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F32->F8, only subnormals not working
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milankl committed Feb 11, 2020
1 parent 744b1b1 commit 58ecbb5
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Showing 2 changed files with 92 additions and 89 deletions.
166 changes: 89 additions & 77 deletions src/float8.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -4,6 +4,7 @@ primitive type Float8_4 <: AbstractFloat8 8 end # version with 4 exp bits

Float8(x::UInt8) = reinterpret(Float8,x)
Float8_4(x::UInt8) = reinterpret(Float8_4,x)
UInt8(x::T) where {T<:AbstractFloat8} = reinterpret(UInt8,x)
bitstring(x::AbstractFloat8) = bitstring(reinterpret(UInt8,x))

# masks, UInt8s with 1s for the respective parts
Expand All @@ -18,6 +19,8 @@ n_exponent_bits(::Type{Float8}) = 3
n_exponent_bits(::Type{Float8_4}) = 4
n_significant_bits(::Type{Float8}) = 4
n_significant_bits(::Type{Float8_4}) = 3
bias(::Type{Float8}) = 3
bias(::Type{Float8_4}) = 7

eps(::Type{Float8}) = Float8(0x02)
eps(::Type{Float8_4}) = Float8_4(0x20)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -61,12 +64,16 @@ isfinite(x::T) where {T<:AbstractFloat8} = reinterpret(UInt8,x) & exponent_mask(
precision(::Type{Float8}) = 5
precision(::Type{Float8_4}) = 4

# Float32 -> Float8 algorithm in analogy to
# Float32 -> Float16 algorithm from:
# "Fast Half Float Conversion" by Jeroen van der Zijp
# With adjustments for round-to-nearest, ties to even.

# let _basetable = Vector{UInt16}(undef, 512),
# _shifttable = Vector{UInt8}(undef, 512)
# for i = 0:255
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -101,33 +108,87 @@ precision(::Type{Float8_4}) = 4
# global const shifttable = (_shifttable...,)
# global const basetable = (_basetable...,)
# end
# function Float16(val::Float32)
# f = reinterpret(UInt32, val)
# if isnan(val)
# t = 0x8000 ⊻ (0x8000 & ((f >> 0x10) % UInt16))
# return reinterpret(Float16, t ⊻ ((f >> 0xd) % UInt16))
# end
# i = ((f & ~significand_mask(Float32)) >> significand_bits(Float32)) + 1
# @inbounds sh = shifttable[i]
# f &= significand_mask(Float32)
# # If `val` is subnormal, the tables are set up to force the
# # result to 0, so the significand has an implicit `1` in the
# # cases we care about.
# f |= significand_mask(Float32) + 0x1
# @inbounds h = (basetable[i] + (f >> sh) & significand_mask(Float16)) % UInt16
# # round
# # NOTE: we maybe should ignore NaNs here, but the payload is
# # getting truncated anyway so "rounding" it might not matter
# nextbit = (f >> (sh-1)) & 1
# if nextbit != 0 && (h & 0x7C00) != 0x7C00
# # Round halfway to even or check lower bits
# if h&1 == 1 || (f & ((1<<(sh-1))-1)) != 0
# h += UInt16(1)
# end
# end
# reinterpret(Float16, h)
# end

sign_mask(::Type{Float32}) = 0x8000_0000
exponent_mask(::Type{Float32}) = 0x7f80_0000 # reinterpret(UInt32,Float32)
significand_mask(::Type{Float32}) = 0x007f_ffff # ~reinterpret(UInt32,-NaN32)
n_exponent_bits(::Type{Float32}) = 8
n_significant_bits(::Type{Float32}) = 23

function create_base_shifttable(::Type{T}) where {T<:AbstractFloat8}

basetable = Vector{UInt8}(undef, 512)
shifttable = Vector{UInt8}(undef, 512)

for i = 0:255 # all possible exponents for Float32
e = i - 127 # subtract Float32 bias
if e < -7 # Very small numbers map to +- zero
basetable[i|0x000+1] = zero(T)
basetable[i|0x100+1] = -zero(T)
shifttable[i|0x000+1] = n_significant_bits(T)+1
shifttable[i|0x100+1] = n_significant_bits(T)+1
elseif e < -2 # Small numbers map to denorms
basetable[i|0x000+1] = zero(T)
basetable[i|0x100+1] = -zero(T)
shifttable[i|0x000+1] = -e-2
shifttable[i|0x100+1] = -e-2
elseif e < 4 # Normal numbers just lose precision
basetable[i|0x000+1] = ((e+bias(T)) << n_significant_bits(T))
basetable[i|0x100+1] = ((e+bias(T)) << n_significant_bits(T)) | sign_mask(T)
shifttable[i|0x000+1] = n_significant_bits(Float32)-n_significant_bits(T)
shifttable[i|0x100+1] = n_significant_bits(Float32)-n_significant_bits(T)
elseif e < 128 # Large numbers map to Infinity
basetable[i|0x000+1] = inf8(T)
basetable[i|0x100+1] = -inf8(T)
shifttable[i|0x000+1] = n_significant_bits(T)+1
shifttable[i|0x100+1] = n_significant_bits(T)+1
else # Infinity and NaN's stay Infinity and NaN's
basetable[i|0x000+1] = inf8(T)
basetable[i|0x100+1] = -inf8(T)
shifttable[i|0x000+1] = n_significant_bits(Float32)-n_significant_bits(T)
shifttable[i|0x100+1] = n_significant_bits(Float32)-n_significant_bits(T)

return basetable, shifttable

const basetable8, shifttable8 = create_base_shifttable(Float8)
const basetable8_4, shifttable8_4 = create_base_shifttable(Float8_4)

function Float8(val::Float32)

f = reinterpret(UInt32, val)

if isnan(val) #TODO retain the significant bits for NaN?
return nan8(Float8)

# exponent as Int64
i = f >> n_significant_bits(Float32) + 1
sh = shifttable8[i]
f &= significand_mask(Float32)

# If `val` is subnormal, the tables are set up to force the
# result to 0, so the significand has an implicit `1` in the
# cases we care about.

f |= significand_mask(Float32) + 0x1
h = (basetable8[i] + (f >> sh) & significand_mask(Float8)) % UInt8

# round
# NOTE: we maybe should ignore NaNs here, but the payload is
# getting truncated anyway so "rounding" it might not matter

nextbit = (f >> (sh-1)) & 1
if nextbit != 0 && (h & exponent_mask(Float8)) != exponent_mask(Float8)
# Round halfway to even or check lower bits
if h&1 == 1 || (f & ((1<<(sh-1))-1)) != 0
h += one(UInt8)
return reinterpret(Float8, h)

first_sig_bit_mask(::Type{Float8}) = 0x00000008
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -197,55 +258,6 @@ function Float32(val::T) where {T<:AbstractFloat8}

sign_mask(::Type{Float32}) = 0x80000000
exponent_mask(::Type{Float32}) = 0x7fc00000 # reinterpret(UInt32,Float32)
significand_mask(::Type{Float32}) = 0x803fffff # ~reinterpret(UInt32,-NaN32)
n_exponent_bits(::Type{Float32}) = 8
n_significant_bits(::Type{Float32}) = 23

function Float8(val::Float32)
local ival::UInt32 = reinterpret(UInt32, val)

# seperate into sign, exponent, significand
local sign::UInt32 = (ival & sign_mask(Float32)) >> 31
local exp::UInt32 = (ival & exponent_mask(Float32)) >> n_significant_bits(Foat32)
local sig::UInt32 = (ival & significand_mask(Float32))
local ret::UInt8 # return value

if exp == zero(UInt32)
if sig == zero(UInt32) # +-0 case
ret = sign << 7
return reinterpret(Float8,ret)
else # subnormals,map to Inf8, -Inf8
if sign == zero(UInt32)
return inf(Float8)
return -inf(Float8)
elseif exp == exponent_mask(Float32) # all exponent bits == 1, Inf/NaN case
if sig == zero(UInt32) # Infinity
if sign == zero(UInt32)
return inf8(Float8)
return -inf8(Float8)
else # NaN
return nan8(Float8)
sign = sign << 31

# bias = 2^(n_exp-1) - 1, i.e. 127 for Float32, 15 for Float16, 3 for Float8, 7 for Float8_4
# difference in bias has to be added, e.g. 127-3 = 124 = 0x0000007c

exp = (exp + bias_difference(T)) << 23
sig = sig << sig_bit_shift(T)
ret = sign | exp | sig
return reinterpret(Float32, ret)

round(x::T, r::RoundingMode{:ToZero}) where {T<:AbstractFloat8} = T(round(Float32(x), r))
round(x::T, r::RoundingMode{:Down}) where {T<:AbstractFloat8} = T(round(Float32(x), r))
round(x::T, r::RoundingMode{:Up}) where {T<:AbstractFloat8} = T(round(Float32(x), r))
Expand Down
15 changes: 3 additions & 12 deletions test/runtests.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,18 +1,9 @@
using Float8s
using Test

@testset "Compare to Float32" begin
@testset "Conversion to Float32" begin

n = 256

@testset "Addition" begin
for i in 0:n-1
for j in 0:n-1
x = Float8(UInt8(i))
y = Float8(UInt8(j))

@test x+y == Float8(Float32(x)+Float32(y)) || isnan(x) && isnan(y)
for i in 0x00:0x0f
@test i == reinterpret(UInt8,Float8(Float32(Float8(i))))

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