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logrange (#821)
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mcabbott authored Feb 24, 2024
1 parent ca02356 commit 220f4d7
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Showing 4 changed files with 301 additions and 9 deletions.
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion Project.toml
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@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
name = "Compat"
uuid = "34da2185-b29b-5c13-b0c7-acf172513d20"
version = "4.13.0"
version = "4.14.0"

Dates = "ade2ca70-3891-5945-98fb-dc099432e06a"
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3 changes: 3 additions & 0 deletions
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Expand Up @@ -72,6 +72,8 @@ changes in `julia`.

* `allequal(f, itr)` and `allunique(f, itr)` methods. ([#47679]) (since Compat 4.13.0)

* `logrange(lo, hi; length)` is like `range` but with a constant ratio, not difference. ([#39071]) (since Compat 4.14.0) Note that on Julia 1.8 and earlier, the version from Compat has slightly lower floating-point accuracy than the one in Base (Julia 1.11 and later).

* `Iterators.cycle(itr, n)` is the lazy version of `repeat(vector, n)`. ([#47354]) (since Compat 4.13.0)

* `@compat public foo, bar` marks `foo` and `bar` as public in Julia 1.11+ and is a no-op in Julia 1.10 and earlier. ([#50105]) (since Compat 3.47.0, 4.10.0)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -163,6 +165,7 @@ Note that you should specify the correct minimum version for `Compat` in the
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240 changes: 232 additions & 8 deletions src/Compat.jl
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if VERSION < v"1.8.0-DEV.487"
export eachsplit

@doc """
eachsplit(str::AbstractString, dlm; limit::Integer=0)
eachsplit(str::AbstractString; limit::Integer=0)
Expand All @@ -275,7 +275,8 @@ if VERSION < v"1.8.0-DEV.487"
""" eachsplit

function eachsplit end

struct SplitIterator{S<:AbstractString,F}
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -421,7 +422,7 @@ end
return nothing

@doc """
Return the version of the package that imported module `m`,
Expand All @@ -433,7 +434,8 @@ end
To get the version of the package that imported the current module
the form `pkgversion(@__MODULE__)` can be used.
""" pkgversion

function pkgversion(m::Module)
path = pkgdir(m)
path === nothing && return nothing
Expand All @@ -457,7 +459,7 @@ if VERSION < v"1.9.0-DEV.1163"
import Base: IteratorSize, HasLength, HasShape, OneTo
export stack

@doc """
stack(iter; [dims])
Combine a collection of arrays (or other iterable objects) of equal size
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -547,10 +549,11 @@ if VERSION < v"1.9.0-DEV.1163"
julia> hvcat(5, M...) |> size # hvcat puts matrices next to each other
(14, 15)
""" stack

stack(iter; dims=:) = _stack(dims, iter)

@doc """
stack(f, args...; [dims])
Apply a function to each element of a collection, and `stack` the result.
Expand All @@ -576,7 +579,8 @@ if VERSION < v"1.9.0-DEV.1163"
1.0 2.0 3.0 10.0 20.0 30.0 0.1 0.2 0.3
4.0 5.0 6.0 400.0 500.0 600.0 0.04 0.05 0.06
""" stack(f, iter)

stack(f, iter; dims=:) = _stack(dims, f(x) for x in iter)
stack(f, xs, yzs...; dims=:) = _stack(dims, f(xy...) for xy in zip(xs, yzs...))

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -803,6 +807,226 @@ if VERSION < v"1.11.0-DEV.1579"
Iterators.cycle(xs, n::Integer) = Iterators.flatten(Iterators.repeated(xs, n))

if !isdefined(Base, :logrange) # VERSION < v"1.12.0-DEV.2" or appropriate 1.11.x after backporting

export logrange

@doc """
logrange(start, stop, length)
logrange(start, stop; length)
Construct a specialized array whose elements are spaced logarithmically
between the given endpoints. That is, the ratio of successive elements is
a constant, calculated from the length.
This is similar to `geomspace` in Python. Unlike `PowerRange` in Mathematica,
you specify the number of elements not the ratio.
Unlike `logspace` in Python and Matlab, the `start` and `stop` arguments are
always the first and last elements of the result, not powers applied to some base.
# Examples
julia> logrange(10, 4000, length=3)
3-element Base.LogRange{Float64, Base.TwicePrecision{Float64}}:
10.0, 200.0, 4000.0
julia> ans[2] ≈ sqrt(10 * 4000) # middle element is the geometric mean
julia> range(10, 40, length=3)[2] ≈ (10 + 40)/2 # arithmetic mean
julia> logrange(1f0, 32f0, 11)
11-element Base.LogRange{Float32, Float64}:
1.0, 1.41421, 2.0, 2.82843, 4.0, 5.65685, 8.0, 11.3137, 16.0, 22.6274, 32.0
julia> logrange(1, 1000, length=4) ≈ 10 .^ (0:3)
See the [`Compat.LogRange`](@ref Compat.LogRange) type for further details.
!!! compat "Julia 1.9"
The version of this struct in Compat.jl does not use `Base.TwicePrecision{Float64}`
before Julia 1.9, so it sometimes has larger floating-point errors on intermediate points.
!!! compat "Julia 1.11"
The printing of Compat.jl's version of the struct is also different,
less like `LinRange` and more like `Vector`.
""" logrange

logrange(start::Real, stop::Real, length::Integer) = LogRange(start, stop, Int(length))
logrange(start::Real, stop::Real; length::Integer) = logrange(start, stop, length)

@doc """
LogRange{T}(start, stop, len) <: AbstractVector{T}
A range whose elements are spaced logarithmically between `start` and `stop`,
with spacing controlled by `len`. Returned by [`logrange`](@ref).
Like [`LinRange`](@ref), the first and last elements will be exactly those
provided, but intermediate values may have small floating-point errors.
These are calculated using the logs of the endpoints, which are
stored on construction, often in higher precision than `T`.
!!! compat "Julia 1.9"
The version of this struct in Compat.jl does not use `Base.TwicePrecision{Float64}`
before Julia 1.9. Therefore it has larger floating-point errors on intermediate
points than shown below.
!!! compat "Julia 1.11"
The printing of Compat.jl's version of the struct is also different,
less like `LinRange` and more like `Vector`.
# Examples
julia> logrange(1, 4, length=5)
5-element Base.LogRange{Float64, Base.TwicePrecision{Float64}}:
1.0, 1.41421, 2.0, 2.82843, 4.0
julia> Base.LogRange{Float16}(1, 4, 5)
5-element Base.LogRange{Float16, Float64}:
1.0, 1.414, 2.0, 2.828, 4.0
julia> logrange(1e-310, 1e-300, 11)[1:2:end]
6-element Vector{Float64}:
julia> prevfloat(1e-308, 5) == ans[2]
Note that integer eltype `T` is not allowed.
Use for instance `round.(Int, xs)`, or explicit powers of some integer base:
julia> xs = logrange(1, 512, 4)
4-element Base.LogRange{Float64, Base.TwicePrecision{Float64}}:
1.0, 8.0, 64.0, 512.0
julia> 2 .^ (0:3:9) |> println
[1, 8, 64, 512]
""" LogRange

struct LogRange{T<:Real,X} <: AbstractArray{T,1}
function LogRange{T}(start::T, stop::T, len::Int) where {T<:Real}
if T <: Integer
# LogRange{Int}(1, 512, 4) produces InexactError: Int64(7.999999999999998)
throw(ArgumentError("LogRange{T} does not support integer types"))
if iszero(start) || iszero(stop)
throw(DomainError((start, stop),
"LogRange cannot start or stop at zero"))
elseif start < 0 || stop < 0
# log would throw, but _log_twice64_unchecked does not
throw(DomainError((start, stop),
"LogRange does not accept negative numbers"))
elseif !isfinite(start) || !isfinite(stop)
throw(DomainError((start, stop),
"LogRange is only defined for finite start & stop"))
elseif len < 0
throw(ArgumentError(string( # LazyString(
"LogRange(", start, ", ", stop, ", ", len, "): can't have negative length")))
elseif len == 1 && start != stop
throw(ArgumentError(string( # LazyString(
"LogRange(", start, ", ", stop, ", ", len, "): endpoints differ, while length is 1")))
ex = _logrange_extra(start, stop, len)
new{T,typeof(ex[1])}(start, stop, len, ex)

function LogRange{T}(start::Real, stop::Real, len::Integer) where {T}
LogRange{T}(convert(T, start), convert(T, stop), convert(Int, len))
function LogRange(start::Real, stop::Real, len::Integer)
T = float(promote_type(typeof(start), typeof(stop)))
LogRange{T}(convert(T, start), convert(T, stop), convert(Int, len))

Base.size(r::LogRange) = (r.len,)
Base.length(r::LogRange) = r.len

Base.first(r::LogRange) = r.start
Base.last(r::LogRange) = r.stop

function _logrange_extra(a::Real, b::Real, len::Int)
loga = log(1.0 * a) # widen to at least Float64
logb = log(1.0 * b)
(loga/(len-1), logb/(len-1))

function Base.getindex(r::LogRange{T}, i::Int) where {T}
@boundscheck checkbounds(r, i)
i == 1 && return r.start
i == r.len && return r.stop
# Main path uses Math.exp_impl for TwicePrecision, but is not perfectly
# accurate, hence the special cases for endpoints above.
logx = (r.len-i) * r.extra[1] + (i-1) * r.extra[2]
x = _exp_allowing_twice64(logx)
return copysign(T(x), r.start)

function, r::LogRange{T}) where {T}
print(io, "LogRange{", T, "}(")
ioc = IOContext(io, :typeinfo => T)
show(ioc, first(r))
print(io, ", ")
show(ioc, last(r))
print(io, ", ")
show(io, length(r))
print(io, ')')

# Display LogRange like LinRange -- PR widened signature of print_range to allow this
# function, ::MIME"text/plain", r::LogRange)
# isempty(r) && return show(io, r)
# summary(io, r)
# println(io, ":")
# print_range(io, r, " ", ", ", "", " \u2026 ")
# end

_exp_allowing_twice64(x::Number) = exp(x)

if VERSION >= v"1.9.0-DEV.318" # Julia PR #44717 allows this high-precision path:

_exp_allowing_twice64(x::Base.TwicePrecision{Float64}) = Base.Math.exp_impl(x.hi, x.lo, Val(:ℯ))

function _log_twice64_unchecked(x::Float64)
xu = reinterpret(UInt64, x)
if xu < (UInt64(1)<<52) # x is subnormal
xu = reinterpret(UInt64, x * 0x1p52) # normalize x
xu &= ~Base.sign_mask(Float64)
xu -= UInt64(52) << 52 # mess with the exponent

function _logrange_extra(a::Float64, b::Float64, len::Int)
loga = _log_twice64_unchecked(a)
logb = _log_twice64_unchecked(b)
# The reason not to do linear interpolation on log(a)..log(b) in `getindex` is
# that division of TwicePrecision is quite slow, so do it once on construction:
(loga/(len-1), logb/(len-1))
# Ensure that Compat.LogRange is always this struct, not exported from Base
using Base: LogRange


end # module Compat
65 changes: 65 additions & 0 deletions test/runtests.jl
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Expand Up @@ -780,3 +780,68 @@ end
Base.haslength(cycle(0:3, 2)) == false # but not sure we should test these
Base.IteratorSize(cycle(0:3, 2)) == Base.SizeUnknown()

@testset "logrange" begin
# basic idea
@test logrange(2, 16, 4) [2, 4, 8, 16]
@test logrange(1/8, 8.0, 7) [0.125, 0.25, 0.5, 1.0, 2.0, 4.0, 8.0]
@test logrange(1000, 1, 4) [1000, 100, 10, 1]
@test logrange(1, 10^9, 19)[1:2:end] 10 .^ (0:9)

# endpoints
@test logrange(0.1f0, 100, 33)[1] === 0.1f0
@test logrange(0.789, 123_456, 135_790)[[begin, end]] == [0.789, 123_456]
@test logrange(nextfloat(0f0), floatmax(Float32), typemax(Int))[end] === floatmax(Float32)
@test logrange(nextfloat(Float16(0)), floatmax(Float16), 66_000)[end] === floatmax(Float16)
@test first(logrange(pi, 2pi, 3000)) === logrange(pi, 2pi, 3000)[1] === Float64(pi)
if Int == Int64
@test logrange(0.1, 1000, 2^54)[end] === 1000.0

# empty, only, constant
@test first(logrange(1, 2, 0)) === 1.0
@test last(logrange(1, 2, 0)) === 2.0
@test collect(logrange(1, 2, 0)) == Float64[]
@test only(logrange(2pi, 2pi, 1)) === logrange(2pi, 2pi, 1)[1] === 2pi
@test logrange(1, 1, 3) == fill(1.0, 3)

# subnormal Float64
x = logrange(1e-320, 1e-300, 21) .* 1e300
@test x logrange(1e-20, 1, 21) rtol=1e-6

# types
@test eltype(logrange(1, 10, 3)) == Float64
@test eltype(logrange(1, 10, Int32(3))) == Float64
@test eltype(logrange(1, 10f0, 3)) == Float32
@test eltype(logrange(1f0, 10, 3)) == Float32
@test eltype(logrange(1, big(10), 3)) == BigFloat
@test logrange(big"0.3", big(pi), 50)[1] == big"0.3"
@test logrange(big"0.3", big(pi), 50)[end] == big(pi)

# more constructors
@test logrange(1,2,length=3) === Compat.LogRange(1,2,3) == Compat.LogRange{Float64}(1,2,3)
@test logrange(1f0, 2f0, length=3) == Compat.LogRange{Float32}(1,2,3)

# errors
@test_throws UndefKeywordError logrange(1, 10) # no default length
@test_throws ArgumentError logrange(1, 10, -1) # negative length
@test_throws ArgumentError logrange(1, 10, 1) # endpoints must not differ
@test_throws DomainError logrange(1, -1, 3) # needs complex numbers
@test_throws DomainError logrange(-1, -2, 3) # not supported, for now
@test_throws MethodError logrange(1, 2+3im, length=4) # not supported, for now
@test_throws ArgumentError logrange(1, 10, 2)[true] # bad index
@test_throws BoundsError logrange(1, 10, 2)[3]
@test_throws ArgumentError Compat.LogRange{Int}(1,4,5) # no integer ranges
@test_throws MethodError Compat.LogRange(1,4, length=5) # type does not take keyword
# (not sure if these should ideally be DomainError or ArgumentError)
@test_throws DomainError logrange(1, Inf, 3)
@test_throws DomainError logrange(0, 2, 3)
@test_throws DomainError logrange(1, NaN, 3)
@test_throws DomainError logrange(NaN, 2, 3)

# printing
@test repr(Compat.LogRange(1,2,3)) == "LogRange{Float64}(1.0, 2.0, 3)" # like 2-arg show
@test_skip repr("text/plain", Compat.LogRange(1,2,3)) == "3-element Compat.LogRange{Float64, Base.TwicePrecision{Float64}}:\n 1.0, 1.41421, 2.0"
@test_skip repr("text/plain", Compat.LogRange(1,2,0)) == "LogRange{Float64}(1.0, 2.0, 0)" # empty case

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