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Add code loading support for Preferences package (#37595)
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This adds the calculation, serialization and verification of preferences
hashes at code loading time.  Preferences, as stored by the forthcoming
`Preferences.jl` package within a top-level `Project.toml` file, are
parsed by the `dump.c` and `loading.jl` code loading machinery and used
to provide a compile-time preferences machinery.
  • Loading branch information
staticfloat authored Sep 28, 2020
1 parent 22b5d93 commit 6596f95
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Showing 4 changed files with 105 additions and 14 deletions.
90 changes: 77 additions & 13 deletions base/loading.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -322,6 +322,31 @@ function manifest_deps_get(env::String, where::PkgId, name::String, cache::TOMLC
return nothing

function uuid_in_environment(project_file::String, uuid::UUID, cache::TOMLCache)
# First, check to see if we're looking for the environment itself
proj_uuid = get(parsed_toml(cache, project_file), "uuid", nothing)
if proj_uuid !== nothing && UUID(proj_uuid) == uuid
return true

# Check to see if there's a Manifest.toml associated with this project
manifest_file = project_file_manifest_path(project_file, cache)
if manifest_file === nothing
return false
manifest = parsed_toml(cache, manifest_file)
for (dep_name, entries) in manifest
for entry in entries
entry_uuid = get(entry, "uuid", nothing)::Union{String, Nothing}
if uuid !== nothing && UUID(entry_uuid) == uuid
return true
# If all else fails, return `false`
return false

function manifest_uuid_path(env::String, pkg::PkgId, cache::TOMLCache)::Union{Nothing,String}
project_file = env_project_file(env)
if project_file isa String
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -950,7 +975,7 @@ function _require(pkg::PkgId, cache::TOMLCache)
if (0 == ccall(:jl_generating_output, Cint, ())) || (JLOptions().incremental != 0)
# spawn off a new incremental pre-compile task for recursive `require` calls
# or if the require search declared it was pre-compiled before (and therefore is expected to still be pre-compilable)
cachefile = compilecache(pkg, path)
cachefile = compilecache(pkg, path, cache)
if isa(cachefile, Exception)
if precompilableerror(cachefile)
verbosity = isinteractive() ? CoreLogging.Info : CoreLogging.Debug
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1195,7 +1220,7 @@ end
@assert precompile(create_expr_cache, (PkgId, String, String, typeof(_concrete_dependencies), Bool))
@assert precompile(create_expr_cache, (PkgId, String, String, typeof(_concrete_dependencies), Bool))

function compilecache_path(pkg::PkgId)::String
function compilecache_path(pkg::PkgId, cache::TOMLCache)::String
entrypath, entryfile = cache_file_entry(pkg)
cachepath = joinpath(DEPOT_PATH[1], entrypath)
isdir(cachepath) || mkpath(cachepath)
Expand All @@ -1205,6 +1230,7 @@ function compilecache_path(pkg::PkgId)::String
crc = _crc32c(something(Base.active_project(), ""))
crc = _crc32c(unsafe_string(JLOptions().image_file), crc)
crc = _crc32c(unsafe_string(JLOptions().julia_bin), crc)
crc = _crc32c(get_preferences_hash(pkg.uuid, cache), crc)
project_precompile_slug = slug(crc, 5)
abspath(cachepath, string(entryfile, "_", project_precompile_slug, ".ji"))
Expand All @@ -1218,18 +1244,17 @@ This can be used to reduce package load times. Cache files are stored in
`DEPOT_PATH[1]/compiled`. See [Module initialization and precompilation](@ref)
for important notes.
function compilecache(pkg::PkgId, cache::TOMLCache = TOMLCache())
function compilecache(pkg::PkgId, cache::TOMLCache = TOMLCache(), show_errors::Bool = true)
path = locate_package(pkg, cache)
path === nothing && throw(ArgumentError("$pkg not found during precompilation"))
return compilecache(pkg, path)
return compilecache(pkg, path, cache, show_errors)


# `show_errors` is an "internal" interface for Pkg.precompile
function compilecache(pkg::PkgId, path::String, show_errors::Bool = true)
function compilecache(pkg::PkgId, path::String, cache::TOMLCache = TOMLCache(), show_errors::Bool = true)
# decide where to put the resulting cache file
cachefile = compilecache_path(pkg)
cachefile = compilecache_path(pkg, cache)
cachepath = dirname(cachefile)
# prune the directory with cache files
if pkg.uuid !== nothing
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1333,6 +1358,8 @@ function parse_cache_header(f::IO)
totbytes -= 4 + 4 + n2 + 8
prefs_hash = read(f, UInt64)
totbytes -= 8
@assert totbytes == 12 "header of cache file appears to be corrupt"
srctextpos = read(f, Int64)
# read the list of modules that are required to be present during loading
Expand All @@ -1345,7 +1372,7 @@ function parse_cache_header(f::IO)
build_id = read(f, UInt64) # build id
push!(required_modules, PkgId(uuid, sym) => build_id)
return modules, (includes, requires), required_modules, srctextpos
return modules, (includes, requires), required_modules, srctextpos, prefs_hash

function parse_cache_header(cachefile::String; srcfiles_only::Bool=false)
Expand All @@ -1354,21 +1381,21 @@ function parse_cache_header(cachefile::String; srcfiles_only::Bool=false)
!isvalid_cache_header(io) && throw(ArgumentError("Invalid header in cache file $cachefile."))
ret = parse_cache_header(io)
srcfiles_only || return ret
modules, (includes, requires), required_modules, srctextpos = ret
modules, (includes, requires), required_modules, srctextpos, prefs_hash = ret
srcfiles = srctext_files(io, srctextpos)
delidx = Int[]
for (i, chi) in enumerate(includes)
chi.filename srcfiles || push!(delidx, i)
deleteat!(includes, delidx)
return modules, (includes, requires), required_modules, srctextpos
return modules, (includes, requires), required_modules, srctextpos, prefs_hash

function cache_dependencies(f::IO)
defs, (includes, requires), modules = parse_cache_header(f)
defs, (includes, requires), modules, srctextpos, prefs_hash = parse_cache_header(f)
return modules, map(chi -> (chi.filename, chi.mtime), includes) # return just filename and mtime

Expand All @@ -1383,7 +1410,7 @@ function cache_dependencies(cachefile::String)

function read_dependency_src(io::IO, filename::AbstractString)
modules, (includes, requires), required_modules, srctextpos = parse_cache_header(io)
modules, (includes, requires), required_modules, srctextpos, prefs_hash = parse_cache_header(io)
srctextpos == 0 && error("no source-text stored in cache file")
seek(io, srctextpos)
return _read_dependency_src(io, filename)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1428,6 +1455,37 @@ function srctext_files(f::IO, srctextpos::Int64)
return files

# Find the Project.toml that we should load/store to for Preferences
function get_preferences_project_path(uuid::UUID, cache::TOMLCache = TOMLCache())
for env in load_path()
project_file = env_project_file(env)
if !isa(project_file, String)
if uuid_in_environment(project_file, uuid, cache)
return project_file
return nothing

function get_preferences(uuid::UUID, cache::TOMLCache = TOMLCache();
prefs_key::String = "compile-preferences")
project_path = get_preferences_project_path(uuid, cache)
if project_path !== nothing
preferences = get(parsed_toml(cache, project_path), prefs_key, Dict{String,Any}())
if haskey(preferences, string(uuid))
return preferences[string(uuid)]
# Fall back to default value of "no preferences".
return Dict{String,Any}()
get_preferences_hash(uuid::UUID, cache::TOMLCache = TOMLCache()) = UInt64(hash(get_preferences(uuid, cache)))
get_preferences_hash(m::Module, cache::TOMLCache = TOMLCache()) = get_preferences_hash(PkgId(m).uuid, cache)
get_preferences_hash(::Nothing, cache::TOMLCache = TOMLCache()) = UInt64(hash(Dict{String,Any}()))

# returns true if it "cachefile.ji" is stale relative to "modpath.jl"
# otherwise returns the list of dependencies to also check
stale_cachefile(modpath::String, cachefile::String) = stale_cachefile(modpath, cachefile, TOMLCache())
Expand All @@ -1438,7 +1496,7 @@ function stale_cachefile(modpath::String, cachefile::String, cache::TOMLCache)
@debug "Rejecting cache file $cachefile due to it containing an invalid cache header"
return true # invalid cache file
(modules, (includes, requires), required_modules) = parse_cache_header(io)
modules, (includes, requires), required_modules, srctextpos, prefs_hash = parse_cache_header(io)
id = isempty(modules) ? nothing : first(modules).first
modules = Dict{PkgId, UInt64}(modules)

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1514,6 +1572,12 @@ function stale_cachefile(modpath::String, cachefile::String, cache::TOMLCache)

if isa(id, PkgId)
curr_prefs_hash = get_preferences_hash(id.uuid, cache)
if prefs_hash != curr_prefs_hash
@debug "Rejecting cache file $cachefile because preferences hash does not match 0x$(string(prefs_hash, base=16)) != 0x$(string(curr_prefs_hash, base=16))"
return true

get!(PkgOrigin, pkgorigins, id).cachepath = cachefile

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2 changes: 2 additions & 0 deletions base/util.jl
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Expand Up @@ -385,6 +385,8 @@ _crc32c(io::IO, crc::UInt32=0x00000000) = _crc32c(io, typemax(Int64), crc)
_crc32c(io::IOStream, crc::UInt32=0x00000000) = _crc32c(io, filesize(io)-position(io), crc)
_crc32c(uuid::UUID, crc::UInt32=0x00000000) =
ccall(:jl_crc32c, UInt32, (UInt32, Ref{UInt128}, Csize_t), crc, uuid.value, 16)
_crc32c(x::Integer, crc::UInt32=0x00000000) =
ccall(:jl_crc32c, UInt32, (UInt32, Vector{UInt8}, Csize_t), crc, reinterpret(UInt8, [x]), sizeof(x))

@kwdef typedef
Expand Down
25 changes: 25 additions & 0 deletions src/dump.c
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Expand Up @@ -1123,6 +1123,31 @@ static int64_t write_dependency_list(ios_t *s, jl_array_t **udepsp, jl_array_t *
write_int32(s, 0);
write_int32(s, 0); // terminator, for ease of reading

// Calculate Preferences hash for current package.
jl_value_t *prefs_hash = NULL;
if (jl_base_module) {
// Toplevel module is the module we're currently compiling, use it to get our preferences hash
jl_value_t * toplevel = (jl_value_t*)jl_get_global(jl_base_module, jl_symbol("__toplevel__"));
jl_value_t * prefs_hash_func = jl_get_global(jl_base_module, jl_symbol("get_preferences_hash"));

if (toplevel && prefs_hash_func) {
// call get_preferences_hash(__toplevel__)
jl_value_t *prefs_hash_args[2] = {prefs_hash_func, (jl_value_t*)toplevel};
size_t last_age = jl_get_ptls_states()->world_age;
jl_get_ptls_states()->world_age = jl_world_counter;
prefs_hash = (jl_value_t*)jl_apply(prefs_hash_args, 2);
jl_get_ptls_states()->world_age = last_age;

// If we successfully got the preferences, write it out, otherwise write `0` for this `.ji` file.
if (prefs_hash != NULL) {
write_uint64(s, jl_unbox_uint64(prefs_hash));
} else {
write_uint64(s, 0);

// write a dummy file position to indicate the beginning of the source-text
pos = ios_pos(s);
ios_seek(s, initial_pos);
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2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion test/precompile.jl
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Expand Up @@ -416,7 +416,7 @@ try

cachefile = Base.compilecache(Base.PkgId("FooBar"))
@test cachefile == Base.compilecache_path(Base.PkgId("FooBar"))
@test cachefile == Base.compilecache_path(Base.PkgId("FooBar"), Base.TOMLCache())
@test isfile(joinpath(cachedir, "FooBar.ji"))
@test Base.stale_cachefile(FooBar_file, joinpath(cachedir, "FooBar.ji")) isa Vector
@test !isdefined(Main, :FooBar)
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