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MichaelHatherly committed Sep 20, 2016
1 parent 851aca3 commit 3a3c77d
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Showing 81 changed files with 453 additions and 453 deletions.
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion base/Enums.jl
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@enum EnumName EnumValue1[=x] EnumValue2[=y]
Create an [`Enum`](:obj:`Enum`) type with name `EnumName` and enum member values of
Create an `Enum` type with name `EnumName` and enum member values of
`EnumValue1` and `EnumValue2` with optional assigned values of `x` and `y`, respectively.
`EnumName` can be used just like other types and enum member values as regular values, such as
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16 changes: 8 additions & 8 deletions base/abstractarray.jl
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Expand Up @@ -284,9 +284,9 @@ linearindexing(::LinearIndexing, ::LinearIndexing) = LinearSlow()
Return `true` if the specified indices `I` are in bounds for the given
array `A`. Subtypes of `AbstractArray` should specialize this method
if they need to provide custom bounds checking behaviors; however, in
many cases one can rely on `A`'s indices and [`checkindex`](:func:`checkindex`).
many cases one can rely on `A`'s indices and [`checkindex`](@ref).
See also [`checkindex`](:func:`checkindex`).
See also [`checkindex`](@ref).
function checkbounds(::Type{Bool}, A::AbstractArray, I...)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -321,7 +321,7 @@ usually in a 1-for-1 fashion,
checkbounds_indices(Bool, (IA1, IA...), (I1, I...)) = checkindex(Bool, IA1, I1) &
checkbounds_indices(Bool, IA, I)
Note that [`checkindex`](:func:`checkindex`) is being used to perform the actual
Note that [`checkindex`](@ref) is being used to perform the actual
bounds-check for a single dimension of the array.
There are two important exceptions to the 1-1 rule: linear indexing and
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -731,8 +731,8 @@ A[iter] = 0
If you supply more than one `AbstractArray` argument, `eachindex` will create an
iterable object that is fast for all arguments (a [`UnitRange`](:obj:`UnitRange`)
if all inputs have fast linear indexing, a [`CartesianRange`](:obj:`CartesianRange`)
iterable object that is fast for all arguments (a `UnitRange`
if all inputs have fast linear indexing, a `CartesianRange`
If the arrays have different sizes and/or dimensionalities, `eachindex` returns an
iterable that spans the largest range along each dimension.
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1510,7 +1510,7 @@ sub2ind(::Tuple{}, I::Integer...) = (@_inline_meta; _sub2ind((), 1, 1, I...))
sub2ind(dims, i, j, k...) -> index
The inverse of [`ind2sub`](:func:`ind2sub`), returns the linear index corresponding to the provided subscripts.
The inverse of [`ind2sub`](@ref), returns the linear index corresponding to the provided subscripts.
julia> sub2ind((5,6,7),1,2,3)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1791,7 +1791,7 @@ promote_eltype_op(op, A, B, C, D...) = (@_pure_meta; promote_eltype_op(op, promo
map!(function, collection)
In-place version of [`map`](:func:`map`).
In-place version of [`map`](@ref).
map!{F}(f::F, A::AbstractArray) = map!(f, A, A)
function map!{F}(f::F, dest::AbstractArray, A::AbstractArray)
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map!(function, destination, collection...)
Like [`map`](:func:`map`), but stores the result in `destination` rather than a new
Like [`map`](@ref), but stores the result in `destination` rather than a new
collection. `destination` must be at least as large as the first collection.
map!{F}(f::F, dest::AbstractArray, As::AbstractArray...) = map_n!(f, dest, As)
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4 changes: 2 additions & 2 deletions base/abstractarraymath.jl
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Expand Up @@ -210,7 +210,7 @@ julia> circshift(b, (-1,0))
1 5 9 13
See also [`circshift!`](:func:`circshift!`).
See also [`circshift!`](@ref).
function circshift(a::AbstractArray, shiftamt)
circshift!(similar(a), a, map(Integer, (shiftamt...,)))
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -288,7 +288,7 @@ end
ipermutedims(A, perm)
Like [`permutedims`](:func:`permutedims`), except the inverse of the given permutation is applied.
Like [`permutedims`](@ref), except the inverse of the given permutation is applied.
julia> A = reshape(collect(1:8), (2,2,2))
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2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion base/array.jl
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Expand Up @@ -240,7 +240,7 @@ julia> eye(A)
0 0 1
Note the difference from [`ones`](:func:`ones`).
Note the difference from [`ones`](@ref).
eye{T}(x::AbstractMatrix{T}) = eye(T, size(x, 1), size(x, 2))

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2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion base/arraymath.jl
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Transform an array to its complex conjugate in-place.
See also [`conj`](:func:`conj`).
See also [`conj`](@ref).
function conj!{T<:Number}(A::AbstractArray{T})
for i in eachindex(A)
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6 changes: 3 additions & 3 deletions base/bitarray.jl
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flipbits!(B::BitArray{N}) -> BitArray{N}
Performs a bitwise not operation on `B`. See [`~`](:ref:`~ operator <~>`).
Performs a bitwise not operation on `B`. See [`~`](@ref).
julia> A = trues(2,2)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1504,7 +1504,7 @@ end
Performs a left rotation operation, returning a new `BitVector`.
`i` controls how far to rotate the bits.
See also [`rol!`](:func:`rol!`).
See also [`rol!`](@ref).
julia> A = BitArray([true, true, false, false, true])
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1577,7 +1577,7 @@ end
Performs a right rotation operation on `B`, returning a new `BitVector`.
`i` controls how far to rotate the bits.
See also [`ror!`](:func:`ror!`).
See also [`ror!`](@ref).
julia> A = BitArray([true, true, false, false, true])
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6 changes: 3 additions & 3 deletions base/broadcast.jl
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broadcast!(f, dest, As...)
Like [`broadcast`](:func:`broadcast`), but store the result of
Like [`broadcast`](@ref), but store the result of
`broadcast(f, As...)` in the `dest` array.
Note that `dest` is only used to store the result, and does not supply
arguments to `f` unless it is also listed in the `As`,
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -335,7 +335,7 @@ julia> string.(("one","two","three","four"), ": ", 1:4)
bitbroadcast(f, As...)
Like [`broadcast`](:func:`broadcast`), but allocates a `BitArray` to store the
Like [`broadcast`](@ref), but allocates a `BitArray` to store the
result, rather then an `Array`.
Expand All @@ -353,7 +353,7 @@ julia> bitbroadcast(isodd,[1,2,3,4,5])
broadcast_getindex(A, inds...)
Broadcasts the `inds` arrays to a common size like [`broadcast`](:func:`broadcast`)
Broadcasts the `inds` arrays to a common size like [`broadcast`](@ref)
and returns an array of the results `A[ks...]`,
where `ks` goes over the positions in the broadcast result `A`.
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4 changes: 2 additions & 2 deletions base/collections.jl
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heapify!(v, ord::Ordering=Forward)
In-place [`heapify`](:func:`heapify`).
In-place [`heapify`](@ref).
function heapify!(xs::AbstractArray, o::Ordering=Forward)
for i in heapparent(length(xs)):-1:1
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -182,7 +182,7 @@ end
PriorityQueue(K, V, [ord])
Construct a new [`PriorityQueue`](:obj:`PriorityQueue`), with keys of type
Construct a new [`PriorityQueue`](@ref), with keys of type
`K` and values/priorites of type `V`.
If an order is not given, the priority queue is min-ordered using
the default comparison for `V`.
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4 changes: 2 additions & 2 deletions base/complex.jl
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Expand Up @@ -796,8 +796,8 @@ end
round(z, RoundingModeReal, RoundingModeImaginary)
Returns the nearest integral value of the same type as the complex-valued `z` to `z`,
breaking ties using the specified [`RoundingMode`](:obj:`RoundingMode`)s. The first
[`RoundingMode`](:obj:`RoundingMode`) is used for rounding the real components while the
breaking ties using the specified [`RoundingMode`](@ref)s. The first
[`RoundingMode`](@ref) is used for rounding the real components while the
second is used for rounding the imaginary components.
function round{T<:AbstractFloat, MR, MI}(z::Complex{T}, ::RoundingMode{MR}, ::RoundingMode{MI})
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4 changes: 2 additions & 2 deletions base/datafmt.jl
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writedlm(f, A, delim='\\t'; opts)
Write `A` (a vector, matrix, or an iterable collection of iterable rows) as text to `f`
(either a filename string or an [`IO`](:class:`IO`) stream) using the given delimiter
(either a filename string or an `IO` stream) using the given delimiter
`delim` (which defaults to tab, but can be any printable Julia object, typically a `Char` or
Expand All @@ -705,7 +705,7 @@ writedlm(io, a; opts...) = writedlm(io, a, '\t'; opts...)
writecsv(filename, A; opts)
Equivalent to [`writedlm`](:func:`writedlm`) with `delim` set to comma.
Equivalent to [`writedlm`](@ref) with `delim` set to comma.
writecsv(io, a; opts...) = writedlm(io, a, ','; opts...)

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6 changes: 3 additions & 3 deletions base/dates/io.jl
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Expand Up @@ -88,8 +88,8 @@ duplicates(slots) = any(map(x->count(y->x.parser==y.parser,slots),slots) .> 1)
Construct a date formatting object that can be used for parsing date strings or
formatting a date object as a string. For details on the syntax for `format` see
[`DateTime(::AbstractString, ::AbstractString)`](:ref:`parsing <man-date-parsing>`) and
[`format`](:ref:`formatting <man-date-formatting>`).
[`DateTime(::AbstractString, ::AbstractString)`](@ref) and
function DateFormat(f::AbstractString, locale::AbstractString="english")
slots = Slot[]
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -261,7 +261,7 @@ DateTime(dt::AbstractString,format::AbstractString;locale::AbstractString="engli
DateTime(dt::AbstractString, df::DateFormat) -> DateTime
Construct a `DateTime` by parsing the `dt` date string following the pattern given in
the [`DateFormat`](:func:`Dates.DateFormat`) object. Similar to
the [`DateFormat`](@ref) object. Similar to
`DateTime(::AbstractString, ::AbstractString)` but more efficient when repeatedly parsing
similarly formatted date strings with a pre-created `DateFormat` object.
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2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion base/dates/periods.jl
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Expand Up @@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ for period in (:Year, :Month, :Week, :Day, :Hour, :Minute, :Second, :Millisecond
# Period accessors
typ_str = period in (:Hour, :Minute, :Second, :Millisecond) ? "DateTime" : "TimeType"
description = typ_str == "TimeType" ? "`Date` or `DateTime`" : "`$typ_str`"
reference = period == :Week ? " For details see [`$accessor_str(::$typ_str)`](:func:`$accessor_str`)." : ""
reference = period == :Week ? " For details see [`$accessor_str(::$typ_str)`](@ref)." : ""
@eval begin
@doc """
$($period_str)(dt::$($typ_str)) -> $($period_str)
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52 changes: 26 additions & 26 deletions base/dft.jl
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plan_ifft(A [, dims]; flags=FFTW.ESTIMATE; timelimit=Inf)
Same as [`plan_fft`](:func:`plan_fft`), but produces a plan that performs inverse transforms
Same as [`plan_fft`](@ref), but produces a plan that performs inverse transforms

plan_ifft!(A [, dims]; flags=FFTW.ESTIMATE; timelimit=Inf)
Same as [`plan_ifft`](:func:`plan_ifft`), but operates in-place on `A`.
Same as [`plan_ifft`](@ref), but operates in-place on `A`.

plan_bfft!(A [, dims]; flags=FFTW.ESTIMATE; timelimit=Inf)
Same as [`plan_bfft`](:func:`plan_bfft`), but operates in-place on `A`.
Same as [`plan_bfft`](@ref), but operates in-place on `A`.

plan_bfft(A [, dims]; flags=FFTW.ESTIMATE; timelimit=Inf)
Same as [`plan_fft`](:func:`plan_fft`), but produces a plan that performs an unnormalized
backwards transform [`bfft`](:func:`bfft`).
Same as [`plan_fft`](@ref), but produces a plan that performs an unnormalized
backwards transform [`bfft`](@ref).

plan_fft(A [, dims]; flags=FFTW.ESTIMATE; timelimit=Inf)
Pre-plan an optimized FFT along given dimensions (`dims`) of arrays matching the shape and
type of `A`. (The first two arguments have the same meaning as for [`fft`](:func:`fft`).)
type of `A`. (The first two arguments have the same meaning as for [`fft`](@ref).)
Returns an object `P` which represents the linear operator computed by the FFT, and which
contains all of the information needed to compute `fft(A, dims)` quickly.
Expand All @@ -114,17 +114,17 @@ rough upper bound on the allowed planning time, in seconds. Passing `FFTW.MEASUR
`FFTW.PATIENT` may cause the input array `A` to be overwritten with zeros during plan
[`plan_fft!`](:func:`plan_fft!`) is the same as [`plan_fft`](:func:`plan_fft`) but creates a
[`plan_fft!`](@ref) is the same as [`plan_fft`](@ref) but creates a
plan that operates in-place on its argument (which must be an array of complex
floating-point numbers). [`plan_ifft`](:func:`plan_ifft`) and so on are similar but produce
plans that perform the equivalent of the inverse transforms [`ifft`](:func:`ifft`) and so on.
floating-point numbers). [`plan_ifft`](@ref) and so on are similar but produce
plans that perform the equivalent of the inverse transforms [`ifft`](@ref) and so on.

plan_fft!(A [, dims]; flags=FFTW.ESTIMATE; timelimit=Inf)
Same as [`plan_fft`](:func:`plan_fft`), but operates in-place on `A`.
Same as [`plan_fft`](@ref), but operates in-place on `A`.

Expand All @@ -133,19 +133,19 @@ plan_fft!
Multidimensional FFT of a real array `A`, exploiting the fact that the transform has
conjugate symmetry in order to save roughly half the computational time and storage costs
compared with [`fft`](:func:`fft`). If `A` has size `(n_1, ..., n_d)`, the result has size
compared with [`fft`](@ref). If `A` has size `(n_1, ..., n_d)`, the result has size
`(div(n_1,2)+1, ..., n_d)`.
The optional `dims` argument specifies an iterable subset of one or more dimensions of `A`
to transform, similar to [`fft`](:func:`fft`). Instead of (roughly) halving the first
to transform, similar to [`fft`](@ref). Instead of (roughly) halving the first
dimension of `A` in the result, the `dims[1]` dimension is (roughly) halved in the same way.

ifft!(A [, dims])
Same as [`ifft`](:func:`ifft`), but operates in-place on `A`.
Same as [`ifft`](@ref), but operates in-place on `A`.

Expand All @@ -169,17 +169,17 @@ ifft
fft!(A [, dims])
Same as [`fft`](:func:`fft`), but operates in-place on `A`, which must be an array of
Same as [`fft`](@ref), but operates in-place on `A`, which must be an array of
complex floating-point numbers.

bfft(A [, dims])
Similar to [`ifft`](:func:`ifft`), but computes an unnormalized inverse (backward)
Similar to [`ifft`](@ref), but computes an unnormalized inverse (backward)
transform, which must be divided by the product of the sizes of the transformed dimensions
in order to obtain the inverse. (This is slightly more efficient than [`ifft`](:func:`ifft`)
in order to obtain the inverse. (This is slightly more efficient than [`ifft`](@ref)
because it omits a scaling step, which in some applications can be combined with other
computational steps elsewhere.)
Expand All @@ -192,7 +192,7 @@ bfft
bfft!(A [, dims])
Same as [`bfft`](:func:`bfft`), but operates in-place on `A`.
Same as [`bfft`](@ref), but operates in-place on `A`.

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -302,8 +302,8 @@ end
irfft(A, d [, dims])
Inverse of [`rfft`](:func:`rfft`): for a complex array `A`, gives the corresponding real
array whose FFT yields `A` in the first half. As for [`rfft`](:func:`rfft`), `dims` is an
Inverse of [`rfft`](@ref): for a complex array `A`, gives the corresponding real
array whose FFT yields `A` in the first half. As for [`rfft`](@ref), `dims` is an
optional subset of dimensions to transform, defaulting to `1:ndims(A)`.
`d` is the length of the transformed real array along the `dims[1]` dimension, which must
Expand All @@ -316,8 +316,8 @@ irfft
brfft(A, d [, dims])
Similar to [`irfft`](:func:`irfft`) but computes an unnormalized inverse transform (similar
to [`bfft`](:func:`bfft`)), which must be divided by the product of the sizes of the
Similar to [`irfft`](@ref) but computes an unnormalized inverse transform (similar
to [`bfft`](@ref)), which must be divided by the product of the sizes of the
transformed dimensions (of the real output array) in order to obtain the inverse transform.
Expand All @@ -344,9 +344,9 @@ plan_irfft{T}(x::AbstractArray{Complex{T}}, d::Integer, region; kws...) =
plan_irfft(A, d [, dims]; flags=FFTW.ESTIMATE; timelimit=Inf)
Pre-plan an optimized inverse real-input FFT, similar to [`plan_rfft`](:func:`plan_rfft`)
except for [`irfft`](:func:`irfft`) and [`brfft`](:func:`brfft`), respectively. The first
three arguments have the same meaning as for [`irfft`](:func:`irfft`).
Pre-plan an optimized inverse real-input FFT, similar to [`plan_rfft`](@ref)
except for [`irfft`](@ref) and [`brfft`](@ref), respectively. The first
three arguments have the same meaning as for [`irfft`](@ref).

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -423,7 +423,7 @@ if Base.USE_GPL_LIBS
* This performs a multidimensional FFT by default. FFT libraries in other languages such as
Python and Octave perform a one-dimensional FFT along the first non-singleton dimension
of the array. This is worth noting while performing comparisons. For more details,
refer to the ["Noteworthy Differences from other Languages"](:ref:`man-noteworthy-differences`)
refer to the [Noteworthy Differences from other Languages](@ref)
section of the manual.
""" ->
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