2812 commits
to master
since this release
Plots v0.29.5
Closed issues:
- subplot views (#541)
- heatmap and inset histogram (#628)
- Incorrect axis spacing in heatmap + curve plot (#630)
- Inconsistent behavior among backends for
of different length (#1151) - GR subplots do not appear in log-scale (#1338)
- primary attribute not taking effect in nested series (#1495)
- use equal aspect ratio by default for images? (#1898)
- example is not working (#2019)
- docs example not working (#2088)
- Plot recipe for type is much slower than actual plot command (#2106)
- Better integration with CategoricalArrays.jl in keyword attributes (#2173)
- Issue with reshaped arrays (#2220)
- Set default dpi to 600 (#2271)
- User recipe example fails (#2418)
- pie and theme(:ggplot2) (#2431)
- Erroneous legend line-properties with pgfplotsx() (#2432)
Merged pull requests:
- New recipe: lens (#2372) (@BeastyBlacksmith)
- use equal aspect ratio by default for images (#2427) (@daschw)
- CompatHelper: bump compat for "GeometryTypes" to "0.8" (#2428) (@github-actions[bot])
- cache artifacts in CI services (#2433) (@daschw)
- Format changes to examples.jl and recipes.jl (#2434) (@BeastyBlacksmith)
- fix legends with skipped entries (#2435) (@BeastyBlacksmith)
- fix gr image lims (#2436) (@daschw)
- bump version (#2437) (@daschw)