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Merge pull request #22166 from JuliaLang/jb/macrofixes
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fix some macro expander issues with new 0.6 syntax
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JeffBezanson authored Jun 1, 2017
2 parents ecc3a81 + 60675d2 commit ce1e3a5
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Showing 7 changed files with 206 additions and 36 deletions.
10 changes: 9 additions & 1 deletion base/essentials.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -34,9 +34,17 @@ convert(::Type{Tuple{Vararg{T}}}, x::Tuple) where {T} = cnvt_all(T, x...)
cnvt_all(T) = ()
cnvt_all(T, x, rest...) = tuple(convert(T,x), cnvt_all(T, rest...)...)

# test whether an assignment LHS is a function definition
function eventually_call(ex)
isa(ex, Expr) && (ex.head === :call ||
((ex.head === :where || ex.head === :(::)) &&

macro generated(f)
isa(f, Expr) || error("invalid syntax; @generated must be used with a function definition")
if f.head === :function || (isdefined(:length) && f.head === :(=) && length(f.args) == 2 && f.args[1].head == :call)
if f.head === :function || (isdefined(:length) && f.head === :(=) && length(f.args) == 2 &&
f.head = :stagedfunction
return Expr(:escape, f)
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2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion src/julia-parser.scm
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -613,7 +613,7 @@
(define (eventually-call ex)
(and (pair? ex)
(or (eq? (car ex) 'call)
(and (eq? (car ex) 'where)
(and (or (eq? (car ex) 'where) (eq? (car ex) '|::|))
(eventually-call (cadr ex))))))

;; insert line/file for short-form function defs, otherwise leave alone
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24 changes: 14 additions & 10 deletions src/julia-syntax.scm
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -828,18 +828,18 @@
;; definitions without `where`
(pattern-lambda (function (call name . sig) body)
(pattern-lambda (function (-$ (call name . sig) (|::| (call name . sig) _t)) body)
(ctor-def (car __) name Tname params bounds sig ctor-body body #f))
(pattern-lambda (stagedfunction (call name . sig) body)
(pattern-lambda (stagedfunction (-$ (call name . sig) (|::| (call name . sig) _t)) body)
(ctor-def (car __) name Tname params bounds sig ctor-body body #f))
(pattern-lambda (= (call name . sig) body)
(pattern-lambda (= (-$ (call name . sig) (|::| (call name . sig) _t)) body)
(ctor-def 'function name Tname params bounds sig ctor-body body #f))
;; definitions with `where`
(pattern-lambda (function (where (call name . sig) . wheres) body)
(pattern-lambda (function (where (-$ (call name . sig) (|::| (call name . sig) _t)) . wheres) body)
(ctor-def (car __) name Tname params bounds sig ctor-body body wheres))
(pattern-lambda (stagedfunction (where (call name . sig) . wheres) body)
(pattern-lambda (stagedfunction (where (-$ (call name . sig) (|::| (call name . sig) _t)) . wheres) body)
(ctor-def (car __) name Tname params bounds sig ctor-body body wheres))
(pattern-lambda (= (where (call name . sig) . wheres) body)
(pattern-lambda (= (where (-$ (call name . sig) (|::| (call name . sig) _t)) . wheres) body)
(ctor-def 'function name Tname params bounds sig ctor-body body wheres)))

;; flatten `where`s first
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1329,10 +1329,13 @@
(expand-forms (expand-decls (car e) (cdr e) #f))))

;; given a complex assignment LHS, return the symbol that will ultimately be assigned to
(define (assigned-name e)
(if (and (pair? e) (memq (car e) '(call curly)))
(assigned-name (cadr e))
(cond ((atom? e) e)
((or (memq (car e) '(call curly where))
(and (eq? (car e) '|::|) (eventually-call e)))
(assigned-name (cadr e)))
(else e)))

;; local x, y=2, z => local x;local y;local z;y = 2
(define (expand-decls what binds const?)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -2428,7 +2431,8 @@
(else '())))

(define (all-decl-vars e) ;; map decl-var over every level of an assignment LHS
(cond ((decl? e) (decl-var e))
(cond ((eventually-call e) e)
((decl? e) (decl-var e))
((and (pair? e) (eq? (car e) 'tuple))
(cons 'tuple (map all-decl-vars (cdr e))))
(else e)))
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120 changes: 96 additions & 24 deletions src/macroexpand.scm
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -54,33 +54,38 @@
;; function with static parameters
(function (call (curly name . sparams) . argl) body)
(cons 'varlist (append (llist-vars (fix-arglist argl))
(apply nconc
(map (lambda (v) (trycatch
(list (typevar-expr-name v))
(lambda (e) '())))
(cons 'varlist (append (safe-llist-positional-args (fix-arglist argl))
(typevar-names sparams))))

;; function definition
(pattern-lambda (function (call name . argl) body)
(cons 'varlist (llist-vars (fix-arglist argl))))
(pattern-lambda (function (-$ (call name . argl) (|::| (call name . argl) _t)) body)
(cons 'varlist (safe-llist-positional-args (fix-arglist argl))))
(pattern-lambda (function (where (-$ (call name . argl) (|::| (call name . argl) _t)) . wheres) body)
(cons 'varlist (append (safe-llist-positional-args (fix-arglist argl))
(typevar-names wheres))))

(pattern-lambda (function (tuple . args) body)
`(-> (tuple ,@args) ,body))

;; expression form function definition
(pattern-lambda (= (call (curly name . sparams) . argl) body)
`(function (call (curly ,name . ,sparams) . ,argl) ,body))
(pattern-lambda (= (call name . argl) body)
(pattern-lambda (= (-$ (call name . argl) (|::| (call name . argl) _t)) body)
`(function (call ,name ,@argl) ,body))
(pattern-lambda (= (where (-$ (call name . argl) (|::| (call name . argl) _t)) . wheres) body)
(cons 'function (cdr __)))

;; anonymous function
(pattern-lambda (-> a b)
(let ((a (if (and (pair? a)
(eq? (car a) 'tuple))
(cdr a)
(list a))))
(cons 'varlist (llist-vars (fix-arglist a)))))
(cons 'varlist (safe-llist-positional-args (fix-arglist a)))))

;; where
(pattern-lambda (where ex . vars)
(cons 'varlist (typevar-names vars)))

;; let
(pattern-lambda (let ex . binds)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -127,10 +132,10 @@
;; type definition
(pattern-lambda (type mut (<: (curly tn . tvars) super) body)
(list* 'varlist (cons (unescape tn) (unescape tn)) '(new . new)
(map typevar-expr-name tvars)))
(typevar-names tvars)))
(pattern-lambda (type mut (curly tn . tvars) body)
(list* 'varlist (cons (unescape tn) (unescape tn)) '(new . new)
(map typevar-expr-name tvars)))
(typevar-names tvars)))
(pattern-lambda (type mut (<: tn super) body)
(list 'varlist (cons (unescape tn) (unescape tn)) '(new . new)))
(pattern-lambda (type mut tn body)
Expand All @@ -141,15 +146,19 @@
(define keywords-introduced-by-patterns
(pattern-lambda (function (call (curly name . sparams) . argl) body)
(cons 'varlist (llist-keywords (fix-arglist argl))))
(cons 'varlist (safe-llist-keyword-args (fix-arglist argl))))

(pattern-lambda (function (call name . argl) body)
(cons 'varlist (llist-keywords (fix-arglist argl))))
(pattern-lambda (function (-$ (call name . argl) (|::| (call name . argl) _t)) body)
(cons 'varlist (safe-llist-keyword-args (fix-arglist argl))))
(pattern-lambda (function (where (-$ (call name . argl) (|::| (call name . argl) _t)) . wheres) body)
(cons 'varlist (safe-llist-keyword-args (fix-arglist argl))))

(pattern-lambda (= (call (curly name . sparams) . argl) body)
`(function (call (curly ,name . ,sparams) . ,argl) ,body))
(pattern-lambda (= (call name . argl) body)
(pattern-lambda (= (-$ (call name . argl) (|::| (call name . argl) _t)) body)
`(function (call ,name ,@argl) ,body))
(pattern-lambda (= (where (-$ (call name . argl) (|::| (call name . argl) _t)) . wheres) body)
(cons 'function (cdr __)))

(define (pair-with-gensyms v)
Expand All @@ -166,6 +175,70 @@

(define (typevar-expr-name e) (car (analyze-typevar e)))

;; get the list of names from a list of `where` variable expressions
(define (typevar-names lst)
(apply nconc
(map (lambda (v) (trycatch
(list (typevar-expr-name v))
(lambda (e) '())))

;; get the name from a function formal argument expression, allowing `(escape x)`
(define (try-arg-name v)
(cond ((and (symbol? v) (not (eq? v 'true)) (not (eq? v 'false)))
(list v))
((atom? v) '())
(case (car v)
((... kw |::|) (try-arg-name (cadr v)))
((escape) (list v))
(else '())))))

;; get names from a formal argument list, specifying whether to include escaped ones
(define (safe-arg-names lst (escaped #f))
(apply nconc
(map (lambda (v)
(let ((vv (try-arg-name v)))
(if (eq? escaped (and (pair? vv) (pair? (car vv)) (eq? (caar vv) 'escape)))
(if escaped (list (cadar vv)) vv)

;; arg names, looking only at positional args
(define (safe-llist-positional-args lst (escaped #f))
(filter (lambda (a) (not (and (pair? a)
(eq? (car a) 'parameters))))

;; arg names from keyword arguments, and positional arguments with escaped names
(define (safe-llist-keyword-args lst)
(let ((kwargs (apply nconc
(map cdr
(filter (lambda (a) (and (pair? a) (eq? (car a) 'parameters)))
(safe-arg-names kwargs #f)
(safe-arg-names kwargs #t)
;; count escaped argument names as "keywords" to prevent renaming
(safe-llist-positional-args lst #t))))

;; resolve-expansion-vars-with-new-env, but turn on `inarg` once we get inside
;; the formal argument list. `e` in general might be e.g. `(f{T}(x)::T) where T`,
;; and we want `inarg` to be true for the `(x)` part.
(define (resolve-in-function-lhs e env m inarg)
(define (recur x) (resolve-in-function-lhs x env m inarg))
(define (other x) (resolve-expansion-vars-with-new-env x env m inarg))
(case (car e)
((where) `(where ,(recur (cadr e)) ,@(map other (cddr e))))
((|::|) `(|::| ,(recur (cadr e)) ,(other (caddr e))))
((call) `(call ,(other (cadr e))
,@(map (lambda (x)
(resolve-expansion-vars-with-new-env x env m #t))
(cddr e))))
(else (other e))))

(define (new-expansion-env-for x env (outermost #f))
(let ((introduced (pattern-expand1 vars-introduced-by-patterns x)))
(if (or (atom? x)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -252,12 +325,9 @@
(cdr e))))

((= function)
(if (and (pair? (cadr e)) (eq? (caadr e) 'call))
(if (and (pair? (cadr e)) (function-def? e))
;; in (kw x 1) inside an arglist, the x isn't actually a kwarg
`(,(car e) (call ,(resolve-expansion-vars-with-new-env (cadadr e) env m inarg)
,@(map (lambda (x)
(resolve-expansion-vars-with-new-env x env m #t))
(cddr (cadr e))))
`(,(car e) ,(resolve-in-function-lhs (cadr e) env m inarg)
,(resolve-expansion-vars-with-new-env (caddr e) env m inarg))
`(,(car e) ,@(map (lambda (x)
(resolve-expansion-vars-with-new-env x env m inarg))
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -308,6 +378,8 @@
((eq? (car e) 'call) (decl-var* (cadr e)))
((eq? (car e) '=) (decl-var* (cadr e)))
((eq? (car e) 'curly) (decl-var* (cadr e)))
((eq? (car e) '|::|) (decl-var* (cadr e)))
((eq? (car e) 'where) (decl-var* (cadr e)))
(else (decl-var e))))

(define (decl-vars* e)
Expand All @@ -318,7 +390,7 @@
(define (function-def? e)
(and (pair? e) (or (eq? (car e) 'function) (eq? (car e) '->)
(and (eq? (car e) '=) (length= e 3)
(pair? (cadr e)) (eq? (caadr e) 'call)))))
(eventually-call (cadr e))))))

(define (find-declared-vars-in-expansion e decl (outer #t))
(cond ((or (not (pair? e)) (quoted? e)) '())
Expand All @@ -335,11 +407,11 @@
((eq? (car e) 'escape) '())
((and (not outer) (function-def? e))
;; pick up only function name
(let ((fname (cond ((eq? (car e) '=) (cadr (cadr e)))
(let ((fname (cond ((eq? (car e) '=) (decl-var* (cadr e)))
((eq? (car e) 'function)
(cond ((atom? (cadr e)) (cadr e))
((eq? (car (cadr e)) 'tuple) #f)
(else (cadr (cadr e)))))
(else (decl-var* (cadr e)))))
(else #f))))
(if (symbol? fname)
(list fname)
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62 changes: 62 additions & 0 deletions test/core.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -5018,3 +5018,65 @@ for i in 1:10
@test ptr1 === ptr2
@test ptr1 % 16 == 0

# issue #21581
global function f21581()::Int
return 2.0
@test f21581() === 2
global g21581()::Int = 2.0
@test g21581() === 2
module M21581
macro bar()
:(foo21581(x)::Int = x)
@test M21581.foo21581(1) === 1

module N21581
macro foo(var)
function f(x::T = 1) where T
($(esc(var)), x)
let x = 8
@test === (8, 1)

# issue #22122
global @inline function f22122(x::T) where {T}
@test f22122(1) === Int

# issue #22026
module M22026

macro foo(TYP)
global foofunction
foofunction(x::Type{T}) where {T<:Number} = x
struct Foo end
@foo Foo

macro foo2()
global foofunction2
(foofunction2(x::T)::Float32) where {T<:Number} = 2x


@test M22026.foofunction(Int16) === Int16
@test M22026.foofunction2(3) === 6.0f0
20 changes: 20 additions & 0 deletions test/parse.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -762,6 +762,22 @@ end
let ex = expand(:(@M16096.iter))
@test !(isa(ex,Expr) && ex.head === :error)
macro f16096()
g16096($(esc(:x))) = 2x
let g = @f16096
@test g(3) == 6
macro f16096_2()
g16096_2(;$(esc(:x))=2) = 2x
let g = @f16096_2
@test g() == 4

# issue #15838
module A15838
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1195,3 +1211,7 @@ end
# issue #16937
@test expand(:(f(2, a=1, w=3, c=3, w=4, b=2))) == Expr(:error,
"keyword argument \"w\" repeated in call to \"f\"")

# issue #19351
# adding return type decl should not affect parse of function body
@test :(t(abc) = 3).args[2] == :(t(abc)::Int = 3).args[2]
4 changes: 4 additions & 0 deletions test/staged.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -224,3 +224,7 @@ g10178(x) = f10178(x)
g10178(x) = f10178(x)
@test g10178(5) == 10

# issue #22135
@generated f22135(x::T) where T = x
@test f22135(1) === Int

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