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Testsets for parse tests (#29768)
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kshyatt authored and fredrikekre committed Oct 23, 2018
1 parent 3d33217 commit 8496fe9
Showing 1 changed file with 155 additions and 145 deletions.
300 changes: 155 additions & 145 deletions test/parse.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,34 +1,35 @@
# This file is a part of Julia. License is MIT:

# integer parsing
@test parse(Int32,"0", base = 36) === Int32(0)
@test parse(Int32,"1", base = 36) === Int32(1)
@test parse(Int32,"9", base = 36) === Int32(9)
@test parse(Int32,"A", base = 36) === Int32(10)
@test parse(Int32,"a", base = 36) === Int32(10)
@test parse(Int32,"B", base = 36) === Int32(11)
@test parse(Int32,"b", base = 36) === Int32(11)
@test parse(Int32,"F", base = 36) === Int32(15)
@test parse(Int32,"f", base = 36) === Int32(15)
@test parse(Int32,"Z", base = 36) === Int32(35)
@test parse(Int32,"z", base = 36) === Int32(35)

@test parse(Int,"0") == 0
@test parse(Int,"-0") == 0
@test parse(Int,"1") == 1
@test parse(Int,"-1") == -1
@test parse(Int,"9") == 9
@test parse(Int,"-9") == -9
@test parse(Int,"10") == 10
@test parse(Int,"-10") == -10
@test parse(Int64,"3830974272") == 3830974272
@test parse(Int64,"-3830974272") == -3830974272

@test parse(Int,'3') == 3
@test parse(Int,'3', base = 8) == 3
@test parse(Int, 'a', base=16) == 10
@test_throws ArgumentError parse(Int, 'a')
@test_throws ArgumentError parse(Int,typemax(Char))
@testset "integer parsing" begin
@test parse(Int32,"0", base = 36) === Int32(0)
@test parse(Int32,"1", base = 36) === Int32(1)
@test parse(Int32,"9", base = 36) === Int32(9)
@test parse(Int32,"A", base = 36) === Int32(10)
@test parse(Int32,"a", base = 36) === Int32(10)
@test parse(Int32,"B", base = 36) === Int32(11)
@test parse(Int32,"b", base = 36) === Int32(11)
@test parse(Int32,"F", base = 36) === Int32(15)
@test parse(Int32,"f", base = 36) === Int32(15)
@test parse(Int32,"Z", base = 36) === Int32(35)
@test parse(Int32,"z", base = 36) === Int32(35)

@test parse(Int,"0") == 0
@test parse(Int,"-0") == 0
@test parse(Int,"1") == 1
@test parse(Int,"-1") == -1
@test parse(Int,"9") == 9
@test parse(Int,"-9") == -9
@test parse(Int,"10") == 10
@test parse(Int,"-10") == -10
@test parse(Int64,"3830974272") == 3830974272
@test parse(Int64,"-3830974272") == -3830974272

@test parse(Int,'3') == 3
@test parse(Int,'3', base = 8) == 3
@test parse(Int, 'a', base=16) == 10
@test_throws ArgumentError parse(Int, 'a')
@test_throws ArgumentError parse(Int,typemax(Char))

# Issue 29451
struct Issue29451String <: AbstractString end
Expand All @@ -40,8 +41,7 @@ Base.iterate(::Issue29451String, i::Integer=1) = i == 1 ? ('0', 2) : nothing
@test Issue29451String() == "0"
@test parse(Int, Issue29451String()) == 0

# Issue 20587
for T in Any[BigInt, Int128, Int16, Int32, Int64, Int8, UInt128, UInt16, UInt32, UInt64, UInt8]
@testset "Issue 20587, T=$T" for T in Any[BigInt, Int128, Int16, Int32, Int64, Int8, UInt128, UInt16, UInt32, UInt64, UInt8]
T === BigInt && continue # TODO: make BigInt pass this test
for s in ["", " ", " "]
# Without a base (handles things like "0x00001111", etc)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -118,115 +118,123 @@ for T in Any[BigInt, Int128, Int16, Int32, Int64, Int8, UInt128, UInt16, UInt32,
@test parse(Float64, ".5 " ) == 0.5

@test parse(Bool, "\u202f true") === true
@test parse(Bool, "\u202f false") === false

parsebin(s) = parse(Int,s, base = 2)
parseoct(s) = parse(Int,s, base = 8)
parsehex(s) = parse(Int,s, base = 16)

@test parsebin("0") == 0
@test parsebin("-0") == 0
@test parsebin("1") == 1
@test parsebin("-1") == -1
@test parsebin("10") == 2
@test parsebin("-10") == -2
@test parsebin("11") == 3
@test parsebin("-11") == -3
@test parsebin("1111000011110000111100001111") == 252645135
@test parsebin("-1111000011110000111100001111") == -252645135

@test parseoct("0") == 0
@test parseoct("-0") == 0
@test parseoct("1") == 1
@test parseoct("-1") == -1
@test parseoct("7") == 7
@test parseoct("-7") == -7
@test parseoct("10") == 8
@test parseoct("-10") == -8
@test parseoct("11") == 9
@test parseoct("-11") == -9
@test parseoct("72") == 58
@test parseoct("-72") == -58
@test parseoct("3172207320") == 434704080
@test parseoct("-3172207320") == -434704080

@test parsehex("0") == 0
@test parsehex("-0") == 0
@test parsehex("1") == 1
@test parsehex("-1") == -1
@test parsehex("9") == 9
@test parsehex("-9") == -9
@test parsehex("a") == 10
@test parsehex("-a") == -10
@test parsehex("f") == 15
@test parsehex("-f") == -15
@test parsehex("10") == 16
@test parsehex("-10") == -16
@test parsehex("0BADF00D") == 195948557
@test parsehex("-0BADF00D") == -195948557
@test parse(Int64,"BADCAB1E", base = 16) == 3135023902
@test parse(Int64,"-BADCAB1E", base = 16) == -3135023902
@test parse(Int64,"CafeBabe", base = 16) == 3405691582
@test parse(Int64,"-CafeBabe", base = 16) == -3405691582
@test parse(Int64,"DeadBeef", base = 16) == 3735928559
@test parse(Int64,"-DeadBeef", base = 16) == -3735928559

@test parse(Int,"2\n") == 2
@test parse(Int," 2 \n ") == 2
@test parse(Int," 2 ") == 2
@test parse(Int,"2 ") == 2
@test parse(Int," 2") == 2
@test parse(Int,"+2\n") == 2
@test parse(Int,"-2") == -2
@test_throws ArgumentError parse(Int," 2 \n 0")
@test_throws ArgumentError parse(Int,"2x")
@test_throws ArgumentError parse(Int,"-")

# multibyte spaces
@test parse(Int, "3\u2003\u202F") == 3
@test_throws ArgumentError parse(Int, "3\u2003\u202F,")

@test parse(Int,"1234") == 1234
@test parse(Int,"0x1234") == 0x1234
@test parse(Int,"0o1234") == 0o1234
@test parse(Int,"0b1011") == 0b1011
@test parse(Int,"-1234") == -1234
@test parse(Int,"-0x1234") == -Int(0x1234)
@test parse(Int,"-0o1234") == -Int(0o1234)
@test parse(Int,"-0b1011") == -Int(0b1011)

for T in (Int8, Int16, Int32, Int64, Int128)
@test parse(T,string(typemin(T))) == typemin(T)
@test parse(T,string(typemax(T))) == typemax(T)
@test_throws OverflowError parse(T,string(big(typemin(T))-1))
@test_throws OverflowError parse(T,string(big(typemax(T))+1))
@testset "parse as Bool, bin, hex, oct" begin
@test parse(Bool, "\u202f true") === true
@test parse(Bool, "\u202f false") === false

parsebin(s) = parse(Int,s, base = 2)
parseoct(s) = parse(Int,s, base = 8)
parsehex(s) = parse(Int,s, base = 16)

@test parsebin("0") == 0
@test parsebin("-0") == 0
@test parsebin("1") == 1
@test parsebin("-1") == -1
@test parsebin("10") == 2
@test parsebin("-10") == -2
@test parsebin("11") == 3
@test parsebin("-11") == -3
@test parsebin("1111000011110000111100001111") == 252645135
@test parsebin("-1111000011110000111100001111") == -252645135

@test parseoct("0") == 0
@test parseoct("-0") == 0
@test parseoct("1") == 1
@test parseoct("-1") == -1
@test parseoct("7") == 7
@test parseoct("-7") == -7
@test parseoct("10") == 8
@test parseoct("-10") == -8
@test parseoct("11") == 9
@test parseoct("-11") == -9
@test parseoct("72") == 58
@test parseoct("-72") == -58
@test parseoct("3172207320") == 434704080
@test parseoct("-3172207320") == -434704080

@test parsehex("0") == 0
@test parsehex("-0") == 0
@test parsehex("1") == 1
@test parsehex("-1") == -1
@test parsehex("9") == 9
@test parsehex("-9") == -9
@test parsehex("a") == 10
@test parsehex("-a") == -10
@test parsehex("f") == 15
@test parsehex("-f") == -15
@test parsehex("10") == 16
@test parsehex("-10") == -16
@test parsehex("0BADF00D") == 195948557
@test parsehex("-0BADF00D") == -195948557
@test parse(Int64,"BADCAB1E", base = 16) == 3135023902
@test parse(Int64,"-BADCAB1E", base = 16) == -3135023902
@test parse(Int64,"CafeBabe", base = 16) == 3405691582
@test parse(Int64,"-CafeBabe", base = 16) == -3405691582
@test parse(Int64,"DeadBeef", base = 16) == 3735928559
@test parse(Int64,"-DeadBeef", base = 16) == -3735928559

@testset "parse with delimiters" begin
@test parse(Int,"2\n") == 2
@test parse(Int," 2 \n ") == 2
@test parse(Int," 2 ") == 2
@test parse(Int,"2 ") == 2
@test parse(Int," 2") == 2
@test parse(Int,"+2\n") == 2
@test parse(Int,"-2") == -2
@test_throws ArgumentError parse(Int," 2 \n 0")
@test_throws ArgumentError parse(Int,"2x")
@test_throws ArgumentError parse(Int,"-")

# multibyte spaces
@test parse(Int, "3\u2003\u202F") == 3
@test_throws ArgumentError parse(Int, "3\u2003\u202F,")

@testset "parse from bin/hex/oct" begin
@test parse(Int,"1234") == 1234
@test parse(Int,"0x1234") == 0x1234
@test parse(Int,"0o1234") == 0o1234
@test parse(Int,"0b1011") == 0b1011
@test parse(Int,"-1234") == -1234
@test parse(Int,"-0x1234") == -Int(0x1234)
@test parse(Int,"-0o1234") == -Int(0o1234)
@test parse(Int,"-0b1011") == -Int(0b1011)

for T in (UInt8,UInt16,UInt32,UInt64,UInt128)
@test parse(T,string(typemin(T))) == typemin(T)
@test parse(T,string(typemax(T))) == typemax(T)
@test_throws ArgumentError parse(T,string(big(typemin(T))-1))
@test_throws OverflowError parse(T,string(big(typemax(T))+1))
@testset "parsing extrema of Integer types" begin
for T in (Int8, Int16, Int32, Int64, Int128)
@test parse(T,string(typemin(T))) == typemin(T)
@test parse(T,string(typemax(T))) == typemax(T)
@test_throws OverflowError parse(T,string(big(typemin(T))-1))
@test_throws OverflowError parse(T,string(big(typemax(T))+1))

for T in (UInt8,UInt16,UInt32,UInt64,UInt128)
@test parse(T,string(typemin(T))) == typemin(T)
@test parse(T,string(typemax(T))) == typemax(T)
@test_throws ArgumentError parse(T,string(big(typemin(T))-1))
@test_throws OverflowError parse(T,string(big(typemax(T))+1))

# issue #15597
# make sure base can be any Integer
for T in (Int, BigInt)
@testset "issue #15597, T=$T" for T in (Int, BigInt)
let n = parse(T, "123", base = Int8(10))
@test n == 123
@test isa(n, T)

# issue #17065
@test parse(Int, "2") === 2
@test parse(Bool, "true") === true
@test parse(Bool, "false") === false
@test tryparse(Bool, "true") === true
@test tryparse(Bool, "false") === false
@test_throws ArgumentError parse(Int, "2", base = 1)
@test_throws ArgumentError parse(Int, "2", base = 63)
@testset "issue #17065" begin
@test parse(Int, "2") === 2
@test parse(Bool, "true") === true
@test parse(Bool, "false") === false
@test tryparse(Bool, "true") === true
@test tryparse(Bool, "false") === false
@test_throws ArgumentError parse(Int, "2", base = 1)
@test_throws ArgumentError parse(Int, "2", base = 63)

# issue #17333: tryparse should still throw on invalid base
for T in (Int32, BigInt), base in (0,1,100)
Expand All @@ -242,22 +250,24 @@ end
1] == [2]
@test [1 +1] == [1 1]

# issue #16594, note for the macro tests, order is important
# because the line number is included as part of the expression
# (i.e. both macros must start on the same line)
@test :(@test((1+1) == 2)) == :(@test 1 +
1 == 2)
@test :(@x 1 +1 -1) == :(@x(1, +1, -1))
@test :(@x 1 + 1 -1) == :(@x(1+1, -1))
@test :(@x 1 + 1 - 1) == :(@x(1 + 1 - 1))
@test :(@x(1 + 1 - 1)) == :(@x 1 +
1 -
@test :(@x(1 + 1 + 1)) == :(@x 1 +
1 +
@test :([x .+
y]) == :([x .+ y])
@testset "issue #16594" begin
# note for the macro tests, order is important
# because the line number is included as part of the expression
# (i.e. both macros must start on the same line)
@test :(@test((1+1) == 2)) == :(@test 1 +
1 == 2)
@test :(@x 1 +1 -1) == :(@x(1, +1, -1))
@test :(@x 1 + 1 -1) == :(@x(1+1, -1))
@test :(@x 1 + 1 - 1) == :(@x(1 + 1 - 1))
@test :(@x(1 + 1 - 1)) == :(@x 1 +
1 -
@test :(@x(1 + 1 + 1)) == :(@x 1 +
1 +
@test :([x .+
y]) == :([x .+ y])

# line break in : expression disallowed
@test_throws Meta.ParseError Meta.parse("[1 :\n2] == [1:2]")
Expand Down

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