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Merge pull request #955 from JuliaRobotics/fix/4Q20/910
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utils into CSM states instead, sibling dwn init
  • Loading branch information
dehann authored Oct 8, 2020
2 parents e3c0b52 + ea7d822 commit 0e665cf
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Showing 9 changed files with 628 additions and 417 deletions.
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion src/CSMCommon_Consolidate.jl
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Expand Up @@ -272,7 +272,7 @@ function sendCurrentUpMsg_StateMachine(csmc::CliqStateMachineContainer)

# consolidated up messaging (#459)
infocsm(csmc, "8k, sendCurrentUpMsg_StateMachine -- putting fake upinitmsg in this cliq")
upmsg = prepCliqueMsgUpConsolidated(csmc.cliqSubFg, csmc.cliq, getCliqueStatus(csmc.cliq))
upmsg = prepCliqueMsgUpConsolidated(csmc.cliqSubFg, csmc.cliq, getCliqueStatus(csmc.cliq), logger=csmc.logger)
prepPutCliqueStatusMsgUp!(csmc, upmsg=upmsg)

# also send a down message -- seem weird while doing #459 but okay
Expand Down
379 changes: 379 additions & 0 deletions src/CSM_SiblDwnInit_fetch.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,379 @@
# Downward initialization through a cascading model
# these functions need to be consolidated refactored and deprecated accordingly
# see #910

## ============================================================================================
## Down init sibling priority order
## ============================================================================================

Test waiting order between siblings for cascading downward tree initialization.
- State machine function 8j.
- FIXME, this guy is never called during WIP of 459 dwnMsg consolidation
- FIXME, something wrong with CSM sequencing,
- This might be replaced with 4-stroke tree-init.
function dwnInitSiblingWaitOrder_StateMachine(csmc::CliqStateMachineContainer)

prnt_ = getParent(csmc.tree, csmc.cliq)
if 0 == length(prnt_)
# go to 7
return determineCliqNeedDownMsg_StateMachine
prnt = prnt_[1]

opt = getSolverParams(csmc.cliqSubFg) # csmc.dfg

# now get the newly computed message from the appropriate container
# make sure this is a pull model #674 (pull msg from source/prnt)
# FIXME must be consolidated as part of #459
# dwinmsgs = getfetchCliqueInitMsgDown(getCliqueData(prnt), from=:dwnInitSiblingWaitOrder_StateMachine)
dwinmsgs = fetchDwnMsgConsolidated(prnt)
dwnkeys_ = collect(keys(dwinmsgs.belief))
infocsm(csmc, "8j, dwnInitSiblingWaitOrder_StateMachine, dwinmsgs keys=$(dwnkeys_)")

# add downward belief prop msgs
msgfcts = addMsgFactors!(csmc.cliqSubFg, dwinmsgs, DownwardPass)
## update solveable dims with newly avaiable init information
# determine if more info is needed for partial
sdims = getCliqVariableMoreInitDims(csmc.cliqSubFg, csmc.cliq)
infocsm(csmc, "8j, dwnInitSiblingWaitOrder_StateMachine, sdims=$(sdims)")
updateCliqSolvableDims!(csmc.cliq, sdims, csmc.logger)

_dbgCSMSaveSubFG(csmc, "fg_DWNCMN_8j")

## FIXME, if this new, and all sibling clique's solvableDim are 0, then go back to waitChangeOnParentCondition_StateMachine

# go to 8o.i
return testDirectDwnInit_StateMachine

Can this clique initialize directly from available down message info?
- State machine function nr. 8o.i
- Assume must have parent since this only occurs after 8j.
function testDirectDwnInit_StateMachine(csmc::CliqStateMachineContainer)

prnt = getParent(csmc.tree, csmc.cliq)[1]
dwinmsgs = fetchDwnMsgConsolidated(prnt)
dwnkeys_ = collect(keys(dwinmsgs.belief))
# NOTE, only use separators, not all parent variables (DF ???)
# dwnkeys_ = lsf(csmc.cliqSubFg, tags=[:DOWNWARD_COMMON;]) .|> x->ls(csmc.cliqSubFg, x)[1]
# @assert length(intersect(dwnkeys, dwnkeys_)) == length(dwnkeys) "split dwnkeys_ is not the same, $dwnkeys, and $dwnkeys_, separators: $(getCliqSeparatorVarIds(csmc.cliq))"

# priorize solve order for mustinitdown with lowest dependency first
# follow example from issue #344
# mustwait = false
if length(intersect(dwnkeys_, getCliqSeparatorVarIds(csmc.cliq))) == 0
# can directly use DOWNWARD_COMMON
infocsm(csmc, "8j, dwnInitSiblingWaitOrder_StateMachine, no can do, must wait for siblings to update parent first.")
# mustwait = true

# go to 8o.iv
return sibsDwnPriorityInit_StateMachine

# go to 8o.ii
return testDelayOrderDwnInit_StateMachine

Return true if this clique's down init should be delayed on account of prioritization among sibling separators.
- State machine function nr. 8o.ii
- process described in issue #344
Dev Notes
- not priorizing order yet (TODO), just avoiding unsolvables at this time.
- Very closely related to 8o.iii -- refactor likely (NOTE).
- should precompute `allinters`.
- # FIXME ON FIRE, this is doing `getCliqueStatus` of siblings without following channels.
- NOTE This is only used in old tree-init, not part of active regular solve code.
- See #954
function testDelayOrderDwnInit_StateMachine(csmc::CliqStateMachineContainer)

prnt = getParent(csmc.tree, csmc.cliq)[1]
dwinmsgs = fetchDwnMsgConsolidated(prnt)
dwnkeys = collect(keys(dwinmsgs.belief))

tree = csmc.tree
cliq = csmc.cliq
logger = csmc.logger

# when is a cliq upsolved
solvedstats = Symbol[:upsolved; :marginalized; :uprecycled]

# safety net double check
cliqst = getCliqueStatus(cliq)
if cliqst in solvedstats
infocsm(csmc, "getSiblingsDelayOrder -- clique status should not be here with a solved cliqst=$cliqst")
# go to 8o.iii
return testPartialNeedsDwnInit_StateMachine

# get siblings separators
sibs = getCliqSiblings(tree, cliq, true)
ids = map(s->s.index, sibs)
len = length(sibs)
sibidx = collect(1:len)[ids .== cliq.index][1]
seps = getCliqSeparatorVarIds.(sibs)
lielbls = setdiff(ids, cliq.index)
# get intersect matrix of siblings (should be exactly the same across siblings' csm)
allinters = Array{Int,2}(undef, len, len)
dwninters = Vector{Int}(undef, len)
infocsm(csmc, "getSiblingsDelayOrder -- number siblings=$(len), sibidx=$sibidx")

# sum matrix with all "up solved" rows and columns eliminated
fill!(allinters, 0)
for i in 1:len
for j in i:len
if i != j
allinters[i,j] = length(intersect(seps[i],seps[j]))
dwninters[i] = length(intersect(seps[i], dwnkeys))

# sum "across/over" rows, then columns (i.e. visa versa "along" columns then rows)
rows = sum(allinters, dims=1)
cols = sum(allinters, dims=2)

infocsm(csmc, "getSiblingsDelayOrder -- allinters=$(allinters), getSiblingsDelayOrder -- rows=$(rows), getSiblingsDelayOrder -- rows=$(cols)")

# is this clique a non-zero row -- i.e. sum across columns? if not, no further special care needed
if cols[sibidx] == 0
infocsm(csmc, "getSiblingsDelayOrder -- cols[sibidx=$(sibidx))] == 0, no special care needed")
# go to 8o.iii
return testPartialNeedsDwnInit_StateMachine

# now determine if initializing from below or needdownmsg
if cliqst in Symbol[:needdownmsg;]
# be super careful about delay (true) vs pass (false) at this point -- might be partial too TODO
# return true if delay beneficial to initialization accuracy

# find which siblings this cliq epends on
symm = allinters + allinters'
maskcol = 0 .< symm[:,sibidx]
# lenm = length(maskcol)
stat = Vector{Symbol}(undef, len)
stillbusymask = fill(false, len)

# get each sibling status (entering atomic computation segment -- until wait command)
stat .= getCliqueStatus.(sibs) #[maskcol]

## (long down chain case)
# need different behaviour when all remaining siblings are blocking with :needdownmsg
remainingmask = stat .== :needdownmsg
if sum(remainingmask) == length(stat)
infocsm(csmc, "getSiblingsDelayOrder -- all blocking: sum(remainingmask) == length(stat), stat=$stat")
# pick sibling with most overlap in down msgs from parent
# list of similar length siblings
candidates = dwninters .== maximum(dwninters)
if candidates[sibidx]
# must also pick minimized intersect with other remaing siblings
maxcan = collect(1:len)[candidates]
infocsm(csmc, "getSiblingsDelayOrder -- candidates=$candidates, maxcan=$maxcan, rows=$rows")
if rows[sibidx] == minimum(rows[maxcan])
infocsm(csmc, "getSiblingsDelayOrder -- FORCE DOWN INIT SOLVE ON THIS CLIQUE: $(cliq.index), $(getLabel(cliq))")
# go to 8o.iii
return testPartialNeedsDwnInit_StateMachine
infocsm(csmc, "getSiblingsDelayOrder -- not a max and should block")
# go to 8o.iv
return sibsDwnPriorityInit_StateMachine

# still busy solving on branches, so potential to delay
for i in 1:len
stillbusymask[i] = maskcol[i] && !(stat[i] in solvedstats)
infocsm(csmc, "getSiblingsDelayOrder -- busy solving: maskcol=$maskcol, stillbusy=$stillbusymask")

# Too blunt -- should already have returned false by this point perhaps
if 0 < sum(stillbusymask)
# yes something to delay about
infocsm(csmc, "getSiblingsDelayOrder -- yes delay, stat=$stat symm=$symm")

# go to 8o.iv
return sibsDwnPriorityInit_StateMachine

infocsm(csmc, "getSiblingsDelayOrder -- default will not delay")
# carry over default from partial init process

# go to 8o.iii
return testPartialNeedsDwnInit_StateMachine

Return true if both, i.) this clique requires more downward information, ii.) more
downward message information could potentially become available.
- State machine function nr. 8o.iii
- Delay initialization to the last possible moment.
Dev Notes:
- # FIXME ON FIRE, this is doing `getCliqueStatus` of siblings without following channels.
- NOTE This is only used in old tree-init, not part of active regular solve code.
- See #954
- Determine clique truely isn't able to proceed any further:
- should be as self reliant as possible (using clique's status as indicator)
- change status to :mustinitdown if have only partial beliefs so far:
- combination of status, while partials belief siblings are not :mustinitdown
function testPartialNeedsDwnInit_StateMachine(csmc::CliqStateMachineContainer)
prnt = getParent(csmc.tree, csmc.cliq)[1]
dwinmsgs = fetchDwnMsgConsolidated(prnt)

tree = csmc.tree
cliq = csmc.cliq
logger = csmc.logger

# which incoming messages are partials
hasPartials = Dict{Symbol, Int}()
for (sym, tmsg) in dwinmsgs.belief
# assuming any down message per label that is not partial voids further partial consideration
if sum(tmsg.inferdim) > 0
if !haskey(hasPartials, sym)
hasPartials[sym] = 0
hasPartials[sym] += 1
partialKeys = collect(keys(hasPartials))

## determine who might be able to help init this cliq
# check sibling separator sets against this clique's separator
sibs = getCliqSiblings(tree, cliq)

infocsm(csmc, "getCliqSiblingsPartialNeeds -- CHECK PARTIAL")
# identify which cliques might have useful information
localsep = getCliqSeparatorVarIds(cliq)
seps = Dict{Int, Vector{Symbol}}()
for si in sibs
# @show getLabel(si)
mighthave = intersect(getCliqSeparatorVarIds(si), localsep)
if length(mighthave) > 0
seps[si.index] = mighthave
if getCliqueStatus(si) in [:initialized; :null; :needdownmsg]
# partials treated special -- this is slightly hacky
if length(intersect(localsep, partialKeys)) > 0 && length(mighthave) > 0
# this sibling might have info to delay about
# go to 8o.iv
return sibsDwnPriorityInit_StateMachine
# determine if those cliques will / or will not be able to provide more info
# when does clique change to :mustinitdown
# default

# go to 8e.ii.
return tryDwnInitCliq_StateMachine

Return true there is no other sibling that will make progress.
- State machine function nr. 8o.iv
- Relies on sibling priority order with only one "currently best" option that will force progress in global upward inference.
- Return false if one of the siblings is still busy
- # FIXME ON FIRE, calling getCliqueStatus of siblings directly
- Only used for older tree init, not part of regular up-down solving code
- see #954
- Best is likely if parent actually made determination on which child to solve first in this case.
function sibsDwnPriorityInit_StateMachine(csmc::CliqStateMachineContainer)

tree = csmc.tree
cliq = csmc.cliq
prnt_ = getParent(tree, cliq)
prnt = prnt_[1]

dwinmsgs = fetchDwnMsgConsolidated(prnt)
dwnkeys_ = collect(keys(dwinmsgs.belief))

solvord = getCliqSiblingsPriorityInitOrder( csmc.tree, prnt, dwinmsgs, csmc.logger )

# noOneElse = areSiblingsRemaingNeedDownOnly(csmc.tree, csmc.cliq)
noOneElse = true
stillbusylist = [:null; :initialized;]
if 0 < length(prnt_)
for si in getChildren(tree, prnt)
# are any of the other siblings still busy?
if si.index != cliq.index && getCliqueStatus(si) in stillbusylist
noOneElse = false
# nope, everybody is waiting for something to change -- proceed with forcing a cliq solve

infocsm(csmc, "8j, dwnInitSiblingWaitOrder_StateMachine, $(prnt.index), $noOneElse, solvord = $solvord")

if csmc.cliq.index != solvord[1]
# TODO, is this needed? fails hex if included with correction :needdowninit --> :needdownmsg
# if dwinmsgs.status == :initialized && getCliqueStatus(csmc.cliq) == :needdownmsg # used to be :needdowninit
# # go to 7e
# return slowWhileInit_StateMachine
# end

infocsm(csmc, "8j, dwnInitSiblingWaitOrder_StateMachine, must wait on change.")
# remove all message factors
# remove msg factors previously added
fctstorm = deleteMsgFactors!(csmc.cliqSubFg, [:DOWNWARD_COMMON])
infocsm(csmc, "8j, dwnInitSiblingWaitOrder_StateMachine, removing factors $fctstorm")

# go to 8c
return waitChangeOnParentCondition_StateMachine

# go to 8e.ii.
return tryDwnInitCliq_StateMachine


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