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Support Frame construction without optimization (#503)
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The main challenge is to support nested calls. Now that `FrameData.callargs` is not shared across frames, this is doable.

Co-authored-by: Kristoffer Carlsson <[email protected]>
Co-authored-by: Shuhei Kadowaki <[email protected]>
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3 people authored Dec 13, 2021
1 parent 10fd8fc commit d5cb560
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Showing 4 changed files with 60 additions and 16 deletions.
30 changes: 18 additions & 12 deletions src/interpret.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -77,6 +77,8 @@ function lookup_or_eval(@nospecialize(recurse), frame, @nospecialize(node))
return lookup_var(frame, node)
elseif isa(node, SlotNumber)
return lookup_var(frame, node)
elseif isa(node, GlobalRef)
return lookup_var(frame, node)
elseif isa(node, Symbol)
return getfield(moduleof(frame), node)
elseif isa(node, QuoteNode)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -130,25 +132,29 @@ function resolvefc(frame, @nospecialize(expr))
error("unexpected ccall to ", expr)

function collect_args(frame::Frame, call_expr::Expr; isfc::Bool=false)
function collect_args(@nospecialize(recurse), frame::Frame, call_expr::Expr; isfc::Bool=false)
args = frame.framedata.callargs
resize!(args, length(call_expr.args))
mod = moduleof(frame)
args[1] = isfc ? resolvefc(frame, call_expr.args[1]) : @lookup(mod, frame, call_expr.args[1])
for i = 2:length(args)
args[i] = @lookup(mod, frame, call_expr.args[i])
if isexpr(call_expr.args[i], :call)
args[i] = lookup_or_eval(recurse, frame, call_expr.args[i])
args[i] = @lookup(mod, frame, call_expr.args[i])
return args

ret = evaluate_foreigncall(frame::Frame, call_expr)
ret = evaluate_foreigncall(recurse, frame::Frame, call_expr)
Evaluate a `:foreigncall` (from a `ccall`) statement `callexpr` in the context of `frame`.
function evaluate_foreigncall(frame::Frame, call_expr::Expr)
function evaluate_foreigncall(@nospecialize(recurse), frame::Frame, call_expr::Expr)
head = call_expr.head
args = collect_args(frame, call_expr; isfc = head==:foreigncall)
args = collect_args(recurse, frame, call_expr; isfc = head==:foreigncall)
for i = 2:length(args)
arg = args[i]
args[i] = isa(arg, Symbol) ? QuoteNode(arg) : arg
Expand All @@ -167,11 +173,11 @@ function evaluate_foreigncall(frame::Frame, call_expr::Expr)

# We have to intercept ccalls / llvmcalls before we try it as a builtin
function bypass_builtins(frame, call_expr, pc)
function bypass_builtins(@nospecialize(recurse), frame, call_expr, pc)
if isassigned(frame.framecode.methodtables, pc)
tme = frame.framecode.methodtables[pc]
if isa(tme, Compiled)
fargs = collect_args(frame, call_expr)
fargs = collect_args(recurse, frame, call_expr)
f = to_function(fargs[1])
fmod = parentmodule(f)::Module
if fmod === JuliaInterpreter.CompiledCalls || fmod === Core.Compiler
Expand All @@ -187,24 +193,24 @@ end
function evaluate_call_compiled!(::Compiled, frame::Frame, call_expr::Expr; enter_generated::Bool=false)
# @assert !enter_generated
pc = frame.pc
ret = bypass_builtins(frame, call_expr, pc)
ret = bypass_builtins(Compiled(), frame, call_expr, pc)
isa(ret, Some{Any}) && return ret.value
ret = maybe_evaluate_builtin(frame, call_expr, false)
isa(ret, Some{Any}) && return ret.value
fargs = collect_args(frame, call_expr)
fargs = collect_args(Compiled(), frame, call_expr)
f = fargs[1]
popfirst!(fargs) # now it's really just `args`
return f(fargs...)

function evaluate_call_recurse!(@nospecialize(recurse), frame::Frame, call_expr::Expr; enter_generated::Bool=false)
pc = frame.pc
ret = bypass_builtins(frame, call_expr, pc)
ret = bypass_builtins(recurse, frame, call_expr, pc)
isa(ret, Some{Any}) && return ret.value
ret = maybe_evaluate_builtin(frame, call_expr, true)
isa(ret, Some{Any}) && return ret.value
call_expr = ret
fargs = collect_args(frame, call_expr)
fargs = collect_args(recurse, frame, call_expr)
if fargs[1] === Core.eval
return Core.eval(fargs[2], fargs[3]) # not a builtin, but worth treating specially
elseif fargs[1] === Base.rethrow
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -396,7 +402,7 @@ function eval_rhs(@nospecialize(recurse), frame, node::Expr)
isa(recurse, Compiled) && return evaluate_call_compiled!(recurse, frame, node)
return evaluate_call_recurse!(recurse, frame, node)
elseif head === :foreigncall || head === :cfunction
return evaluate_foreigncall(frame, node)
return evaluate_foreigncall(recurse, frame, node)
elseif head === :copyast
val = (node.args[1]::QuoteNode).value
return isa(val, Expr) ? copy(val) : val
Expand Down
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion src/precompile.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ function _precompile_()
@assert precompile(Tuple{typeof(f), Any, Frame, Expr})
@assert precompile(Tuple{typeof(evaluate_foreigncall), Frame, Expr})
@assert precompile(Tuple{typeof(evaluate_foreigncall), Any, Frame, Expr})
@assert precompile(Tuple{typeof(evaluate_methoddef), Frame, Expr})
@assert precompile(Tuple{typeof(lookup_global_refs!), Expr})
@assert precompile(Tuple{typeof(lookup_or_eval), Any, Frame, Any})
Expand Down
6 changes: 3 additions & 3 deletions src/types.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -250,12 +250,12 @@ function Frame(framecode::FrameCode, framedata::FrameData, pc=1, caller=nothing)
frame = Frame(mod::Module, src::CodeInfo)
frame = Frame(mod::Module, src::CodeInfo; kwargs...)
Construct a `Frame` to evaluate `src` in module `mod`.
function Frame(mod::Module, src::CodeInfo)
framecode = FrameCode(mod, src)
function Frame(mod::Module, src::CodeInfo; kwargs...)
framecode = FrameCode(mod, src; kwargs...)
return Frame(framecode, prepare_framedata(framecode, []))
Expand Down
38 changes: 38 additions & 0 deletions test/interpret.jl
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Expand Up @@ -836,3 +836,41 @@ end
frame = JuliaInterpreter.prepare_frame(framecode, frameargs, mi.sparam_vals)
@test JuliaInterpreter.finish_and_return!(frame) === 8

@testset "interpretation of unoptimized frame" begin
let # should be able to interprete nested calls within `:foreigncall` expressions
# even if `JuliaInterpreter.optimize!` doesn't flatten them
M = Module()
lwr = Meta.@lower M begin
global foo = @ccall strlen("foo"::Cstring)::Csize_t
foo == 3
src = lwr.args[1]::Core.CodeInfo
frame = Frame(M, src; optimize=false)
@test length(frame.framecode.src.code) == length(src.code)
@test JuliaInterpreter.finish_and_return!(frame, true)

M = Module()
lwr = Meta.@lower M begin
strp = Ref{Ptr{Cchar}}(0)
fmt = "hi+%hhd-%hhd-%hhd-%hhd-%hhd-%hhd-%hhd-%hhd-%hhd-%hhd-%hhd-%hhd-%hhd-%hhd-%hhd-%.1f-%.1f-%.1f-%.1f-%.1f-%.1f-%.1f-%.1f-%.1f\n"
len = @ccall asprintf(
; # begin varargs
0x1::UInt8, 0x2::UInt8, 0x3::UInt8, 0x4::UInt8, 0x5::UInt8, 0x6::UInt8, 0x7::UInt8, 0x8::UInt8, 0x9::UInt8, 0xa::UInt8, 0xb::UInt8, 0xc::UInt8, 0xd::UInt8, 0xe::UInt8, 0xf::UInt8,
1.1::Cfloat, 2.2::Cfloat, 3.3::Cfloat, 4.4::Cfloat, 5.5::Cfloat, 6.6::Cfloat, 7.7::Cfloat, 8.8::Cfloat, 9.9::Cfloat,
str = unsafe_string(strp[], len)
@ccall free(strp[]::Cstring)::Cvoid
str == "hi+1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8-9-10-11-12-13-14-15-1.1-2.2-3.3-4.4-5.5-6.6-7.7-8.8-9.9\n"
src = lwr.args[1]::Core.CodeInfo
frame = Frame(M, src; optimize=false)
@test length(frame.framecode.src.code) == length(src.code)
@test JuliaInterpreter.finish_and_return!(frame, true)

iscallexpr(ex::Expr) = ex.head === :call
@test (@interpret iscallexpr(:(sin(3.14))))

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