,6))
@test (hvcat((1,2), A, E, α))::SparseMatrixCSC == hvcat((1,2), A, E, [α]) == hvcat((1,2), A, E, α*I)
@test (hvcat((2,2), α, E, F, 3I))::SparseMatrixCSC == hvcat((2,2), [α], E, F, Matrix(3I, 3, 3))
@test (hvcat((2,2), 3I, F, E, α))::SparseMatrixCSC == hvcat((2,2), Matrix(3I, 3, 3), F, E, [α])

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -2023,6 +2195,31 @@ end
@test_throws LinearAlgebra.SingularException UpperTriangular(A)\b

@testset "Diagonal linear solve" begin
n = 12
for relty in (Float32, Float64), elty in (relty, Complex{relty})
dd=convert(Vector{elty}, randn(n))
if elty <: Complex
dd+=im*convert(Vector{elty}, randn(n))
D = Diagonal(dd)
b = rand(elty, n, n)
b = sparse(b)
@test ldiv!(D, copy(b)) Array(D)\Array(b)
@test_throws SingularException ldiv!(Diagonal(zeros(elty, n)), copy(b))
b = rand(elty, n+1, n+1)
b = sparse(b)
@test_throws DimensionMismatch ldiv!(D, copy(b))
b = view(rand(elty, n+1), Vector(1:n+1))
@test_throws DimensionMismatch ldiv!(D, b)
for b in (sparse(rand(elty,n,n)), sparse(rand(elty,n)))
@test lmul!(copy(D), copy(b)) Array(D)*Array(b)
@test lmul!(transpose(copy(D)), copy(b)) transpose(Array(D))*Array(b)
@test lmul!(adjoint(copy(D)), copy(b)) Array(D)'*Array(b)

@testset "issue described in!topic/julia-dev/QT7qpIpgOaA" begin
@test sparse([1,1], [1,1], [true, true]) == sparse([1,1], [1,1], [true, true], 1, 1) == fill(true, 1, 1)
@test sparsevec([1,1], [true, true]) == sparsevec([1,1], [true, true], 1) == fill(true, 1)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -2211,6 +2408,13 @@ end
@test_throws BoundsError setindex!(A, [4.0, 5.0, 6.0], 3, 4)

@testset "issue #29644" begin
F = lu(Tridiagonal(sparse(1.0I, 3, 3)))
@test F.L == Matrix(I, 3, 3)
@test startswith(sprint(show, MIME("text/plain"), F),
"$(LinearAlgebra.LU){Float64, $(LinearAlgebra.Tridiagonal){Float64, SparseArrays.SparseVector")

@testset "isstored" begin
m = 5
n = 4
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -2466,6 +2670,32 @@ end
@test similar(A, Float32, Int8, 6) == similar(A, Float32, Int8, (6,))

@testset "similar should preserve underlying storage type and uplo flag" begin
m, n = 4, 3
sparsemat = sprand(m, m, 0.5)
for SymType in (Symmetric, Hermitian)
symsparsemat = SymType(sparsemat)
@test isa(similar(symsparsemat), typeof(symsparsemat))
@test similar(symsparsemat).uplo == symsparsemat.uplo
@test isa(similar(symsparsemat, Float32), SymType{Float32,<:SparseMatrixCSC{Float32}})
@test similar(symsparsemat, Float32).uplo == symsparsemat.uplo
@test isa(similar(symsparsemat, (n, n)), typeof(sparsemat))
@test isa(similar(symsparsemat, Float32, (n, n)), SparseMatrixCSC{Float32})

@testset "similar should preserve underlying storage type" begin
local m, n = 4, 3
sparsemat = sprand(m, m, 0.5)
for TriType in (UpperTriangular, LowerTriangular, UnitUpperTriangular, UnitLowerTriangular)
trisparsemat = TriType(sparsemat)
@test isa(similar(trisparsemat), typeof(trisparsemat))
@test isa(similar(trisparsemat, Float32), TriType{Float32,<:SparseMatrixCSC{Float32}})
@test isa(similar(trisparsemat, (n, n)), typeof(sparsemat))
@test isa(similar(trisparsemat, Float32, (n, n)), SparseMatrixCSC{Float32})

@testset "count specializations" begin
# count should throw for sparse arrays for which zero(eltype) does not exist
@test_throws MethodError count(SparseMatrixCSC(2, 2, Int[1, 2, 3], Int[1, 2], Any[true, true]))
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