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Method completion using inference to determine the input types to rem…
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…ove non matching methods. Add test for the new functionality, fix  #6338.
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dhoegh authored and dhoegh committed Nov 8, 2015
1 parent 6aa15b8 commit f8196cc
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Showing 2 changed files with 96 additions and 8 deletions.
54 changes: 52 additions & 2 deletions base/REPLCompletions.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -222,14 +222,64 @@ get_value(sym::Symbol, fn) = isdefined(fn, sym) ? (fn.(sym), true) : (nothing, f
get_value(sym::QuoteNode, fn) = isdefined(fn, sym.value) ? (fn.(sym.value), true) : (nothing, false)
get_value(sym, fn) = sym, true

# Return the value of a getfield call expression
function get_value_getfield(ex::Expr, fn)
# Example :((top(getfield))(Base,:max))
val, found = get_value_getfield(ex.args[2],fn) #Look up Base in Main and returns the module
found || return (nothing, false)
get_value_getfield(ex.args[3],val) #Look up max in Base and returns the function if found.
get_value_getfield(sym, fn) = get_value(sym, fn)
# Determines the return type with Base.return_types of a function call using the type information of the arguments.
function get_type_call(expr::Expr)
f_name = expr.args[1]
# The if statement should find the f function. How f is found depends on how f is referenced
if isa(f_name, TopNode)
f = Base.(
found = true
elseif isa(f_name, Expr) && f_name.args[1] === TopNode(:getfield)
f, found = get_value_getfield(f_name, Main)
f, found = get_value(f_name, Main)
found || return (Any, false) # If the function f is not found return Any.
args = Any[]
for ex in expr.args[2:end] # Find the type of the function arguments
typ, found = get_type(ex, Main)
found ? push!(args, typ) : push!(args, Any)
return_types = Base.return_types(f,Tuple{args...})
length(return_types) == 1 || return (Any, false)
return (return_types[1], true)
# Returns the return type. example: get_type(:(Base.strip("",' ')),Main) returns (ASCIIString,true)
function get_type(sym::Expr, fn)
val, found = get_value(sym, fn)
found && return Base.typesof(val).parameters[1], found
if sym.head === :call
# getfield call is special cased as the evaluation of getfield provides good type information,
# is inexpensive and it is also performed in the complete_symbol function.
if sym.args[1] === TopNode(:getfield)
val, found = get_value_getfield(sym, Main)
return found ? Base.typesof(val).parameters[1] : Any, found
return get_type_call(sym)
(Any, false)
function get_type(sym, fn)
val, found = get_value(sym, fn)
return found ? Base.typesof(val).parameters[1] : Any, found
# Method completion on function call expression that look like :(max(1))
function complete_methods(ex_org::Expr)
args_ex = DataType[]
func, found = get_value(ex_org.args[1], Main)
(!found || (found && !isgeneric(func))) && return UTF8String[]
for ex in ex_org.args[2:end]
val, found = get_value(ex, Main)
found ? push!(args_ex, Base.typesof(val).parameters[1]) : push!(args_ex, Any)
val, found = get_type(ex, Main)
push!(args_ex, val)
out = UTF8String[]
t_in = Tuple{args_ex...} # Input types
Expand Down
50 changes: 44 additions & 6 deletions test/replcompletions.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -33,7 +33,15 @@ module CompletionFoo
test3(x::AbstractArray{Int}, y::Int) = pass
test3(x::AbstractArray{Float64}, y::Float64) = pass

test4(x::AbstractString, y::AbstractString) = pass
test4(x::AbstractString, y::Regex) = pass

test5(x::Array{Bool,1}) = pass
test5(x::BitArray{1}) = pass
test5(x::Float64) = pass

array = [1, 1]
varfloat = 0.1

function temp_pkg_dir(fn::Function)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -186,7 +194,7 @@ c, r, res = test_complete(s)
@test r == 1:3
@test s[r] == "max"

# Test completion of methods with input args
# Test completion of methods with input concrete args and args where typeinference determine their type
s = "CompletionFoo.test(1,1, "
c, r, res = test_complete(s)
@test !res
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -239,24 +247,54 @@ for (T, arg) in [(ASCIIString,"\")\""),(Char, "')'")]
@test s[r] == "CompletionFoo.test2"

# This cannot find the correct method due to the backticks expands to a macro in the parser.
# Then the function argument is an expression which is not handled by current method completion logic.
s = "(1, CompletionFoo.test2(`)`,"
c, r, res = test_complete(s)
@test length(c) == 3
@test c[1] == string(methods(CompletionFoo.test2, Tuple{Cmd})[1])
@test length(c) == 1

s = "CompletionFoo.test3([1.,2.],"
s = "CompletionFoo.test3([1, 2] + CompletionFoo.varfloat,"
c, r, res = test_complete(s)
@test !res
@test length(c) == 2
@test c[1] == string(methods(CompletionFoo.test3, Tuple{Array{Float64, 1}, Float64})[1])
@test length(c) == 1

s = "CompletionFoo.test3([1.,2.], 1.,"
c, r, res = test_complete(s)
@test !res
@test c[1] == string(methods(CompletionFoo.test3, Tuple{Array{Float64, 1}, Float64})[1])
@test r == 1:19
@test length(c) == 1
@test s[r] == "CompletionFoo.test3"

s = "CompletionFoo.test4(\"e\",r\" \","
c, r, res = test_complete(s)
@test !res
@test c[1] == string(methods(CompletionFoo.test4, Tuple{ASCIIString, Regex})[1])
@test r == 1:19
@test length(c) == 1
@test s[r] == "CompletionFoo.test4"

s = "CompletionFoo.test5(push!(Base.split(\"\",' '),\"\",\"\").==\"\","
c, r, res = test_complete(s)
@test !res
@test length(c) == 1
@test c[1] == string(methods(CompletionFoo.test5, Tuple{BitArray{1}})[1])

########## Test where the current inference logic fails ########
# Fails due to inferrence fails to determine a concrete type from the map
# But it returns AbstractArray{T,N} and hence is able to remove test5(x::Float64) from the suggestions
s = "CompletionFoo.test5(map(x-> x==\"\",push!(Base.split(\"\",' '),\"\",\"\")),"
c, r, res = test_complete(s)
@test !res
@test length(c) == 2

# equivalent to above but due to the time macro the completion fails to find the concrete type
s = "CompletionFoo.test3(@time([1, 2] + CompletionFoo.varfloat),"
c, r, res = test_complete(s)
@test !res
@test length(c) == 2

# Test completion in multi-line comments
s = "#=\n\\alpha"
c, r, res = test_complete(s)
Expand Down

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