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Rename SymplecticMatrix to SymplecticElement (#701, Point 2).
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kellertuer committed Jan 18, 2024
1 parent 8982971 commit 385f9b5
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Showing 8 changed files with 87 additions and 86 deletions.
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion docs/src/misc/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -50,7 +50,7 @@ Within the documented functions, the utf8 symbols are used whenever possible, as
| ``p`` | a point on ``\mathcal M`` | ``p_1, p_2, \ldots,q`` | for 3 points one might use ``x,y,z`` |
| ``\operatorname{retr}_pX``| a retraction | |
| ``ξ`` | a set of tangent vectors | ``\{X_1,\ldots,X_n\}`` | |
| ``J_{2n} \in ℝ^{2n×2n}`` | the [`SymplecticMatrix`](@ref) | | |
| ``J_{2n} \in ℝ^{2n×2n}`` | the [`SymplecticElement`](@ref) | | |
| ``T_p \mathcal M`` | the tangent space at ``p`` | | |
| ``X`` | a tangent vector from ``T_p \mathcal M`` | ``X_1,X_2,\ldots,Y,Z`` | sometimes written with base point ``X_p`` |
| ``\operatorname{tr}`` | trace (of a matrix) | |
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2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion src/Manifolds.jl
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Expand Up @@ -669,7 +669,7 @@ export Euclidean,
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2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion src/deprecated.jl
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Expand Up @@ -6,4 +6,4 @@
@deprecate ExtrinsicEstimation() ExtrinsicEstimation(EfficientEstimator())

Base.@deprecate_binding Symplectic SymplecticMatrices
#Base.@deprecate_binding SynplecticMatrix SymplecticElement
Base.@deprecate_binding SymplecticMatrix SymplecticElement
100 changes: 50 additions & 50 deletions src/manifolds/Symplectic.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ the canonical symplectic form over ``𝔽^{2n×2n}×𝔽^{2n×2n}``,
\quad \omega(x, y) = p^{\mathrm{T}} J_{2n} q, \ x, y \in 𝔽^{2n×2n},
where ``J_{2n} = \begin{bmatrix} 0_n & I_n \\ -I_n & 0_n \end{bmatrix}`` denotes the [`SymplecticMatrix`](@ref).
where ``J_{2n} = \begin{bmatrix} 0_n & I_n \\ -I_n & 0_n \end{bmatrix}`` denotes the [`SymplecticElement`](@ref).
The symplectic manifold consists of
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -80,7 +80,7 @@ as an inner product over the embedding space ``ℝ^{2n×2n}``, i.e.
struct ExtendedSymplecticMetric <: AbstractMetric end

@doc raw"""
A lightweight structure to represent the action of the matrix
representation of the canonical symplectic form,
Expand All @@ -101,24 +101,24 @@ The canonical symplectic form is represented by
The entire matrix is however not instantiated in memory, instead a scalar
``λ`` of type `T` is stored, which is used to keep track of scaling and transpose operations
applied to each `SymplecticMatrix`.
applied to each `SymplecticElement`.
This type acts similar to `I` from `LinearAlgeba`.
# Constructor
Generate the sumplectic matrix with scaling ``1``.
struct SymplecticMatrix{T}
struct SymplecticElement{T}
SymplecticMatrix() = SymplecticMatrix(1)
SymplecticMatrix::T) where {T<:Number} = SymplecticMatrix{T}(λ)
SymplecticElement() = SymplecticElement(1)
SymplecticElement::T) where {T<:Number} = SymplecticElement{T}(λ)

function SymplecticMatrix(arrays::Vararg{AbstractArray})
function SymplecticElement(arrays::Vararg{AbstractArray})
TS = Base.promote_type(map(eltype, arrays)...)
return SymplecticMatrix(one(TS))
return SymplecticElement(one(TS))

@doc raw"""
Expand All @@ -136,7 +136,7 @@ with the conversion function
c_p(ξ) = \frac{1}{2} pp^{\mathrm{T}} ξ + \frac{1}{2} pJ_{2n} ξ^{\mathrm{T}} pJ_{2n},
where ``J_{2n} = \begin{bmatrix} 0_n & I_n \\ -I_n & 0_n \end{bmatrix}`` denotes the [`SymplecticMatrix`](@ref).
where ``J_{2n} = \begin{bmatrix} 0_n & I_n \\ -I_n & 0_n \end{bmatrix}`` denotes the [`SymplecticElement`](@ref).
Each of the terms ``c_p^1(ξ) = p p^{\mathrm{T}} ξ`` and ``c_p^2(ξ) = pJ_{2n} ξ^{\mathrm{T}} pJ_{2n}`` from the
above definition of ``c_p(η)`` are themselves metric compatible in the sense that
Expand All @@ -158,7 +158,7 @@ does have the correct range ``T_p\mathrm{Sp}(2n, ℝ)``.
change_representer(::SymplecticMatrices, ::EuclideanMetric, p, X)

function change_representer!(::SymplecticMatrices, Y, ::EuclideanMetric, p, X)
J = SymplecticMatrix(p, X) # J_{2n}
J = SymplecticElement(p, X) # J_{2n}
pT_X = p' * X
Y .= (1 / 2) .* p * (pT_X .+ J * pT_X' * J)
return Y
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -247,14 +247,14 @@ Checks whether `X` is a valid tangent vector at `p` on the [`SymplecticMatrices`
p^{T}J_{2n}X + X^{T}J_{2n}p = 0
holds (approximately), where ``J_{2n} = \begin{bmatrix} 0_n & I_n \\ -I_n & 0_n \end{bmatrix}`` denotes the [`SymplecticMatrix`](@ref).
holds (approximately), where ``J_{2n} = \begin{bmatrix} 0_n & I_n \\ -I_n & 0_n \end{bmatrix}`` denotes the [`SymplecticElement`](@ref).
The tolerance can be set with `kwargs...`
check_vector(::SymplecticMatrices, ::Any...)

function check_vector(M::SymplecticMatrices, p, X::T; kwargs...) where {T}
J = SymplecticMatrix(p, X)
J = SymplecticElement(p, X)
if !isapprox(X' * J * p, -p' * J * X; kwargs...)
return DomainError(
norm(X' * J * p + p' * J * X, 2),
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -452,7 +452,7 @@ the symplectic inverse is defined as:
A^{+} := J_{2k}^{\mathrm{T}} A^{\mathrm{T}} J_{2n},
where ``J_{2n} = \begin{bmatrix} 0_n & I_n \\ -I_n & 0_n \end{bmatrix}`` denotes the [`SymplecticMatrix`](@ref).
where ``J_{2n} = \begin{bmatrix} 0_n & I_n \\ -I_n & 0_n \end{bmatrix}`` denotes the [`SymplecticElement`](@ref).
The symplectic inverse of A can be expressed explicitly as:
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -601,12 +601,12 @@ which solves the constrained optimization problem
where ``h: ℝ^{2n×2n} → \operatorname{skew}(2n)`` denotes
the restriction of ``X`` onto the tangent space ``T_p\operatorname{SpSt}(2n, 2k)``
and ``J_{2n} = \begin{bmatrix} 0_n & I_n \\ -I_n & 0_n \end{bmatrix}`` denotes the [`SymplecticMatrix`](@ref).
and ``J_{2n} = \begin{bmatrix} 0_n & I_n \\ -I_n & 0_n \end{bmatrix}`` denotes the [`SymplecticElement`](@ref).
project(::SymplecticMatrices, p, A)

function project!(::SymplecticMatrices, Y, p, A)
J = SymplecticMatrix(Y, p, A)
J = SymplecticElement(Y, p, A)
Jp = J * p

function h(X)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -634,10 +634,10 @@ The closed form projection mapping is given by [GaoSonAbsilStykel:2021](@cite)
\operatorname{P}^{T_p\mathrm{Sp}(2n)}_{g_p}(X) = pJ_{2n}\operatorname{sym}(p^{\mathrm{T}}J_{2n}^{\mathrm{T}}X),
where ``\operatorname{sym}(A) = \frac{1}{2}(A + A^{\mathrm{T}})`` and and ``J_{2n} = \begin{bmatrix} 0_n & I_n \\ -I_n & 0_n \end{bmatrix}`` denotes the [`SymplecticMatrix`](@ref).
where ``\operatorname{sym}(A) = \frac{1}{2}(A + A^{\mathrm{T}})`` and and ``J_{2n} = \begin{bmatrix} 0_n & I_n \\ -I_n & 0_n \end{bmatrix}`` denotes the [`SymplecticElement`](@ref).
function project!(::MetricManifold{<:Any,<:Euclidean,ExtendedSymplecticMetric}, Y, p, X)
J = SymplecticMatrix(p, X)
J = SymplecticElement(p, X)

pTJTX = p' * J' * X
sym_pTJTX = (1 / 2) .* (pTJTX + pTJTX')
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -666,7 +666,7 @@ The closed form projection operator onto the normal space is given by [GaoSonAbs
where ``\operatorname{skew}(A) = \frac{1}{2}(A - A^{\mathrm{T}})``
and ``J_{2n} = \begin{bmatrix} 0_n & I_n \\ -I_n & 0_n \end{bmatrix}`` denotes the [`SymplecticMatrix`](@ref).
and ``J_{2n} = \begin{bmatrix} 0_n & I_n \\ -I_n & 0_n \end{bmatrix}`` denotes the [`SymplecticElement`](@ref).
This function is not exported.
Expand All @@ -676,7 +676,7 @@ function project_normal!(
) where {𝔽}
J = SymplecticMatrix(p, X)
J = SymplecticElement(p, X)
pTJTX = p' * J' * X
skew_pTJTX = (1 / 2) .* (pTJTX .- pTJTX')
Y .= p * J * skew_pTJTX
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -705,7 +705,7 @@ second tangent vector space parametrization of [`SymplecticMatrices`](@ref).
It first generates a random symmetric matrix ``S`` by `S = randn(2n, 2n)`
and then symmetrizes it as `S = S + S'`.
Then ``S`` is normalized to have Frobenius norm of `hamiltonian_norm`
and `X = pJS` is returned, where `J` is the [`SymplecticMatrix`](@ref).
and `X = pJS` is returned, where `J` is the [`SymplecticElement`](@ref).
function Random.rand(
Expand All @@ -727,7 +727,7 @@ function random_vector(M::SymplecticMatrices, p::AbstractMatrix; symmetric_norm=
S = randn(2n, 2n)
S .= (S + S')
S *= symmetric_norm / norm(S)
lmul!(SymplecticMatrix(p), S)
lmul!(SymplecticElement(p), S)
return p * S

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -787,7 +787,7 @@ Directly compute the symplectic inverse of ``p \in \mathrm{Sp}(2n)``,
multiplied with ``q \in \mathrm{Sp}(2n)``.
That is, this function efficiently computes
``p^+q = (J_{2n}p^{\mathrm{T}}J_{2n})q ∈ ℝ^{2n×2n}``,
where ``J_{2n} = \begin{bmatrix} 0_n & I_n \\ -I_n & 0_n \end{bmatrix}`` denotes the [`SymplecticMatrix`](@ref).
where ``J_{2n} = \begin{bmatrix} 0_n & I_n \\ -I_n & 0_n \end{bmatrix}`` denotes the [`SymplecticElement`](@ref).
function symplectic_inverse_times(M::SymplecticMatrices, p, q)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -821,46 +821,46 @@ function symplectic_inverse_times!(M::SymplecticMatrices, A, p, q)
return A

ndims(J::SymplecticMatrix) = 2
copy(J::SymplecticMatrix) = SymplecticMatrix(copy(J.λ))
Base.eltype(::SymplecticMatrix{T}) where {T} = T
function Base.convert(::Type{SymplecticMatrix{T}}, J::SymplecticMatrix) where {T}
return SymplecticMatrix(convert(T, J.λ))
ndims(J::SymplecticElement) = 2
copy(J::SymplecticElement) = SymplecticElement(copy(J.λ))
Base.eltype(::SymplecticElement{T}) where {T} = T
function Base.convert(::Type{SymplecticElement{T}}, J::SymplecticElement) where {T}
return SymplecticElement(convert(T, J.λ))

function, J::SymplecticMatrix)
function, J::SymplecticElement)
s = "$(J.λ)"
if occursin(r"\w+\s*[\+\-]\s*\w+", s)
s = "($s)"
return print(io, typeof(J), "(): $(s)*[0 I; -I 0]")

(Base.:-)(J::SymplecticMatrix) = SymplecticMatrix(-J.λ)
(Base.:-)(J::SymplecticElement) = SymplecticElement(-J.λ)

function (Base.:^)(J::SymplecticMatrix, n::Integer)
function (Base.:^)(J::SymplecticElement, n::Integer)
return ifelse(
n % 2 == 0,
UniformScaling((-1)^(div(n, 2)) * (J.λ)^n),
SymplecticMatrix((-1)^(div(n - 1, 2)) * (J.λ)^n),
SymplecticElement((-1)^(div(n - 1, 2)) * (J.λ)^n),

(Base.:*)(x::Number, J::SymplecticMatrix) = SymplecticMatrix(x * J.λ)
(Base.:*)(J::SymplecticMatrix, x::Number) = SymplecticMatrix(x * J.λ)
function (Base.:*)(J::SymplecticMatrix, K::SymplecticMatrix)
(Base.:*)(x::Number, J::SymplecticElement) = SymplecticElement(x * J.λ)
(Base.:*)(J::SymplecticElement, x::Number) = SymplecticElement(x * J.λ)
function (Base.:*)(J::SymplecticElement, K::SymplecticElement)
return LinearAlgebra.UniformScaling(-J.λ * K.λ)

Base.transpose(J::SymplecticMatrix) = -J
Base.adjoint(J::SymplecticMatrix) = SymplecticMatrix(-conj(J.λ))
Base.inv(J::SymplecticMatrix) = SymplecticMatrix(-(1 / J.λ))
Base.transpose(J::SymplecticElement) = -J
Base.adjoint(J::SymplecticElement) = SymplecticElement(-conj(J.λ))
Base.inv(J::SymplecticElement) = SymplecticElement(-(1 / J.λ))

(Base.:+)(J::SymplecticMatrix, K::SymplecticMatrix) = SymplecticMatrix(J.λ + K.λ)
(Base.:-)(J::SymplecticMatrix, K::SymplecticMatrix) = SymplecticMatrix(J.λ - K.λ)
(Base.:+)(J::SymplecticElement, K::SymplecticElement) = SymplecticElement(J.λ + K.λ)
(Base.:-)(J::SymplecticElement, K::SymplecticElement) = SymplecticElement(J.λ - K.λ)

(Base.:+)(J::SymplecticMatrix, p::AbstractMatrix) = p + J
function (Base.:+)(p::AbstractMatrix, J::SymplecticMatrix)
(Base.:+)(J::SymplecticElement, p::AbstractMatrix) = p + J
function (Base.:+)(p::AbstractMatrix, J::SymplecticElement)
# When we are adding, the Matrices must match in size:
two_n, two_k = size(p)
if (two_n % 2 != 0) || (two_n != two_k)
Expand All @@ -883,10 +883,10 @@ function (Base.:+)(p::AbstractMatrix, J::SymplecticMatrix)

# Binary minus:
(Base.:-)(J::SymplecticMatrix, p::AbstractMatrix) = J + (-p)
(Base.:-)(p::AbstractMatrix, J::SymplecticMatrix) = p + (-J)
(Base.:-)(J::SymplecticElement, p::AbstractMatrix) = J + (-p)
(Base.:-)(p::AbstractMatrix, J::SymplecticElement) = p + (-J)

function (Base.:*)(J::SymplecticMatrix, p::AbstractVecOrMat)
function (Base.:*)(J::SymplecticElement, p::AbstractVecOrMat)
two_n = size(p)[1]
if two_n % 2 != 0
throw(ArgumentError("'p' must have even row dimension, was: $(two_n) != 2n."))
Expand All @@ -904,7 +904,7 @@ function (Base.:*)(J::SymplecticMatrix, p::AbstractVecOrMat)
return Jp

function (Base.:*)(p::AbstractMatrix, J::SymplecticMatrix)
function (Base.:*)(p::AbstractMatrix, J::SymplecticElement)
two_k = size(p)[2]
if two_k % 2 != 0
throw(ArgumentError("'p' must have even column dimension, was: $(two_k) != 2k."))
Expand All @@ -921,7 +921,7 @@ function (Base.:*)(p::AbstractMatrix, J::SymplecticMatrix)
return pJ

function LinearAlgebra.lmul!(J::SymplecticMatrix, p::AbstractVecOrMat)
function LinearAlgebra.lmul!(J::SymplecticElement, p::AbstractVecOrMat)
# Perform left multiplication by a symplectic matrix,
# overwriting the matrix p in place:
two_n = size(p)[1]
Expand All @@ -942,7 +942,7 @@ function LinearAlgebra.lmul!(J::SymplecticMatrix, p::AbstractVecOrMat)
return p

function LinearAlgebra.rmul!(p::AbstractMatrix, J::SymplecticMatrix)
function LinearAlgebra.rmul!(p::AbstractMatrix, J::SymplecticElement)
# Perform right multiplication by a symplectic matrix,
# overwriting the matrix p in place:
two_k = size(p)[2]
Expand All @@ -964,7 +964,7 @@ function LinearAlgebra.rmul!(p::AbstractMatrix, J::SymplecticMatrix)
return p

function LinearAlgebra.mul!(A::AbstractVecOrMat, J::SymplecticMatrix, p::AbstractVecOrMat)
function LinearAlgebra.mul!(A::AbstractVecOrMat, J::SymplecticElement, p::AbstractVecOrMat)
size_p = size(p)
two_n = size_p[1]
if two_n % 2 != 0
Expand All @@ -982,7 +982,7 @@ function LinearAlgebra.mul!(A::AbstractVecOrMat, J::SymplecticMatrix, p::Abstrac
return A

function LinearAlgebra.mul!(A::AbstractVecOrMat, p::AbstractMatrix, J::SymplecticMatrix)
function LinearAlgebra.mul!(A::AbstractVecOrMat, p::AbstractMatrix, J::SymplecticElementt)
two_n, two_k = size(p)
if two_k % 2 != 0
throw(ArgumentError("'p' must have even col dimension, was: $(two_k) != 2k."))
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2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion src/manifolds/SymplecticGrassmann.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -89,7 +89,7 @@ where ``I_{2n}`` denotes the identity matrix and ``(⋅)^+`` the [`symplectic_in
function inner(M::SymplecticGrassmann, p, X, Y)
n, k = get_parameter(M.size)
J = SymplecticMatrix(p, X, Y) # in BZ21 also J
J = SymplecticElement(p, X, Y) # in BZ21 also J
# Procompute lu(p'p) since we solve a^{-1}* 3 times
a = lu(p' * p) # note that p'p is symmetric, thus so is its inverse c=a^{-1}
# we split the original trace into two one with I -> (X'Yc)
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