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Inference failure dependent on Tuple signature annotation #29117

timholy opened this issue Sep 10, 2018 · 8 comments

Inference failure dependent on Tuple signature annotation #29117

timholy opened this issue Sep 10, 2018 · 8 comments
compiler:inference Type inference


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timholy commented Sep 10, 2018

In a forthcoming rewrite of Interpolations.jl, I'm basing all operations on a new kind of array index, an abstract WeightedIndex type for which

a[WeightedIndex(i, (0.2, 0.8))]

gets converted into

0.2*a[i] + 0.8*a[i+1]

Unfortunately I'm running into limitations on inference. Here's a small reproducer:

# A concerete subtype used when the indexes are adjacent, e.g., i and i+1
struct WeightedAdjIndex{L,W}
weights(wi::WeightedAdjIndex) = wi.weights
indexes(wi::WeightedAdjIndex) = wi.istart

# sendtoback processes `inds` one dimension at a time. Any finished indexes
# are appended to the end of the arguments; when `inds` is exhausted, this exits.
function sendtoback(A::AbstractArray{T,N}, inds, i::Vararg{Int,M}) where {T,N,M}
    wi = inds[1]
    sendtoback1(A, indexes(wi), weights(wi), Base.tail(inds), i)
sendtoback(A::AbstractArray{T,N}, ::Tuple{}, i::Vararg{Int,N}) where {T,N} = A[i...]

# sendtoback1 is responsible for processing a single dimension
# sendtoback1(A, j::Int, w::Tuple, inds, i) =
#     w[1]*sendtoback(A, inds, i..., j) + sendtoback1(A, j+1, Base.tail(w), inds, i)
sendtoback1(A, j::Int, w::Tuple{Any}, inds, i) = w[1]*sendtoback(A, inds, i..., j)
sendtoback1(A, j::Int, w::Tuple{}, inds, i) = error("this should never happen")

using Test
A = rand(3,3,3,3)
wis = ntuple(d->WeightedAdjIndex(2, (1,)), ndims(A))

@test @inferred(sendtoback(A, wis)) == A[2,2,2,2]

# m = @which sendtoback(A, wis)
# Core.Compiler.typeinf_code(m, typeof((A,wis)), Core.svec(Float64,4,0), true, Core.Compiler.Params(typemax(UInt)))

Julia currently infers the return type as Any but actually returns a Float64, hence the @inferred line throws an error. Some interesting observations:

  • In sendtoback1 if you change Tuple{Any} to Tuple{Int} then this example gets inferred correctly as Float64. Of course, I don't want to restrict the weights to be of type Int.
  • However, if you then uncomment the commented-out sendtoback1 method it goes back to failing
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vtjnash commented Sep 10, 2018

This is intentional. Some limits it's hitting include:

  • recursively growing i... (by appending j)
  • recursing through multiple functions (single-function recursion is limited more slowly)

So here, we're doing inference on essentially just the declared types. But I don't see an obvious way to either change this, or to add this as a convergent pattern into inference. I tried to consider some re-arrangements, but this didn't seem to help bring any simplification so far:

# sendtoback processes `inds` one dimension at a time. Any finished indexes
# are appended to the end of the arguments; when `inds` is exhausted, this exits.
function sendtoback(A::AbstractArray, inds, i::Dims)
    wi = inds[1]
    return sendtoback1(A, indexes(wi), weights(wi), Base.tail(inds), i)
sendtoback(A::AbstractArray{T,N}, ::Tuple{}, i::Dims{N}) where {T,N} = A[i...]

# sendtoback1 is responsible for processing a single dimension
sendtoback1(A, j::Int, w::Tuple{Any, Any, Vararg{Any}}, inds, i::Dims) =
    w[1]*sendtoback(A, inds, (i..., j)) + sendtoback1(A, j+1, Base.tail(w), inds, i)
sendtoback1(A, j::Int, w::Tuple{Any}, inds, i::Dims) = w[1]*sendtoback(A, inds, (i..., j))
sendtoback1(A, j::Int, w::Tuple{}, inds, i::Dims) = error("this should never happen")
function sendtoback(A::AbstractArray, i::Dims, wi, inds...)
    return sendtoback1(A, indexes(wi), inds, i, weights(wi)...)
sendtoback(A::AbstractArray{T,N}, i::Dims{N}) where {T,N} = A[i...]

sendtoback1(A, j::Int, inds, i::Dims, w1, w...) =
    w1*sendtoback(A, (i..., j), inds...) + sendtoback1(A, j+1, inds, i, w...)
sendtoback1(A, j::Int, inds, i::Dims, w1) = w1*sendtoback(A, (i..., j), inds...)
sendtoback1(A, j::Int, inds, i::Dims) = error("this should never happen")

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timholy commented Sep 10, 2018

I suspected this was an inference-must-converge issue. And like you I'm struggling to find a way to express this in a different way that's easier on inference. In the short term is my best course of action to write this as a generated function?

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vtjnash commented Sep 10, 2018

I think a version that is currently inferrable would have to take the following form:

function sendtoback(wi, inds...)
    tail_w, tail_i = sendtoback(inds...) # unwrap the weights and indexing information for the tail of `inds`
     head_w = weights(wi) # get the vector of new weights
     head_i = ntuple(j -> indexes(wi) + j - 1, Val(length(w))) # get the vector of new indexes
     W, I = # form the cartesian product between head and tail with `w` and `I`
     return W, I
sendtoback() = ((1,), ())

function sendtoback(A::AbstractArray, inds...)
    W, I = sendtoback(inds...)
    return sum(W[j] * A[I[j]...] for j = 1:length(W))

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timholy commented Sep 11, 2018

Thanks for the suggestion, I will try that in the morning.

Given that it's mostly about proving convergence, I'm a bit curious about whether the following could, in principle, be proved to converge (diff is relative to my OP):

diff --git a/inference.jl b/inference.jl
index 3538931..b500c37 100644
--- a/inference.jl
+++ b/inference.jl
@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ indexes(wi::WeightedAdjIndex) = wi.istart
 # sendtoback processes `inds` one dimension at a time. Any finished indexes
 # are appended to the end of the arguments; when `inds` is exhausted, this exits.
-function sendtoback(A::AbstractArray{T,N}, inds, i::Vararg{Int,M}) where {T,N,M}
+function sendtoback(A::AbstractArray{T,N}, inds, i::Vararg{Union{Int,Nothing},N}) where {T,N}
     wi = inds[1]
     sendtoback1(A, indexes(wi), weights(wi), Base.tail(inds), i)
@@ -17,14 +17,14 @@ sendtoback(A::AbstractArray{T,N}, ::Tuple{}, i::Vararg{Int,N}) where {T,N} = A[i
 # sendtoback1 is responsible for processing a single dimension
 # sendtoback1(A, j::Int, w::Tuple, inds, i) =
 #     w[1]*sendtoback(A, inds, i..., j) + sendtoback1(A, j+1, Base.tail(w), inds, i)
-sendtoback1(A, j::Int, w::Tuple{Any}, inds, i) = w[1]*sendtoback(A, inds, i..., j)
+sendtoback1(A, j::Int, w::Tuple{Any}, inds, i) = w[1]*sendtoback(A, inds, Base.tail(i)..., j)
 sendtoback1(A, j::Int, w::Tuple{}, inds, i) = error("this should never happen")
 using Test
 A = rand(3,3,3,3)
 wis = ntuple(d->WeightedAdjIndex(2, (1,)), ndims(A))
-@test @inferred(sendtoback(A, wis)) == A[2,2,2,2]
+filler = ntuple(d->nothing, ndims(A))
+@test @inferred(sendtoback(A, wis, filler...)) == A[2,2,2,2]
 # m = @which sendtoback(A, wis)
 # Core.Compiler.typeinf_code(m, typeof((A,wis)), Core.svec(Float64,4,0), true, Core.Compiler.Params(typemax(UInt)))

As I'm sure will be immediately evident to you, the design principle here was to avoid having the vararg grow (your first point in #29117 (comment)).

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timholy commented Sep 11, 2018

I think a version that is currently inferrable would have to take the following form

Somewhat minor point compared to the importance of inferrability, but computing the cartesian product of the coefficients first and then aggregating with the array values involves more multiplications. You can see this just for 2d linear interpolation:

c11 = a1*a2
c12 = a1*b2
c21 = b1*a2
c22 = b1*b2
c11*A[i,j] + c12*A[i,j+1] + c21*A[i+1,j] + c22*A[i+1,j+1]

(8 multiplies, 3 adds if you discount the additions for the indexes) vs

a1*(a2*A[i,j] + b2*A[i,j+1]) + b1*(a2*A[i+1,j] + b2*A[i+1,j+1])

(6 multiplies, 3 adds).

For cubic interpolation in 3d it's 84 multiplies vs 192 multiplies; the ratio is bounded above by the dimensionality but can become a sizable fraction of it (e.g., in 20 dimensions it's a factor of ~15, not that anyone should be doing cubic interpolation in 20 dimensions).

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vtjnash commented Sep 11, 2018

Ah, interesting. I think you could even use any in-domain value, then it's even more clear that each recursive call is strictly a function of its caller's arguments:

+function sendtoback(A::AbstractArray{T,N}, inds, i::Vararg{Int,N}) where {T,N}
+filler = ntuple(d->0, ndims(A))

I don't usually like using (abusing?) ntuple in this way. But, as you point out, my attempted form of rearrangement would give a worse answer (and I'm not even sure how one would write out that cartesian product of multiplications)

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timholy commented Sep 11, 2018

Good idea. Here's some further changes I incorporated:

  • I moved inds into the last varargs position, hoping to make it easier for inference to realize that this was what matters with respect to convergence
  • I used diagonal types A::AbstractArray{T,N}, i::NTuple{N,Int} everywhere, hoping to help inference realize that there isn't a version where the number of entries in i isn't equal to the dimensionality of A
  • I changed the declaration of w to w::Tuple{W} with where W
  • I hoped to force specialization of sendtoback1 by declaring inds::NTuple{M,Any} with where M

Consequently I had high hopes for this version:

# A concerete subtype used when the indexes are adjacent, e.g., i and i+1
struct WeightedAdjIndex{L,W}
weights(wi::WeightedAdjIndex) = wi.weights
indexes(wi::WeightedAdjIndex) = wi.istart

# sendtoback processes `inds` one dimension at a time. Any finished indexes
# are appended to the end of the arguments; when `inds` is exhausted, this exits.
function sendtoback(A::AbstractArray{T,N}, i::NTuple{N,Int}, wi, inds::Vararg{Any,M}) where {T,N,M}
    sendtoback1(A, i, indexes(wi), weights(wi), inds)
@inline sendtoback(A::AbstractArray{T,N}, i::NTuple{N,Int}) where {T,N} = A[i...]

# sendtoback1 is responsible for processing a single dimension
# sendtoback1(A::AbstractArray{T,N}, i::NTuple{N,Int}, j::Int, w::NTuple{L,Any}, inds::NTuple{M,Any}) where {T,N,L,M} =
#     w[1]*sendtoback(A, (Base.tail(i)..., j), inds...) + sendtoback1(A, i, j+1, Base.tail(w), inds)
@inline sendtoback1(A::AbstractArray{T,N}, i::NTuple{N,Int}, j::Int, w::Tuple{W}, inds::NTuple{M,Any}) where {T,N,W,M} =
    w[1]*sendtoback(A, (Base.tail(i)..., j), inds...)
sendtoback1(A::AbstractArray{T,N}, i::NTuple{N,Int}, j::Int, w::Tuple{}, inds::NTuple{M,Any}) where {T,N,M} = error("this should never happen")

using Test
A = rand(3,3,3,3)
wis = ntuple(d->WeightedAdjIndex(2, (1,)), ndims(A))
filler = ntuple(d->0, ndims(A))
@test @inferred(sendtoback(A, filler, wis...)) == A[2,2,2,2]

However, it didn't work. I also tried forms like inds::I with where I but that didn't help either.

With this much manual annotation I'm starting to get a bit surprised this still doesn't work.

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vtjnash commented Sep 11, 2018

I moved inds into the last varargs position, hoping to make it easier for inference to realize that this was what matters with respect to convergence

Ordering (mostly) doesn't matter, but depth (number of tuple wrappers) does. If we look at code_typed, you'll sort of see the effect of this in it's decision of where to stop inlining. But thus if we make ind::Vararg{Any,M} the same type everywhere, then this infers for me.

I used diagonal types A::AbstractArray{T,N}, i::NTuple{N,Int} everywhere, hoping to help inference realize that there isn't a version where the number of entries in i isn't equal to the dimensionality of A

Yes, that'll probably help some with ensuring inference shouldn't look at too many unreasonable signatures, but it is mostly not allowed to improve the result (I discovered this fact in #28517)

I changed the declaration of w to w::Tuple{W} with where W
I hoped to force specialization of sendtoback1 by declaring inds::NTuple{M,Any} with where M

That'll alter the compiler heuristics, but it's ignored for inference (it actually may worsen inference, by creating a more complex type that we'll then end up needing to widen even faster—but when possible it tries not to distinguish between alternative versions of equivalent types)

@JeffBezanson JeffBezanson added the compiler:inference Type inference label Jan 3, 2020
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