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near v0.16.0 (#196)
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addAlternativeHybridizations!: several bugs fixed, tests added.
directionalconflict: removed unused argument net (API change, but in internal function).
fixed links in doc.
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cecileane authored Mar 30, 2023
1 parent b256b1a commit 6b5828e
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Showing 9 changed files with 131 additions and 98 deletions.
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion Project.toml
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@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
name = "PhyloNetworks"
uuid = "33ad39ac-ed31-50eb-9b15-43d0656eaa72"
license = "MIT"
version = "0.15.3"
version = "0.16.0"

BioSequences = "7e6ae17a-c86d-528c-b3b9-7f778a29fe59"
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4 changes: 2 additions & 2 deletions
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Expand Up @@ -70,8 +70,8 @@ with or without transgressive evolution after reticulations:
Systematic Biology, 67(5):800–820.
SI on [dryad](
including a [tutorial for trait evolution](
and a [tutorial for network calibration](
including a tutorial for trait evolution
and a tutorial for network calibration.

Continuous traits, accounting for within-species variation:

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9 changes: 4 additions & 5 deletions src/addHybrid.jl
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Expand Up @@ -103,13 +103,13 @@ function addhybridedge!(net::HybridNetwork, nohybridladder::Bool, no3cycle::Bool
hybridpartnernew = (fixroot ? true : rand() > 0.2) # if true: partner hybrid = new edge above edge 2
## check that the new network will be a DAG: no directional conflict
if directionalconflict(net, p1, edge2, hybridpartnernew)
if directionalconflict(p1, edge2, hybridpartnernew)
if fixroot # don't try to change the direction of edge2
push!(blacklist, (e1,e2))
end # else: try harder: change direction of edge2 and move root
hybridpartnernew = !hybridpartnernew # try again with opposite
if directionalconflict(net, p1, edge2, hybridpartnernew)
if directionalconflict(p1, edge2, hybridpartnernew)
push!(blacklist, (e1,e2))
end # else: switching hybridpartnernew worked
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -231,8 +231,7 @@ function hybrid3cycle(edge1::Edge, edge2::Edge)

directionalconflict(net::HybridNetwork, parent::Node, edge::Edge,
directionalconflict(parent::Node, edge::Edge, hybridpartnernew::Bool)
Check if creating a hybrid edge down of `parent` node into the middle of `edge`
would create a directed cycle in `net`, i.e. not a DAG. The proposed hybrid
Expand All @@ -243,7 +242,7 @@ Does *not* modify the network.
Output: `true` if a conflict would arise (non-DAG), `false` if no conflict.
function directionalconflict(net::HybridNetwork, parent::Node, edge2::Edge, hybridpartnernew::Bool)
function directionalconflict(parent::Node, edge2::Edge, hybridpartnernew::Bool)
if hybridpartnernew # all edges would retain their directions: use isChild1 fields
c2 = getchild(edge2)
return parent === c2 || isdescendant(parent, c2)
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166 changes: 100 additions & 66 deletions src/addHybrid_snaq.jl
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Expand Up @@ -141,9 +141,10 @@ chooseEdgesGamma(net::HybridNetwork) = chooseEdgesGamma(net, false, net.edge)
chooseEdgesGamma(net::HybridNetwork, blacklist::Bool) = chooseEdgesGamma(net, blacklist, net.edge)

# aux function for addHybridization
# that takes the output edge1, edge2, gamma from
# chooseEdgesGamma and created necessary edges
# that takes the output edge1, edge2.
# returns edge3, edge4, and adjusts edge1, edge2 to shorter length
# fixit: problem if edge1 or edge2 have a missing length, coded as -1.0.
# would be best to set lengths of e3, e4 to 0.0, and leave lengths of e1,e2 unchanged
function parameters4createHybrid!(edge1::Edge, edge2::Edge,net::HybridNetwork)
max_edge = maximum([e.number for e in net.edge]);
t1 = rand()*edge1.length;
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -343,21 +344,21 @@ end
addHybridizationUpdateSmart!(net::HybridNetwork, N::Integer) = addHybridizationUpdateSmart!(net, false,N)

# ----------------------------------- add alternative hybridizations found in bootstrap ------------------------------------
# --- add alternative hybridizations found in bootstrap
addAlternativeHybridizations!(net::HybridNetwork, BSe::DataFrame;
cutoff=10::Number, top=3::Int)
Modify the network `net` (the best network estimated with snaq) by adding other hybridizations
that are present in the bootstrap networks. By default, it will only consider hybrid edges with
more than 10% bootstrap support (`cutoff`) and it will only include the three top hybridizations
(`top`) sorted by bootstrap support.
Modify the network `net` (the best estimated network) by adding some of
the hybridizations present in the bootstrap networks. By default, it will only
add hybrid edges with more than 10% bootstrap support (`cutoff`) and it will
only include the top 3 hybridizations (`top`) sorted by bootstrap support.
The function also modifies the dataframe `BSe`. In the original `BSe`,
The dataframe `BSe` is also modified. In the original `BSe`,
supposedly obtained with `hybridBootstrapSupport`, hybrid edges that do not
appear in the best network have a missing number.
After the hybrid edges are added with `addAlternativeHybridizations`, `BSe` is modified to include the
edge numbers of the newly added hybrid edges.
After hybrid edges from bootstrap networks are added,
`BSe` is modified to include the edge numbers of the newly added hybrid edges.
To distinguish hybrid edges present in the original network versus new edges,
an extra column of true/false values is also added to `BSe`, named "alternative",
with true for newly added edges absent from the original network.
Expand All @@ -367,76 +368,109 @@ major tree topology.
# example
bootnet = readMultiTopology("bootstrap-networks.txt")
bestnet = readTopology("best.tre")
BSn, BSe, BSc, BSgam, BSedgenum = hybridBootstrapSupport(bootnet, bestnet);
using PhyloPlots
plot(bestnet, edgelabel=BSe[[:edge,:BS_hybrid_edge]])
julia> bootnet = readMultiTopology(joinpath(dirname(pathof(PhyloNetworks)), "..","examples", "bootsnaq.out")); # vector of 10 networks
julia> bestnet = readTopology("((O,(E,#H7:::0.196):0.314):0.332,(((A)#H7:::0.804,B):10.0,(C,D):10.0):0.332);");
julia> BSn, BSe, BSc, BSgam, BSedgenum = hybridBootstrapSupport(bootnet, bestnet);
julia> BSe[1:6,[:edge,:hybrid_clade,:sister_clade,:BS_hybrid_edge]]
6×4 DataFrame
Row │ edge hybrid_clade sister_clade BS_hybrid_edge
│ Int64? String String Float64
1 │ 7 H7 B 33.0
2 │ 3 H7 E 32.0
3 │ missing c_minus3 c_minus8 44.0
4 │ missing c_minus3 H7 44.0
5 │ missing E O 12.0
6 │ missing c_minus6 c_minus8 9.0
julia> PhyloNetworks.addAlternativeHybridizations!(bestnet, BSe)
julia> BSe[1:6,[:edge,:hybrid_clade,:sister_clade,:BS_hybrid_edge,:alternative]]
6×5 DataFrame
Row │ edge hybrid_clade sister_clade BS_hybrid_edge alternative
│ Int64? String String Float64 Bool
1 │ 7 H7 B 33.0 false
2 │ 3 H7 E 32.0 false
3 │ 16 c_minus3 c_minus8 44.0 true
4 │ 19 c_minus3 H7 44.0 true
5 │ 22 E O 12.0 true
6 │ missing c_minus6 c_minus8 9.0 false
julia> # using PhyloPlots; plot(bestnet, edgelabel=BSe[:,[:edge,:BS_hybrid_edge]]);
function addAlternativeHybridizations!(net::HybridNetwork,BSe::DataFrame; cutoff=10::Number,top=3::Int)
top > 0 || error("top must be greater than 0")
BSe[:alternative] = falses(length(BSe[:hybrid]))
newBSe = BSe[BSe[:BS_hybrid_edge] .> cutoff,:]
newBSe = newBSe[.!ismissing.(newBSe[:hybrid]) & .!ismissing.(newBSe[:sister]),:]
newBSe = newBSe[ismissing.(newBSe[:edge]),:]
newHyb = newBSe[1:top,:]

if(size(newHyb,1) == 0)
@warn "Did not find any alternative hybridizations with bootstrap support greater than the cutoff, so nothign added"
BSe[!,:alternative] = falses(nrow(BSe))
newBSe = subset(BSe,
:BS_hybrid_edge => x -> x.> cutoff, :edge => ByRow( ismissing),
:hybrid => ByRow(!ismissing), :sister => ByRow(!ismissing),
top = min(top,nrow(newBSe))
if top==0
@info "no alternative hybridizations with support > cutoff $cutoff%, so nothing added."

for i in 1:top
hybnum = newHyb[:hybrid][i]
sisnum = newHyb[:sister][i]
edgenum = addHybridBetweenClades!(hybnum,sisnum,net)
ind1 = findall(x->!ismissing(x) && x==hybnum,BSe[:hybrid])
ind2 = findall(x->!ismissing(x) && x==sisnum,BSe[:sister])
hybnum = newBSe[i,:hybrid]
sisnum = newBSe[i,:sister]
edgenum = addHybridBetweenClades!(net, hybnum, sisnum)
if isnothing(edgenum)
@warn "cannot add desired hybrid (BS=$(newBSe[i,:BS_hybrid_edge])): the network would have a directed cycle"
ind1 = findall(x->!ismissing(x) && x==hybnum, BSe[!,:hybrid])
ind2 = findall(x->!ismissing(x) && x==sisnum, BSe[!,:sister])
ind = intersect(ind1,ind2)
BSe[ind,:edge] = edgenum
BSe[ind,:alternative] = true
BSe[ind,:edge] .= edgenum
BSe[ind,:alternative] .= true

## function to a hybrid edge between hybrid clade (hybnum = node number) and sister clade (sisnum = node number)
## the function finds the parent edges to these nodes, and puts a hybrid edge between them
## the function modifies net, and it returns the number of the minor hybrid edge added
function addHybridBetweenClades!(hybnum::Number,sisnum::Number,net::HybridNetwork)
hybind = getIndexNode(hybnum,net)
sisind = getIndexNode(sisnum,net)
addHybridBetweenClades!(net::HybridNetwork, hybnum::Number, sisnum::Number)
## hybridization ed1->ed2
edge1 = getparentedge(net.node[sisind]) # major parent edges
edge2 = getparentedge(net.node[hybind])
Modify `net` by adding a minor hybrid edge from "donor" to "recipient",
where "donor" is the major parent edge `e1` of node number `hybnum` and
"recipient" is the major parent edge `e2` of node number `sisnum`.
The new nodes are currently inserted at the middle of these parent edges.
edge3,edge4 = parameters4createHybrid!(edge1, edge2,net)
hybridnode = createHybrid!(edge1, edge2, edge3, edge4, net, 0.1) ## gamma=0.1, fixed later
if(edge1.length < 0)
if(edge2.length < 0)
If a hybrid edge from `e1` to `e2` would create a directed cycle in the network,
then this hybrid cannot be added.
In that case, the donor edge `e1` is moved up if its parent is a hybrid node,
to ensure that the sister clade to the new hybrid would be a desired (the
descendant taxa from `e1`) and a new attempt is made to create a hybrid edge.
edge4.hybrid = true
edge4.isChild1 = true
edge2.hybrid = true
edge2.isChild1 = false
Output: number of the new hybrid edge, or `nothing` if the desired hybridization
is not possible.
See also:
[`addhybridedge!`](@ref) (used by this method) and
[`directionalconflict`](@ref) to check that `net` would still be a DAG.
function addHybridBetweenClades!(net::HybridNetwork, hybnum::Number, sisnum::Number)
hybind = getIndexNode(hybnum,net)
sisind = getIndexNode(sisnum,net)
e1 = getparentedge(net.node[sisind]) # major parent edges
e2 = getparentedge(net.node[hybind])
p1 = getparent(e1)
if directionalconflict(p1, e2, true) # then: first try to move the donor up
# so long as the descendant taxa (= sister clade) remain the same
while p1.hybrid
e1 = getparentedge(p1) # major parent edge: same descendant taxa
p1 = getparent(e1)
directionalconflict(p1, e2, true) && return nothing
## used gamma=0.1 to make the new edge a minor edge, but we really do not have gamma value:
emaj = getparentedge(hybridnode)
emaj.gamma = -1
e = getparentedgeminor(hybridnode)
e.gamma = -1
return e.number
hn, he = addhybridedge!(net, e1, e2, true) # he: missing length & gamma by default
# ideally: add option "where" to breakedge!, used by addhybridedge!
# so as to place the new nodes at the base of each clade.
# currently: the new nodes are inserted at the middle of e1 and e2.
return he.number
11 changes: 3 additions & 8 deletions src/auxiliary.jl
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Expand Up @@ -576,11 +576,13 @@ end

deleteNode!(net::HybridNetwork, n::Node)
deleteNode!(net::QuartetNetwork, n::Node)
Delete node `n` from a network, i.e. removes it from
net.node, and from net.hybrid or net.leaf as appropriate.
Update attributes `numNodes`, `numTaxa`, `numHybrids`.
Warning: `net.names` is *not* updated.
Warning: `net.names` is *not* updated, and this is a feature (not a bug)
for networks of type QuartetNetwork.
Warning: if the root is deleted, the new root is arbitrarily set to the
first node in the list. This is intentional to save time because this function
Expand All @@ -606,13 +608,6 @@ function deleteNode!(net::HybridNetwork, n::Node)

# function to delete a Node in net.node and
# update numNodes and numTaxa for QuartetNetwork
# if hybrid node, it deletes also from net.hybrid
# and updates numHybrids
# note that net.names is never updated to keep it
# accurate
# if n is leaf, we delete from qnet.leaf
function deleteNode!(net::QuartetNetwork, n::Node)
index = findfirst(no -> no.number == n.number, net.node)
# isEqual (from above) checks for more than node number
Expand Down
19 changes: 10 additions & 9 deletions src/deprecated.jl
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Expand Up @@ -14,20 +14,21 @@

function Base.getproperty(mm::PhyloNetworkLinearModel, f::Symbol)
if f === :model
Base.depwarn("accessing the `model` field of PhyloNetworkLinearModel.jl models is deprecated, " *
"as they are no longer wrapped in a `TableRegressionModel` " *
"and can be used directly now", :getproperty)
Base.depwarn("""accessing the 'model' field of PhyloNetworkLinearModel's is
deprecated, as they are no longer wrapped in a TableRegressionModel.
They can be used directly now.""",
:getproperty) # force=true to show warning. currently silent by default
return mm
elseif f === :mf
Base.depwarn("accessing the `mf` field of PhyloNetworkLinearModel.jl models is deprecated, " *
"as they are no longer wrapped in a `TableRegressionModel`." *
"Use `formula(m)` to access the model formula.", :getproperty)
Base.depwarn("""accessing the 'mf' field of PhyloNetworkLinearModel's is
deprecated, as they are no longer wrapped in a TableRegressionModel.
Use `formula(m)` to access the model formula.""", :getproperty)
form = formula(mm)
return ModelFrame{Nothing, typeof(mm)}(form, nothing, nothing, typeof(mm))
elseif f === :mm
Base.depwarn("accessing the `mm` field of PhyloNetworkLinearModel.jl models is deprecated, " *
"as they are no longer wrapped in a `TableRegressionModel`." *
"Use `modelmatrix(m)` to access the model matrix.", :getproperty)
Base.depwarn("""accessing the 'mm' field of PhyloNetworkLinearModel's is
deprecated, as they are no longer wrapped in a TableRegressionModel.
Use `modelmatrix(m)` to access the model matrix.""", :getproperty)
modmatr = modelmatrix(mm)
return ModelMatrix{typeof(modmatr)}(modmatr, Int[])
Expand Down
1 change: 0 additions & 1 deletion src/types.jl
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Expand Up @@ -342,7 +342,6 @@ mutable struct QuartetNetwork <: Network
function QuartetNetwork(net::HybridNetwork)
net2 = deepcopy(net); #fixit: maybe we dont need deepcopy of all, maybe only arrays
new(net2.numTaxa,net2.numNodes,net2.numEdges,net2.node,net2.edge,net2.hybrid,net2.leaf,net2.numHybrids, [true for e in net2.edge],[],-1,[], -1.,net2.names,Int8[-1,-1,-1,-1],Int8[-1,-1,-1],[0,0,0],[],true,[])
#new(sum([n.leaf?1:0 for n in net.node]),size(net.node,1),size(net.edge,1),copy(net.node),copy(net.edge),copy(net.hybrid),size(net.hybrid,1), [true for e in net2.edge],[],-1,[],-1.,net2.names,[-1,-1,-1,-1],[-1,-1,-1],[],true,[])
QuartetNetwork() = new(0,0,0,[],[],[],[],0,[],[],-1,[],-1.0,[],[],[],[],[],true,[])
Expand Down
10 changes: 5 additions & 5 deletions test/test_addHybrid.jl
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Expand Up @@ -70,11 +70,11 @@ netl1 = readTopology(str_level1);
# directional: throws error if the new network would not be a DAG, e.g. if edge 1 is a directed descendant of edge 2
# case 6
nodeS145 = PhyloNetworks.getparent(netl1.edge[6])
@test PhyloNetworks.directionalconflict(netl1, nodeS145, netl1.edge[15], true)
@test PhyloNetworks.directionalconflict(nodeS145, netl1.edge[15], true)
# case 2
@test PhyloNetworks.directionalconflict(netl1, nodeS145, netl1.edge[18], true)
@test PhyloNetworks.directionalconflict(nodeS145, netl1.edge[18], true)
# case 3 (bad hybrid edge choice leads to a nonDAG)
@test PhyloNetworks.directionalconflict(netl1, nodeS145, netl1.edge[20], true)
@test PhyloNetworks.directionalconflict(netl1, nodeS145, netl1.edge[4], false)
@test !PhyloNetworks.directionalconflict(netl1, nodeS145, netl1.edge[4], true)
@test PhyloNetworks.directionalconflict(nodeS145, netl1.edge[20], true)
@test PhyloNetworks.directionalconflict(nodeS145, netl1.edge[4], false)
@test !PhyloNetworks.directionalconflict(nodeS145, netl1.edge[4], true)
end # of edge checking functions
7 changes: 6 additions & 1 deletion test/test_bootstrap.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -11,7 +11,7 @@ bootnet = readMultiTopology(joinpath(exdir,""));
# include(string(home, "bootstrap.jl"))
resn, rese, resc, gam, edgenum = hybridBootstrapSupport(bootnet,bestnet);
#@show resn; @show rese; showall(gam); @show edgenum; resc
# plot(bestnet, showIntNodeNumber=true)
# plot(bestnet, shownodenumber=true);

@test resn[1:2,:clade] == ["H26","H25"]
@test resn[1:2,:BS_hybrid_samesisters] == [25.0,100.0]
Expand All @@ -35,6 +35,11 @@ resn, rese, resc, gam, edgenum = hybridBootstrapSupport(bootnet,bestnet);
@test gam[:,2] == [.0,.0,.192,.0,.0,.0,.0,.0,.193,.0,.184,.193,.0,.0,.0,.0,.0,.193,.0,.0]
@test gam[:,4] == [.165,.166,.165,.166,.165,.165,.166,.165,.165,.166,.164,.166,.166,.165,.165,.165,.166,.165,.166,.166]
@test edgenum ==[25,39,43,7]

PhyloNetworks.addAlternativeHybridizations!(bestnet, rese, cutoff=4)
@test rese[[5,10,11],:edge] == [54,57,60]
@test ismissing(rese[6,:edge])
@test length(bestnet.hybrid) == 5
end # of testset, hybridBootstrapSupport

@testset "bootsnaq from quartet CF intervals" begin
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Release notes:

breaking changes:

  • Getter names (getchild, getparent etc.) were changed with standardized names, and are now exported.
    Old getter names are deprecated, so users should run julia with deprecation warnings (julia --depwarn=yes) to get info on new names to update their code.
  • PhyloNetworkLinearModel's are no longer wrapped in a TableRegressionModel
  • Evolutionary model of TraitSimulation and PhyloNetworkLinearModel objects: now in field 'evomodel'


  • more accessors, e.g. getroot, isleaf, isexternal, isrootof, isparentof, ischildof

bug fixes:

  • in get and setGammas: fixed to work with non-tree-child networks
  • in addAlternativeHybridizations!

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