Julia implementation of BKTrees based on the Python implementation found here.
For more information on BK-trees check out https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/BK-tree and https://github.com/Jetsetter/pybktree.
This short example illustrates the usage of the B-K trees for approximate string matching:
julia> using Pkg
using BKTrees
using Random
using StringDistances
lev(x,y) = evaluate(Levenshtein(), x, y)
dictionary = [randstring(10) for _ in 1:100_000] # random dictionary
bkt = BKTree(lev, dictionary) # build tree
target = randstring(10) # target string
# search for best 3 matches with distance < 10
found = find(bkt, target, 10, k=3)
@show target, found
#(target, found) = ("RIqWKU2A38", Tuple{Float64,String}[(7.0, "uIfPK02wH9"), (7.0, "RIqTF8YC6O"), (7.0, "XMqWKG1GHN")])
The installation can be done through the usual channels (manually by cloning the repository or installing it though the julia REPL
This code has an MIT license and therefore it is free.
This work is heavily based on the implementation found here