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Improved terminfo parser
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This bundles up the following changes:

- Rejiged TermInfo struct
- Read the extended terminfo table using the same method as the
  non-extended table
- Use signed integer types for most numeric values, as per term(5)
- More robust get(::TermInfo, ...) methods
- Better match the terminfo(5) "Fetching Compiled Descriptions" behaviour
  • Loading branch information
tecosaur committed Sep 26, 2023
1 parent 28d9f73 commit de26721
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Showing 2 changed files with 116 additions and 85 deletions.
185 changes: 108 additions & 77 deletions base/terminfo.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,5 +1,8 @@
# This file is a part of Julia. License is MIT:

# Since this code is in the startup-path, we go to some effort to
# be easier on the compiler, such as using `map` over broadcasting.


Expand All @@ -15,7 +18,7 @@ particular capabilities, solely based on `term(5)`.
- `names::Vector{String}`: The names this terminal is known by.
- `flags::BitVector`: A list of 0–$(length(TERM_FLAGS)) flag values.
- `numbers::Union{Vector{UInt16}, Vector{UInt32}}`: A list of 0–$(length(TERM_NUMBERS))
- `numbers::Union{Vector{Int16}, Vector{Int32}}`: A list of 0–$(length(TERM_NUMBERS))
number values. A value of `typemax(eltype(numbers))` is used to skip over
unspecified capabilities while ensuring value indices are correct.
- `strings::Vector{Union{String, Nothing}}`: A list of 0–$(length(TERM_STRINGS))
Expand All @@ -30,9 +33,9 @@ See also: `TermInfo` and `TermCapability`.
struct TermInfoRaw
numbers::Union{Vector{UInt16}, Vector{UInt32}}
strings::Vector{Union{String, Nothing}}
extended::Union{Nothing, Dict{Symbol, Union{Bool, Int, String}}}
extended::Union{Nothing, Dict{Symbol, Union{Bool, Int, String, Nothing}}}

Expand All @@ -59,94 +62,105 @@ See also: `TermInfoRaw` and `TermCapability`.
struct TermInfo
capabilities::Dict{Symbol, Union{Bool, Int, String}}
flags::Dict{Symbol, Bool}
numbers::Dict{Symbol, Int}
strings::Dict{Symbol, String}
extensions::Union{Nothing, Set{Symbol}}

TermInfo() = TermInfo([], 0, [], [], [], Dict())
TermInfo() = TermInfo([], Dict(), Dict(), Dict(), nothing)

function read(data::IO, ::Type{TermInfoRaw})
# Parse according to `term(5)`
# Header
magic = read(data, UInt16) |> ltoh
NumInt = if magic == 0o0432
elseif magic == 0o01036
throw(ArgumentError("Terminfo data did not start with the magic number 0o0432 or 0o01036"))
name_bytes = read(data, UInt16) |> ltoh
flag_bytes = read(data, UInt16) |> ltoh
numbers_count = read(data, UInt16) |> ltoh
string_count = read(data, UInt16) |> ltoh
table_bytes = read(data, UInt16) |> ltoh
name_bytes, flag_bytes, numbers_count, string_count, table_bytes =
@ntuple 5 _->read(data, Int16) |> ltoh
# Terminal Names
term_names = split(String(read(data, name_bytes - 1)), '|') .|> String
term_names = map(String, split(String(read(data, name_bytes - 1)), '|'))
0x00 == read(data, UInt8) ||
throw(ArgumentError("Terminfo data did not contain a null byte after the terminal names section"))
# Boolean Flags
flags = read(data, flag_bytes) .== 0x01
flags = map(==(0x01), read(data, flag_bytes))
if position(data) % 2 != 0
0x00 == read(data, UInt8) ||
throw(ArgumentError("Terminfo did not contain a null byte after the flag section, expected to position the start of the numbers section on an even byte"))
# Numbers, Strings, Table
numbers = map(ltoh, reinterpret(NumInt, read(data, numbers_count * sizeof(NumInt))))
string_indices = map(ltoh, reinterpret(UInt16, read(data, string_count * sizeof(UInt16))))
numbers = map(Int ltoh, reinterpret(NumInt, read(data, numbers_count * sizeof(NumInt))))
string_indices = map(ltoh, reinterpret(Int16, read(data, string_count * sizeof(Int16))))
strings_table = read(data, table_bytes)
strings = map(string_indices) do idx
if idx (0xffff, 0xfffe)
len = findfirst(==(0x00), view(strings_table, 1+idx:length(strings_table)))
!isnothing(len) ||
throw(ArgumentError("Terminfo string table entry does not terminate with a null byte"))
strings = _terminfo_read_strings(strings_table, string_indices)
TermInfoRaw(term_names, flags, numbers, strings,
if !eof(data) extendedterminfo(data, NumInt) end)

extendedterminfo(data::IO; NumInt::Union{Type{UInt16}, Type{UInt32}})
extendedterminfo(data::IO; NumInt::Union{Type{Int16}, Type{Int32}})
Read an extended terminfo section from `data`, with `NumInt` as the numbers type.
This will accept any terminfo content that conforms with `term(5)`.
See also: `read(::IO, ::Type{TermInfoRaw})`
function extendedterminfo(data::IO, NumInt::Union{Type{UInt16}, Type{UInt32}})
function extendedterminfo(data::IO, NumInt::Union{Type{Int16}, Type{Int32}})
# Extended info
if position(data) % 2 != 0
0x00 == read(data, UInt8) ||
throw(ArgumentError("Terminfo did not contain a null byte before the extended section, expected to position the start on an even byte"))
throw(ArgumentError("Terminfo did not contain a null byte before the extended section; expected to position the start on an even byte"))
# Extended header
flag_bytes = read(data, UInt16) |> ltoh
numbers_count = read(data, UInt16) |> ltoh
string_count = read(data, UInt16) |> ltoh
table_count = read(data, UInt16) |> ltoh
table_bytes = read(data, UInt16) |> ltoh
flag_bytes, numbers_count, string_count, table_count, table_bytes =
@ntuple 5 _->read(data, Int16) |> ltoh
# Extended flags/numbers/strings
flags = read(data, flag_bytes) .== 0x01
flags = map(==(0x01), read(data, flag_bytes))
if flag_bytes % 2 != 0
0x00 == read(data, UInt8) ||
throw(ArgumentError("Terminfo did not contain a null byte after the extended flag section, expected to position the start of the numbers section on an even byte"))
throw(ArgumentError("Terminfo did not contain a null byte after the extended flag section; expected to position the start of the numbers section on an even byte"))
numbers = map(Int ltoh, reinterpret(NumInt, read(data, numbers_count * sizeof(NumInt))))
table_indices = map(ltoh, reinterpret(Int16, read(data, table_count * sizeof(Int16))))
table_data = read(data, table_bytes)
strings = _terminfo_read_strings(table_data, table_indices[1:string_count])
table_halfoffset = Int16(get(table_indices, string_count, 0) +
ncodeunits(something(get(strings, length(strings), ""), "")) + 1)
for index in string_count+1:lastindex(tables_indices)
tables_indices[index] += table_halfoffset
numbers = map(n -> Int(ltoh(n)), reinterpret(NumInt, read(data, numbers_count * sizeof(NumInt))))
table_indices = map(ltoh, reinterpret(UInt16, read(data, table_count * sizeof(UInt16))))
table_strings = [String(readuntil(data, 0x00)) for _ in 1:length(table_indices)]
info = Dict{Symbol, Union{Bool, Int, String}}()
strings = table_strings[1:string_count]
labels = table_strings[string_count+1:end]
for (label, val) in zip(labels, vcat(flags, numbers, strings))
info[Symbol(label)] = val
labels = map(Symbol, _terminfo_read_strings(table_data, table_indices[string_count+1:end]))
Dict{Symbol, Union{Bool, Int, String, Nothing}}(
zip(labels, Iterators.flatten(flags, numbers, strings)))

_terminfo_read_strings(table::Vector{UInt8}, indices::Vector{Int16})
From `table`, read a string starting at each position in `indices`. Each string
must be null-terminated. Should an index be -1 or -2, `nothing` is given instead
of a string.
function _terminfo_read_strings(table::Vector{UInt8}, indices::Vector{Int16})
strings = Vector{Union{Nothing, String}}(undef, length(indices))
map!(strings, indices) do idx
if idx >= 0
len = findfirst(==(0x00), view(table, 1+idx:length(table)))
!isnothing(len) ||
throw(ArgumentError("Terminfo table entry @$idx does not terminate with a null byte"))
elseif idx (-1, -2)
throw(ArgumentError("Terminfo table index is invalid: -2 ≰ $idx"))
return info

Expand All @@ -158,45 +172,60 @@ NCurses 6.3, see `TERM_FLAGS`, `TERM_NUMBERS`, and `TERM_STRINGS`).
function TermInfo(raw::TermInfoRaw)
capabilities = Dict{Symbol, Union{Bool, Int, String}}()
sizehint!(capabilities, 2 * (length(raw.flags) + length(raw.numbers) + length(raw.strings)))
flags = Dict{Symbol, Bool}()
numbers = Dict{Symbol, Int}()
strings = Dict{Symbol, String}()
extensions = nothing
for (flag, value) in zip(TERM_FLAGS, raw.flags)
capabilities[flag.short] = value
capabilities[flag.long] = value
flags[flag.short] = value
flags[flag.long] = value
for (num, value) in zip(TERM_NUMBERS, raw.numbers)
if value != typemax(eltype(raw.numbers))
capabilities[num.short] = Int(value)
capabilities[num.long] = Int(value)
numbers[num.short] = Int(value)
numbers[num.long] = Int(value)
for (str, value) in zip(TERM_STRINGS, raw.strings)
if !isnothing(value)
capabilities[str.short] = value
capabilities[str.long] = value
strings[str.short] = value
strings[str.long] = value
extensions = if !isnothing(raw.extended)
capabilities = merge(capabilities, raw.extended)
keys(raw.extended) |> collect
if !isnothing(raw.extended)
extensions = Set{Symbol}()
for (key, value) in raw.extended
push!(extensions, key)
if value isa Bool
flags[key] = value
elseif value isa Int
numbers[key] = value
elseif value isa String
strings[key] = value
TermInfo(raw.names, length(raw.flags),
map(n-> n != typemax(typeof(n)), raw.numbers),
map(!isnothing, raw.strings),
extensions, capabilities)
TermInfo(raw.names, flags, numbers, strings, extensions)

get(ti::TermInfo, key::Symbol, default::Bool) = get(ti.flags, key, default)
get(ti::TermInfo, key::Symbol, default::Int) = get(ti.numbers, key, default)
get(ti::TermInfo, key::Symbol, default::String) = get(ti.strings, key, default)

haskey(ti::TermInfo, key::Symbol) =
haskey(ti.flags, key) || haskey(ti.numbers, key) || haskey(ti.strings, key)

function getindex(ti::TermInfo, key::Symbol)
haskey(ti.flags, key) && return ti.flags[key]
haskey(ti.numbers, key) && return ti.numbers[key]
haskey(ti.strings, key) && return ti.strings[key]

getindex(ti::TermInfo, key::Symbol) = ti.capabilities[key]
get(ti::TermInfo, key::Symbol, default::D) where D<:Union{Bool, Int, String} =
get(ti.capabilities, key, default)::D
get(ti::TermInfo, key::Symbol, default) = get(ti.capabilities, key, default)
keys(ti::TermInfo) = keys(ti.capabilities)
haskey(ti::TermInfo, key::Symbol) = haskey(ti.capabilities, key)
keys(ti::TermInfo) = keys(ti.flags) keys(ti.numbers) keys(ti.strings)

function show(io::IO, ::MIME"text/plain", ti::TermInfo)
print(io, "TermInfo(", ti.names, "; ", ti.flags, " flags, ",
sum(ti.numbers), " numbers, ", sum(ti.strings), " strings")
!isempty(ti.extensions) > 0 &&
print(io, "TermInfo(", ti.names, "; ", length(ti.flags), " flags, ",
length(ti.numbers), " numbers, ", length(ti.strings), " strings")
!isnothing(ti.extensions) &&
print(io, ", ", length(ti.extensions), " extended capabilities")
print(io, ')')
Expand All @@ -216,13 +245,15 @@ function find_terminfo_file(term::String)
elseif isdir(joinpath(homedir(), ".terminfo"))
[joinpath(homedir(), ".terminfo")]
elseif haskey(ENV, "TERMINFO_DIRS")
split(ENV["TERMINFO_DIRS"], ':')
elseif Sys.isunix()
haskey(ENV, "TERMINFO_DIRS") &&
replace(split(ENV["TERMINFO_DIRS"], ':'),
"" => "/usr/share/terminfo"))
Sys.isunix() &&
push!(terminfo_dirs, "/etc/terminfo", "/usr/share/terminfo")
for dir in terminfo_dirs
if isfile(joinpath(dir, chr, term))
return joinpath(dir, chr, term)
Expand Down
16 changes: 8 additions & 8 deletions test/terminfo.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -889,20 +889,20 @@ let
@testset "terminfo" begin
dumb = Base.TermInfo(read(IOBuffer(dumb_terminfo), Base.TermInfoRaw))
@test dumb.names == ["dumb", "80-column dumb tty"]
@test dumb.flags == 2
@test dumb.numbers == [true]
@test dumb.extensions == Symbol[]
@test length(dumb.capabilities) == 14
@test length(dumb.flags) == 4
@test length(dumb.numbers) == 2
@test length(dumb.strings) == 8
@test isnothing(dumb.extensions)
for (key, value) in dumb_capabilities
@test dumb[key] == value

xterm = Base.TermInfo(read(IOBuffer(xterm_terminfo), Base.TermInfoRaw))
@test xterm.names == ["xterm", "xterm terminal emulator (X Window System)"]
@test xterm.flags == 38
@test xterm.numbers == Bool[1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1]
@test sort(xterm.extensions) == sort(xterm_extensions)
@test length(xterm.capabilities) == 519
@test length(xterm.flags) == 78
@test length(xterm.numbers) == 29
@test length(xterm.strings) == 432
@test sort(xterm.extensions |> collect) == sort(xterm_extensions)
for (key, value) in xterm_capabilities
@test xterm[key] == value
Expand Down

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