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Merge pull request #46075 from JuliaLang/backports-release-1.8
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release-1.8: Backports for 1.8-rc4
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KristofferC authored Aug 7, 2022
2 parents 843b322 + 50bbad7 commit f32a5c6
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Showing 91 changed files with 1,672 additions and 1,061 deletions.
4 changes: 2 additions & 2 deletions
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -111,7 +111,6 @@ New library features
* `extrema` now accepts an `init` keyword argument ([#36265], [#43604]).
* `Iterators.countfrom` now accepts any type that defines `+` ([#37747]).
* `@time` now separates out % time spent recompiling invalidated methods ([#45015]).
* `@time_imports` now shows any compilation and recompilation time percentages per import ([#45064]).

Standard library changes
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -147,7 +146,8 @@ Standard library changes

#### InteractiveUtils

* New macro `@time_imports` for reporting any time spent importing packages and their dependencies ([#41612]).
* New macro `@time_imports` for reporting any time spent importing packages and their dependencies, highlighting
compilation and recompilation time as percentages per import ([#41612],[#45064]).

#### LinearAlgebra

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5 changes: 0 additions & 5 deletions base/Base.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -292,9 +292,6 @@ include("process.jl")

# RandomDevice support

# core math functions
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -484,8 +481,6 @@ end

if is_primary_base_module
function __init__()
# for the few uses of Libc.rand in Base:
# Base library init
Multimedia.reinit_displays() # since Multimedia.displays uses stdout as fallback
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58 changes: 30 additions & 28 deletions base/abstractarray.jl
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Expand Up @@ -879,13 +879,12 @@ See also [`copyto!`](@ref).
is available from the `Future` standard library as `Future.copy!`.
function copy!(dst::AbstractVector, src::AbstractVector)
firstindex(dst) == firstindex(src) || throw(ArgumentError(
"vectors must have the same offset for copy! (consider using `copyto!`)"))
if length(dst) != length(src)
resize!(dst, length(src))
for i in eachindex(dst, src)
@inbounds dst[i] = src[i]
copyto!(dst, src)

function copy!(dst::AbstractArray, src::AbstractArray)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1011,6 +1010,10 @@ julia> y
function copyto!(dest::AbstractArray, src::AbstractArray)
isempty(src) && return dest
if dest isa BitArray
# avoid ambiguities with other copyto!(::AbstractArray, ::SourceArray) methods
return _copyto_bitarray!(dest, src)
src′ = unalias(dest, src)
copyto_unaliased!(IndexStyle(dest), dest, IndexStyle(src′), src′)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1080,8 +1083,9 @@ function copyto!(dest::AbstractArray, dstart::Integer,
destinds, srcinds = LinearIndices(dest), LinearIndices(src)
(checkbounds(Bool, destinds, dstart) && checkbounds(Bool, destinds, dstart+n-1)) || throw(BoundsError(dest, dstart:dstart+n-1))
(checkbounds(Bool, srcinds, sstart) && checkbounds(Bool, srcinds, sstart+n-1)) || throw(BoundsError(src, sstart:sstart+n-1))
@inbounds for i = 0:(n-1)
dest[dstart+i] = src[sstart+i]
src′ = unalias(dest, src)
@inbounds for i = 0:n-1
dest[dstart+i] = src′[sstart+i]
return dest
Expand All @@ -1103,22 +1107,23 @@ function copyto!(B::AbstractVecOrMat{R}, ir_dest::AbstractRange{Int}, jr_dest::A
@boundscheck checkbounds(B, ir_dest, jr_dest)
@boundscheck checkbounds(A, ir_src, jr_src)
A′ = unalias(B, A)
jdest = first(jr_dest)
for jsrc in jr_src
idest = first(ir_dest)
for isrc in ir_src
@inbounds B[idest,jdest] = A[isrc,jsrc]
@inbounds B[idest,jdest] = A[isrc,jsrc]
idest += step(ir_dest)
jdest += step(jr_dest)
return B

function copyto_axcheck!(dest, src)
@noinline checkaxs(axd, axs) = axd == axs || throw(DimensionMismatch("axes must agree, got $axd and $axs"))
@noinline _checkaxs(axd, axs) = axd == axs || throw(DimensionMismatch("axes must agree, got $axd and $axs"))

checkaxs(axes(dest), axes(src))
function copyto_axcheck!(dest, src)
_checkaxs(axes(dest), axes(src))
copyto!(dest, src)

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1712,23 +1717,16 @@ end
_cs(d, a, b) = (a == b ? a : throw(DimensionMismatch(
"mismatch in dimension $d (expected $a got $b)")))

function dims2cat(::Val{dims}) where dims
if any((0), dims)
throw(ArgumentError("All cat dimensions must be positive integers, but got $dims"))
ntuple(in(dims), maximum(dims))

dims2cat(::Val{dims}) where dims = dims2cat(dims)
function dims2cat(dims)
if any((0), dims)
throw(ArgumentError("All cat dimensions must be positive integers, but got $dims"))
ntuple(in(dims), maximum(dims))

_cat(dims, X...) = cat_t(promote_eltypeof(X...), X...; dims=dims)
_cat(dims, X...) = _cat_t(dims, promote_eltypeof(X...), X...)

@inline cat_t(::Type{T}, X...; dims) where {T} = _cat_t(dims, T, X...)
@inline function _cat_t(dims, ::Type{T}, X...) where {T}
catdims = dims2cat(dims)
shape = cat_size_shape(catdims, X...)
Expand All @@ -1738,6 +1736,9 @@ _cat(dims, X...) = cat_t(promote_eltypeof(X...), X...; dims=dims)
return __cat(A, shape, catdims, X...)
# this version of `cat_t` is not very kind for inference and so its usage should be avoided,
# nevertheless it is here just for compat after
@inline cat_t(::Type{T}, X...; dims) where {T} = _cat_t(dims, T, X...)

# Why isn't this called `__cat!`?
__cat(A, shape, catdims, X...) = __cat_offset!(A, shape, catdims, ntuple(zero, length(shape)), X...)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1876,8 +1877,8 @@ julia> reduce(hcat, vs)
hcat(X...) = cat(X...; dims=Val(2))

typed_vcat(::Type{T}, X...) where T = cat_t(T, X...; dims=Val(1))
typed_hcat(::Type{T}, X...) where T = cat_t(T, X...; dims=Val(2))
typed_vcat(::Type{T}, X...) where T = _cat_t(Val(1), T, X...)
typed_hcat(::Type{T}, X...) where T = _cat_t(Val(2), T, X...)

cat(A...; dims)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1913,7 +1914,8 @@ julia> cat(true, trues(2,2), trues(4)', dims=(1,2))
@inline cat(A...; dims) = _cat(dims, A...)
_cat(catdims, A::AbstractArray{T}...) where {T} = cat_t(T, A...; dims=catdims)
# `@constprop :aggressive` allows `catdims` to be propagated as constant improving return type inference
@constprop :aggressive _cat(catdims, A::AbstractArray{T}...) where {T} = _cat_t(catdims, T, A...)

# The specializations for 1 and 2 inputs are important
# especially when running with --inline=no, see #11158
Expand All @@ -1924,12 +1926,12 @@ hcat(A::AbstractArray) = cat(A; dims=Val(2))
hcat(A::AbstractArray, B::AbstractArray) = cat(A, B; dims=Val(2))
hcat(A::AbstractArray...) = cat(A...; dims=Val(2))

typed_vcat(T::Type, A::AbstractArray) = cat_t(T, A; dims=Val(1))
typed_vcat(T::Type, A::AbstractArray, B::AbstractArray) = cat_t(T, A, B; dims=Val(1))
typed_vcat(T::Type, A::AbstractArray...) = cat_t(T, A...; dims=Val(1))
typed_hcat(T::Type, A::AbstractArray) = cat_t(T, A; dims=Val(2))
typed_hcat(T::Type, A::AbstractArray, B::AbstractArray) = cat_t(T, A, B; dims=Val(2))
typed_hcat(T::Type, A::AbstractArray...) = cat_t(T, A...; dims=Val(2))
typed_vcat(T::Type, A::AbstractArray) = _cat_t(Val(1), T, A)
typed_vcat(T::Type, A::AbstractArray, B::AbstractArray) = _cat_t(Val(1), T, A, B)
typed_vcat(T::Type, A::AbstractArray...) = _cat_t(Val(1), T, A...)
typed_hcat(T::Type, A::AbstractArray) = _cat_t(Val(2), T, A)
typed_hcat(T::Type, A::AbstractArray, B::AbstractArray) = _cat_t(Val(2), T, A, B)
typed_hcat(T::Type, A::AbstractArray...) = _cat_t(Val(2), T, A...)

# 2d horizontal and vertical concatenation

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58 changes: 31 additions & 27 deletions base/bitarray.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -458,10 +458,11 @@ function unsafe_copyto!(dest::BitArray, doffs::Integer, src::Union{BitArray,Arra
return dest

copyto!(dest::BitArray, doffs::Integer, src::Array, soffs::Integer, n::Integer) =
copyto!(dest::BitArray, doffs::Integer, src::Union{BitArray,Array}, soffs::Integer, n::Integer) =
_copyto_int!(dest, Int(doffs), src, Int(soffs), Int(n))
function _copyto_int!(dest::BitArray, doffs::Int, src::Array, soffs::Int, n::Int)
function _copyto_int!(dest::BitArray, doffs::Int, src::Union{BitArray,Array}, soffs::Int, n::Int)
n == 0 && return dest
n < 0 && throw(ArgumentError("Number of elements to copy must be nonnegative."))
soffs < 1 && throw(BoundsError(src, soffs))
doffs < 1 && throw(BoundsError(dest, doffs))
soffs+n-1 > length(src) && throw(BoundsError(src, length(src)+1))
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -501,40 +502,42 @@ function Array{T,N}(B::BitArray{N}) where {T,N}

BitArray(A::AbstractArray{<:Any,N}) where {N} = BitArray{N}(A)

function BitArray{N}(A::AbstractArray{T,N}) where N where T
B = BitArray(undef, convert(Dims{N}, size(A)::Dims{N}))
Bc = B.chunks
l = length(B)
_checkaxs(axes(B), axes(A))
_copyto_bitarray!(B, A)
return B::BitArray{N}

function _copyto_bitarray!(B::BitArray, A::AbstractArray)
l = length(A)
l == 0 && return B
ind = 1
l > length(B) && throw(BoundsError(B, length(B)+1))
Bc = B.chunks
nc = num_bit_chunks(l)
Ai = first(eachindex(A))
@inbounds begin
for i = 1:length(Bc)-1
for i = 1:nc-1
c = UInt64(0)
for j = 0:63
c |= (UInt64(convert(Bool, A[ind])::Bool) << j)
ind += 1
c |= (UInt64(convert(Bool, A[Ai])::Bool) << j)
Ai = nextind(A, Ai)
Bc[i] = c
c = UInt64(0)
for j = 0:_mod64(l-1)
c |= (UInt64(convert(Bool, A[ind])::Bool) << j)
ind += 1
tail = _mod64(l - 1) + 1
for j = 0:tail-1
c |= (UInt64(convert(Bool, A[Ai])::Bool) << j)
Ai = nextind(A, Ai)
Bc[end] = c
msk = _msk_end(tail)
Bc[nc] = (c & msk) | (Bc[nc] & ~msk)
return B

function BitArray{N}(A::Array{Bool,N}) where N
B = BitArray(undef, size(A))
Bc = B.chunks
l = length(B)
l == 0 && return B
copy_to_bitarray_chunks!(Bc, 1, A, 1, l)
return B::BitArray{N}

reinterpret(::Type{Bool}, B::BitArray, dims::NTuple{N,Int}) where {N} = reinterpret(B, dims)
reinterpret(B::BitArray, dims::NTuple{N,Int}) where {N} = reshape(B, dims)

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -721,24 +724,25 @@ function _unsafe_setindex!(B::BitArray, X::AbstractArray, I::BitArray)
lx = length(X)
last_chunk_len = _mod64(length(B)-1)+1

c = 1
Xi = first(eachindex(X))
lastXi = last(eachindex(X))
for i = 1:lc
@inbounds Imsk = Ic[i]
@inbounds C = Bc[i]
u = UInt64(1)
for j = 1:(i < lc ? 64 : last_chunk_len)
if Imsk & u != 0
lx < c && throw_setindex_mismatch(X, c)
@inbounds x = convert(Bool, X[c])
Xi > lastXi && throw_setindex_mismatch(X, count(I))
@inbounds x = convert(Bool, X[Xi])
C = ifelse(x, C | u, C & ~u)
c += 1
Xi = nextind(X, Xi)
u <<= 1
@inbounds Bc[i] = C
if length(X) != c-1
throw_setindex_mismatch(X, c-1)
if Xi != nextind(X, lastXi)
throw_setindex_mismatch(X, count(I))
return B
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9 changes: 5 additions & 4 deletions base/checked.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -115,9 +115,10 @@ function checked_abs end

function checked_abs(x::SignedInt)
r = ifelse(x<0, -x, x)
r<0 && throw(OverflowError(string("checked arithmetic: cannot compute |x| for x = ", x, "::", typeof(x))))
r<0 || return r
msg = LazyString("checked arithmetic: cannot compute |x| for x = ", x, "::", typeof(x))
checked_abs(x::UnsignedInt) = x
checked_abs(x::Bool) = x

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -151,7 +152,7 @@ end

throw_overflowerr_binaryop(op, x, y) = (@noinline;
throw(OverflowError(Base.invokelatest(string, x, " ", op, " ", y, " overflowed for type ", typeof(x)))))
throw(OverflowError(LazyString(x, " ", op, " ", y, " overflowed for type ", typeof(x)))))

Base.checked_add(x, y)
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