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Inference regression because of semi-concrete interpretation #47349

maleadt opened this issue Oct 27, 2022 · 7 comments · Fixed by #47490

Inference regression because of semi-concrete interpretation #47349

maleadt opened this issue Oct 27, 2022 · 7 comments · Fixed by #47490
compiler:inference Type inference gpu Affects running Julia on a GPU regression Regression in behavior compared to a previous version


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maleadt commented Oct 27, 2022

I have a fairly involved MWE, reduced from a CUDA.jl bug report, where a StaticArrays-based kernel (doing broadcast with floor) stop generating static code when combined with a method overlay definition of Base.isnan. Essentially:

# simple kernel
using StaticArrays
function kernel(width, height)
    xy = SVector{2, Float32}(0.5f0, 0.5f0)
    res = SVector{2, UInt32}(width, height)
    floor.(UInt32, max.(0f0, xy) .* res)

# this breaks static irgen
using Base.Experimental: @overlay, @MethodTable
@overlay method_table Base.isnan(x::Float32) =
    ccall("extern __nv_isnanf", llvmcall, Int32, (Cfloat,), x) != 0

f = typeof(kernel)
tt = Tuple{Int, Int}
world = Base.get_world_counter()
irgen(f, tt, world)

On 1.8, the generated IR is fully static and contains calls to the floor intrinsic:

  %38 = call float @llvm.floor.f32(float %37), !dbg !91
  %69 = call float @llvm.floor.f32(float %68), !dbg !91

On 1.9 however, the IR is full of dynamic dispatches and no floor to be seen, even though the code_warntype looks similar. I've bisected this to #44803, but have yet to look into this any closer.

The full MWE, reduced from GPUCompiler.jl:

using LLVM

using Core.Compiler: CodeInstance, MethodInstance, InferenceParams, OptimizationParams,
                     AbstractInterpreter, InferenceResult, InferenceState,
                     OverlayMethodTable, WorldView

## cache

struct CodeCache
    CodeCache() = new(Dict{MethodInstance,Vector{CodeInstance}}())

function Core.Compiler.setindex!(cache::CodeCache, ci::CodeInstance, mi::MethodInstance)
    cis = get!(cache.dict, mi, CodeInstance[])
    push!(cis, ci)

## interpreter

struct CustomInterpreter <: AbstractInterpreter

    CustomInterpreter(cache::CodeCache, mt::Union{Nothing,Core.MethodTable}, world::UInt) =
        new(cache, Vector{InferenceResult}(), mt, world)

Core.Compiler.InferenceParams(interp::CustomInterpreter) = InferenceParams()
Core.Compiler.OptimizationParams(interp::CustomInterpreter) = OptimizationParams()
Core.Compiler.get_world_counter(interp::CustomInterpreter) =
Core.Compiler.get_inference_cache(interp::CustomInterpreter) = interp.local_cache
Core.Compiler.code_cache(interp::CustomInterpreter) = WorldView(interp.global_cache,

Core.Compiler.lock_mi_inference(interp::CustomInterpreter, mi::MethodInstance) = nothing
Core.Compiler.unlock_mi_inference(interp::CustomInterpreter, mi::MethodInstance) = nothing

Core.Compiler.may_optimize(interp::CustomInterpreter) = true
Core.Compiler.may_compress(interp::CustomInterpreter) = true
Core.Compiler.may_discard_trees(interp::CustomInterpreter) = true
Core.Compiler.verbose_stmt_info(interp::CustomInterpreter) = false

if v"1.8-beta2" <= VERSION < v"1.9-" || VERSION >= v"1.9.0-DEV.120"
Core.Compiler.method_table(interp::CustomInterpreter) =
    OverlayMethodTable(, interp.method_table)
Core.Compiler.method_table(interp::CustomInterpreter, sv::InferenceState) =
    OverlayMethodTable(, interp.method_table)

## world view of the cache

function Core.Compiler.haskey(wvc::WorldView{CodeCache}, mi::MethodInstance)
    Core.Compiler.get(wvc, mi, nothing) !== nothing

function Core.Compiler.get(wvc::WorldView{CodeCache}, mi::MethodInstance, default)
    # check the cache
    for ci in get!(wvc.cache.dict, mi, CodeInstance[])
        if ci.min_world <= wvc.worlds.min_world && wvc.worlds.max_world <= ci.max_world
            # TODO: if (code && (code == jl_nothing || jl_ir_flag_inferred((jl_array_t*)code)))
            src = if ci.inferred isa Vector{UInt8}
                ccall(:jl_uncompress_ir, Any, (Any, Ptr{Cvoid}, Any),
                       mi.def, C_NULL, ci.inferred)
            return ci

    return default

function Core.Compiler.getindex(wvc::WorldView{CodeCache}, mi::MethodInstance)
    r = Core.Compiler.get(wvc, mi, nothing)
    r === nothing && throw(KeyError(mi))
    return r::CodeInstance

function Core.Compiler.setindex!(wvc::WorldView{CodeCache}, ci::CodeInstance, mi::MethodInstance)
    src = if ci.inferred isa Vector{UInt8}
        ccall(:jl_uncompress_ir, Any, (Any, Ptr{Cvoid}, Any),
                mi.def, C_NULL, ci.inferred)
    Core.Compiler.setindex!(wvc.cache, ci, mi)

## codegen/inference integration

function ci_cache_populate(interp, cache, mt, mi, min_world, max_world)
    src = Core.Compiler.typeinf_ext_toplevel(interp, mi)

    # inference populates the cache, so we don't need to jl_get_method_inferred
    wvc = WorldView(cache, min_world, max_world)

    # if src is rettyp_const, the codeinfo won't cache ci.inferred
    # (because it is normally not supposed to be used ever again).
    # to avoid the need to re-infer, set that field here.
    ci = Core.Compiler.getindex(wvc, mi)
    if ci !== nothing && ci.inferred === nothing
        @static if VERSION >= v"1.9.0-DEV.1115"
            @atomic ci.inferred = src
            ci.inferred = src

    return ci

function ci_cache_lookup(cache, mi, min_world, max_world)
    wvc = WorldView(cache, min_world, max_world)
    ci = Core.Compiler.get(wvc, mi, nothing)
    if ci !== nothing && ci.inferred === nothing
        # if for some reason we did end up with a codeinfo without inferred source, e.g.,
        # because of calling `Base.return_types` which only sets rettyp, pretend we didn't
        # run inference so that we re-infer now and not during codegen (which is disallowed)
        return nothing
    return ci

## LLVM context handling

if VERSION >= v"1.9.0-DEV.516"
    const JuliaContextType = ThreadSafeContext
    const JuliaContextType = Context

function JuliaContext()
    if VERSION >= v"1.9.0-DEV.115"
        # Julia 1.9 knows how to deal with arbitrary contexts
        # earlier versions of Julia claim so, but actually use a global context
        isboxed_ref = Ref{Bool}()
        typ = LLVMType(ccall(:jl_type_to_llvm, LLVM.API.LLVMTypeRef,
                       (Any, Ptr{Bool}), Any, isboxed_ref))
function JuliaContext(f)
    if VERSION >= v"1.9.0-DEV.115"
        # we cannot dispose of the global unique context

if VERSION >= v"1.9.0-DEV.516"
unwrap_context(ctx::ThreadSafeContext) = context(ctx)
unwrap_context(ctx::Context) = ctx

## main

function irgen(f, tt, world)
    JuliaContext() do ctx
        # get the method instance
        u = Base.unwrap_unionall(tt)
        sig = Base.rewrap_unionall(Tuple{f, u.parameters...}, tt)
        meth = which(sig)

        (ti, env) = ccall(:jl_type_intersection_with_env, Any,(Any, Any), sig, meth.sig)

        meth = Base.func_for_method_checked(meth, ti, env)

        mi = ccall(:jl_specializations_get_linfo, Ref{Core.MethodInstance},
                    (Any, Any, Any, UInt), meth, ti, env, world)

        # populate the cache
        cache = CodeCache()
        interp = CustomInterpreter(cache, method_table, Base.get_world_counter())
        ci_cache_populate(interp, cache, method_table, mi, world, typemax(Cint))

        # set-up the compiler interface
        function lookup_fun(mi, min_world, max_world)
            ci_cache_lookup(cache, mi, min_world, max_world)
        lookup_cb = @cfunction($lookup_fun, Any, (Any, UInt, UInt))
        params = Base.CodegenParams(;lookup = Base.unsafe_convert(Ptr{Nothing}, lookup_cb))

        GC.@preserve lookup_cb begin
            # generate inferred
            native_code = if VERSION >= v"1.9.0-DEV.516"
                mod = LLVM.Module("start"; ctx=unwrap_context(ctx))
                ts_mod = ThreadSafeModule(mod; ctx)
                ccall(:jl_create_native, Ptr{Cvoid},
                        (Vector{MethodInstance}, LLVM.API.LLVMOrcThreadSafeModuleRef, Ptr{Base.CodegenParams}, Cint),
                        [mi], ts_mod, Ref(params), #=extern policy=# 1)
            elseif VERSION >= v"1.9.0-DEV.115"
                ccall(:jl_create_native, Ptr{Cvoid},
                        (Vector{MethodInstance}, LLVM.API.LLVMContextRef, Ptr{Base.CodegenParams}, Cint),
                        [mi], ctx, Ref(params), #=extern policy=# 1)
            elseif VERSION >= v"1.8.0-DEV.661"
                ccall(:jl_create_native, Ptr{Cvoid},
                        (Vector{MethodInstance}, Ptr{Base.CodegenParams}, Cint),
                        [mi], Ref(params), #=extern policy=# 1)
                ccall(:jl_create_native, Ptr{Cvoid},
                        (Vector{MethodInstance}, Base.CodegenParams, Cint),
                        [mi], params, #=extern policy=# 1)

            # get the module
            llvm_mod_ref = if VERSION >= v"1.9.0-DEV.516"
                ccall(:jl_get_llvm_module, LLVM.API.LLVMOrcThreadSafeModuleRef,
                        (Ptr{Cvoid},), native_code)
                ccall(:jl_get_llvm_module, LLVM.API.LLVMModuleRef,
                        (Ptr{Cvoid},), native_code)

            # display its IR
            if VERSION >= v"1.9.0-DEV.516"
                llvm_ts_mod = LLVM.ThreadSafeModule(llvm_mod_ref)
                llvm_mod = nothing
                llvm_ts_mod() do mod
                    llvm_mod = mod
                llvm_mod = LLVM.Module(llvm_mod_ref)

# this breaks stuff
using Base.Experimental: @overlay, @MethodTable
@overlay method_table Base.isnan(x::Float32) =
    ccall("extern __nv_isnanf", llvmcall, Int32, (Cfloat,), x) != 0

# simple kernel
using StaticArrays
function kernel(width, height)
    xy = SVector{2, Float32}(0.5f0, 0.5f0)
    res = SVector{2, UInt32}(width, height)
    floor.(UInt32, max.(0f0, xy) .* res)

f = typeof(kernel)
tt = Tuple{Int, Int}
world = Base.get_world_counter()
@time irgen(f, tt, world)

This also serves as a "minimal" example how to generate LLVM IR using a custom interpreter and cache, which is significantly slower on 1.9, taking ~7 seconds where it only used to take about 3, so I guess it also demonstrates #47296.

@maleadt maleadt added regression Regression in behavior compared to a previous version compiler:codegen Generation of LLVM IR and native code gpu Affects running Julia on a GPU labels Oct 27, 2022
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maleadt commented Oct 27, 2022

Cthulhu doesn't help here, on both sides of the semi-concrete merge the Julia and LLVM IR it reports is identical, and always contain static calls to floor. Guess I'll have to debug this at a lower level. @Keno any thoughts what may have caused this?

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@brenhinkeller This might be what we are seeing in StaticCompiler.jl with the overlays on.

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Oh! Interesting..

@aviatesk aviatesk self-assigned this Nov 7, 2022
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aviatesk commented Nov 7, 2022

It looks like this issue is because of semi-concrete interpretation on overlayed methods (although I'm still debugging why that happens).
For the meanwhile, we can turn-off semi-concrete interpretation as like:

function Core.Compiler.concrete_eval_eligible(interp::CustomInterpreter, 
    @nospecialize(f), result::Core.Compiler.MethodCallResult, arginfo::Core.Compiler.ArgInfo)
    ret = @invoke Core.Compiler.concrete_eval_eligible(interp::AbstractInterpreter, 
        f::Any, result::Core.Compiler.MethodCallResult, arginfo::Core.Compiler.ArgInfo)
    ret === false && return nothing # XXX JuliaLang/julia#47349
    return ret

and get an (seemingly) optimal LLVM IR.

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aviatesk commented Nov 8, 2022

Update: the root problem here seems to be a general precision issue of semi-concrete interpretation: More specifically semi-concrete interpretation is enabled for StaticArrays.StableFlatten.prepare_args but it turns out that const-prop' based abstract interpretation returns more accurate result than semi-concrete interpretation (and it is not the root problem that isnan happens to be overlayed).

With this overload, we can see there are some precision issue within semi-concrete eval:

@eval Core.Compiler function abstract_call_method_with_const_args(interp::AbstractInterpreter,
    result::MethodCallResult, @nospecialize(f), arginfo::ArgInfo, si::StmtInfo, match::MethodMatch,
    sv::InferenceState, invokecall::Union{Nothing,InvokeCall}=nothing)
    if !const_prop_enabled(interp, sv, match)
        return nothing
    if is_removable_if_unused(result.effects)
        if isa(result.rt, Const) || call_result_unused(si)
            add_remark!(interp, sv, "[constprop] No more information to be gained")
            return nothing
    res = concrete_eval_call(interp, f, result, arginfo, si, sv, invokecall)
    isa(res, ConstCallResults) && return res
    mi = maybe_get_const_prop_profitable(interp, result, f, arginfo, si, match, sv)
    mi === nothing && return nothing
    # try semi-concrete evaluation
    local semiresult = nothing
    if res::Bool && !has_conditional(arginfo)
        mi_cache = WorldView(code_cache(interp),
        code = get(mi_cache, mi, nothing)
        if code !== nothing
            ir = codeinst_to_ir(interp, code)
            if isa(ir, IRCode)
                irsv = IRInterpretationState(interp, ir, mi,, arginfo.argtypes)
                rt = ir_abstract_constant_propagation(interp, irsv)
                if !isa(rt, Type) || typeintersect(rt, Bool) === Union{}
                    semiresult = (rt, mi, ir)
    # try constant prop'
    inf_cache = get_inference_cache(interp)
    inf_result = cache_lookup(typeinf_lattice(interp), mi, arginfo.argtypes, inf_cache)
    if inf_result === nothing
        # if there might be a cycle, check to make sure we don't end up
        # calling ourselves here.
        if result.edgecycle && (result.edgelimited ?
            is_constprop_method_recursed(match.method, sv) :
            # if the type complexity limiting didn't decide to limit the call signature (`result.edgelimited = false`)
            # we can relax the cycle detection by comparing `MethodInstance`s and allow inference to
            # propagate different constant elements if the recursion is finite over the lattice
            is_constprop_edge_recursed(mi, sv))
            add_remark!(interp, sv, "[constprop] Edge cycle encountered")
            return nothing
        inf_result = InferenceResult(mi, (arginfo, sv))
        if !any(inf_result.overridden_by_const)
            add_remark!(interp, sv, "[constprop] Could not handle constant info in matching_cache_argtypes")
            return nothing
        frame = InferenceState(inf_result, #=cache=#:local, interp)
        if frame === nothing
            add_remark!(interp, sv, "[constprop] Could not retrieve the source")
            return nothing # this is probably a bad generated function (unsound), but just ignore it
        frame.parent = sv
        if !typeinf(interp, frame)
            add_remark!(interp, sv, "[constprop] Fresh constant inference hit a cycle")
            return nothing
        @assert !isa(inf_result.result, InferenceState)
        if isa(inf_result.result, InferenceState)
            add_remark!(interp, sv, "[constprop] Found cached constant inference in a cycle")
            return nothing
    if semiresult !== nothing
        (rt, mi, ir) = semiresult
        if inf_result.result  rt
            println("semi concrete result is worse than constprop': ", sv.linfo, mi, sv.linfo.def)
            println(rt, " vs. ", inf_result.result)
    return ConstCallResults(inf_result.result, ConstPropResult(inf_result), inf_result.ipo_effects, mi)
semi concrete result is worse than constprop': prepare_args(Tuple{StaticArrays.StableFlatten.var"#8#10"{1}, StaticArrays.StableFlatten.var"#makeargs1#11"{typeof(Base.:(*)), Tuple{StaticArrays.StableFlatten.var"#makeargs1#11"{typeof(Base.max), Tuple{StaticArrays.StableFlatten.var"#8#10"{2}, StaticArrays.StableFlatten.var"#8#10"{3}}}, StaticArrays.StableFlatten.var"#8#10"{4}}}}, Tuple{DataType, Float32, Float32, UInt32}) from prepare_args(Tuple, Tuple)(::StaticArrays.StableFlatten.var"#8#10"{1})(Tuple{DataType, Float32, Float32, UInt32}) from (::StaticArrays.StableFlatten.var"#8#10"{N})(Tuple) where {N}prepare_args(Tuple, Tuple)
DataType vs. Core.Const(val=UInt32)
semi concrete result is worse than constprop': prepare_args(Tuple{StaticArrays.StableFlatten.var"#8#10"{1}, StaticArrays.StableFlatten.var"#makeargs1#11"{typeof(Base.:(*)), Tuple{StaticArrays.StableFlatten.var"#makeargs1#11"{typeof(Base.max), Tuple{StaticArrays.StableFlatten.var"#8#10"{2}, StaticArrays.StableFlatten.var"#8#10"{3}}}, StaticArrays.StableFlatten.var"#8#10"{4}}}}, Tuple{DataType, Float32, Float32, UInt32}) from prepare_args(Tuple, Tuple)(::StaticArrays.StableFlatten.var"#8#10"{1})(Tuple{DataType, Float32, Float32, UInt32}) from (::StaticArrays.StableFlatten.var"#8#10"{N})(Tuple) where {N}prepare_args(Tuple, Tuple)
DataType vs. Core.Const(val=UInt32)
semi concrete result is worse than constprop': prepare_args(Tuple{StaticArrays.StableFlatten.var"#8#10"{2}, StaticArrays.StableFlatten.var"#8#10"{3}}, Tuple{DataType, Float32, Float32, UInt32}) from prepare_args(Tuple, Tuple)(::StaticArrays.StableFlatten.var"#8#10"{2})(Tuple{DataType, Float32, Float32, UInt32}) from (::StaticArrays.StableFlatten.var"#8#10"{N})(Tuple) where {N}prepare_args(Tuple, Tuple)
Float32 vs. Core.Const(val=0f)
semi concrete result is worse than constprop': prepare_args(Tuple{StaticArrays.StableFlatten.var"#8#10"{3}}, Tuple{DataType, Float32, Float32, UInt32}) from prepare_args(Tuple, Tuple)(::StaticArrays.StableFlatten.var"#8#10"{3})(Tuple{DataType, Float32, Float32, UInt32}) from (::StaticArrays.StableFlatten.var"#8#10"{N})(Tuple) where {N}prepare_args(Tuple, Tuple)
Float32 vs. Core.Const(val=0.5f)

I will try to come up with a minimum target and fix the precision issue, but for the meanwhile external AbstractInterpreters can just disable semi-concrete eval like above so that it can keep the accuracy of type inference.

@aviatesk aviatesk changed the title Regression in code generation with overlay methods Inference regression because of semi-concrete eval Nov 8, 2022
@aviatesk aviatesk changed the title Inference regression because of semi-concrete eval Inference regression because of semi-concrete interpretatoin Nov 8, 2022
@aviatesk aviatesk changed the title Inference regression because of semi-concrete interpretatoin Inference regression because of semi-concrete interpretation Nov 8, 2022
@aviatesk aviatesk added compiler:inference Type inference and removed compiler:codegen Generation of LLVM IR and native code labels Nov 8, 2022
aviatesk added a commit that referenced this issue Nov 8, 2022
#45459 moved `:static_parameter` always to statement
position as our optimizer assumes `:static_parameter` in value position
But it turns out that it can cause precision issue for semi-concrete
interpretation as discovered at #47349, since the type of
`:static_parameter` in statement position is widened when converted
to compressed IR for cache.

This commit follows up #45459 so that we inline
effect-free `:static_parameter` during IR conversion and get a more
reasonable semi-concrete interpretation.
aviatesk added a commit that referenced this issue Nov 9, 2022
#45459 moved `:static_parameter` always to statement
position as our optimizer assumes `:static_parameter` in value position
But it turns out that it can cause precision issue for semi-concrete
interpretation as discovered at #47349, since the type of
`:static_parameter` in statement position is widened when converted
to compressed IR for cache.

This commit follows up #45459 so that we inline
effect-free `:static_parameter` during IR conversion and get a more
reasonable semi-concrete interpretation.
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aviatesk commented Nov 9, 2022

This particular issue got fixed, but I think there are other inference precision issue within semi-concrete interpretation at this moment. So I suggest you keep JuliaGPU/GPUCompiler.jl#369 for the meanwhile. I will ping you once I get satisfied with incoming fixups (@maleadt).

aviatesk added a commit that referenced this issue Nov 28, 2022
This should let us generate a smaller IR in general, as well as reducing
chances that the semi-concrete interpretation causes the precision issue
that is caused by the current limitation that a compressed IR can't keep
propagate a constant type information in statement position to the
semi-concrete interpretation (xref: #47349).
aviatesk added a commit that referenced this issue Nov 28, 2022
This should let us generate a smaller IR in general, as well as reducing
chances that the semi-concrete interpretation causes the precision issue
that is caused by the current limitation that a compressed IR can't keep
propagate a constant type information in statement position to the
semi-concrete interpretation (xref: #47349).
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aviatesk commented Jan 4, 2023

#47994 fixed most cases where semi-concrete interpretation ended up with a wider result than constant propagation. It may be okay to turn on semi-concrete interpretation in GPUCompiler after 1.10.0-DEV.203. However, there are still a few known remaining cases, so you may want to keep the overload unless you are willing to optimize compilation performance at the risk of inference regression.

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compiler:inference Type inference gpu Affects running Julia on a GPU regression Regression in behavior compared to a previous version
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