SpecialMatrices v1.0.1
Closed issues:
- New Feature: Add constructor for Toeplitz matrix (#7)
- Special Matrix Transpose (#10)
- Corrections needed for 0.5.0 (#11)
- Please add a tag to current master and update METADATA (#15)
- Error Companion Matrix (#18)
- compatibility Julia v0.4.5 (#24)
- Julia 1.1 Compatibility (#27)
- Info about upcoming removal of packages in the General registry (#28)
- @JuliaRegistrator register (#29)
- Polynomials 1.0 no longer exports Poly (#35)
Merged pull requests:
- extend support for Hilbert matrices and their inverses (#30) (@fkastner)
- Install TagBot as a GitHub Action (#31) (@JuliaTagBot)
- Update README.md (#32) (@singularitti)
- Various modernization updates (#33) (@christopher-dG)
- Use test sets (#34) (@christopher-dG)
- Fix Companion: Polynomial does not have a property "a". Improve testing. (#36) (@mkitti)
- Update CI (#41) (@devmotion)
- Update Project.toml (#42) (@ivanslapnicar)