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add documentation page for SE
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johnnychen94 committed May 5, 2022
1 parent 1b2e0e7 commit e8a4cb0
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Showing 3 changed files with 208 additions and 4 deletions.
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion docs/Project.toml
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
Documenter = "e30172f5-a6a5-5a46-863b-614d45cd2de4"
ImageCore = "a09fc81d-aa75-5fe9-8630-4744c3626534"
ImageBase = "c817782e-172a-44cc-b673-b171935fbb9e"
ImageMorphology = "787d08f9-d448-5407-9aad-5290dd7ab264"
ImageShow = "4e3cecfd-b093-5904-9786-8bbb286a6a31"
TestImages = "5e47fb64-e119-507b-a336-dd2b206d9990"
13 changes: 10 additions & 3 deletions docs/make.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,11 +1,18 @@
using Documenter
using ImageMorphology
using ImageCore, ImageShow, TestImages
using ImageBase, ImageShow, TestImages

prettyurls = get(ENV, "CI", nothing) == "true"
format = Documenter.HTML(; prettyurls)

pages = ["", ""]
makedocs(; modules=[ImageMorphology], format=format, sitename="ImageMorphology", pages=[])
#! format: off
pages = Any[
"Concepts" => Any[""],
#! format: on

makedocs(; modules=[ImageMorphology], format=format, sitename="ImageMorphology", pages)

deploydocs(; repo="")
197 changes: 197 additions & 0 deletions docs/src/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,197 @@
```@setup concept_se
using ImageMorphology
using ImageBase
using TestImages

# Structuring element

Structuring Element (SE) is the key concept in morphology to indicate the connectivity and the
neighborhood. This page explains how ImageMorphology handles the SE concept, and how possible
optimizations can be made, in a very generic sense.

## The erosion example

The erosion `erode` function in its simplest 1-dimensional case can be defined as

$$\varepsilon_A[p] = min(A[p-1], A[p], A[p+1])$$

Because the output value at position $p$ not only depends on its own pixel `A[p]` but also on
its neighborhood values `A[p-1]` and `A[p+1]`, we call this type of operation a _neighborhood
image transformation_.

Now comes the question: **if we try to generalize the `erode` function, what should we do?** Oh yes,
we would like to generalize the concept of "neighborhood".

## Two neighborhood representations

By saying "$\Omega_p$ is the neighborhodd of $p$", we are expressing `p in Ωₚ` in plain Julia. For
performance consideration, this `Ωₚ` is usually generated from the `(p, Ω)` pair; we call this
template `Ω` a _structuring element_. There are two ways to expressing this `Ω`:

- **displacement offset**: a list of `CartesianIndex` to inidcate the offset to the center point `p`
- **connectivity mask**: a bool array mask to indicate the connectivity to the center point `p`

For instance, in the following code block we build a commonly named C4 connectivity in 2-dimensional

```@example concept_se
# displacement offset
Ω_offsets = [
CartesianIndex(-1, 0),
CartesianIndex(0, -1),
CartesianIndex(0, 1),
CartesianIndex(1, 0),
# connectivity mask
Ω_bool = Bool[
0 1 0
1 1 1
0 1 0
nothing #hide

If `p=(3, 3)`, then we know `p=(3, 4)` is in `Ωₚ`.

Now back to the erosion example, based on the displacement offset representation, the simplest
generic version of `erode` can be implemented quite simply:

```@example concept_se
# Illustration purpose only, do not use this in your real-world project
function my_erode(A, Ω)
out = similar(A)
R = CartesianIndices(A)
for p in R
Ωₚ = filter!(q->in(q, R), Ref(p) .+ Ω)
# here we don't assume p in Ωₚ
out[p] = min(A[p], minimum(A[Ωₚ]))
return out
nothing #hide

```@example concept_se
using ImageMorphology
using ImageCore
using TestImages
img = Gray.(testimage("morphology_test_512"))
img = Gray.(img .< 0.8)
img_e = my_erode(img, Ω_offsets)
mosaic(img, img_e; nrow=1)

As you may realize, the displacement offset representation is convinient to use when implementing
algorithms, but it is hard to visualize. In contrast, the connectivity mask is not so convinient to
use when implementing algorithms, but it is easy to visualize. For instance, one can very easily
understand the following SE at the first glance:

```@example concept_se
Ω = Bool[1 1 1; 1 1 0; 0 0 0] # hide

but not

```@example concept_se
strel(CartesianIndex, Ω) # hide

## The `strel` function

This package supports both representations via the [`strel`](@ref) helper function. `strel` is the
short name for "STRucturing ELement". It works similarily to `Base.reinterpret` but it is indeed a
conversion instead of a reinterpretation.

To convert a connectivity mask representation to displacement offset representation:

```@example concept_se
Ω_mask = Bool[1 1 1; 1 1 0; 0 0 0]
Ω_offsets = strel(CartesianIndex, Ω_mask)

And to convert back from a displacement offset representation to connectivity mask representation:

```@example concept_se
strel(Bool, Ω_offsets)

Quite simple, right? Thus to make our `my_erode` function more generic, we only need to add one
single line:

function my_erode(A, Ω)
out = similar(A)
+ Ω = strel(CartesianIndex, Ω)
R = CartesianIndices(A)

## Convenient constructors

Among all the SE possibilities, this package provides constructors for two commonly use cases:

- diamond-like constructor: [`strel_diamond`](@ref)
- window-like constructor: [`strel_window`](@ref)

```@repl concept_se
strel_diamond((3, 3)) # immediate neighborhood: C4 connectivity
strel_diamond((3, 3), (1, )) # along the first dimension
strel_window((3, 3)) # all adjacent neighborhood: C8 connectivity
strel_window((3, 3), (1, ))

These can be used to provide an easier-to-use `my_erode` interface by adding one more method:

my_erode(A, dims::Dims) = my_erode(A, strel_diamond(A, dims))

!!! tip "Performance tip: keep the array type"
For the structuring element `Ω` generated from `strel_diamond` and `strel_window`, it is likely
to hit a fast path if you keep its array type. For instance, `erode(A, strel_diamond(A))` is
usually faster than `erode(A, Array(strel_diamond(A)))` because more information of the `Ω`
shape is passed to Julia during coding and compilation.

## Performance optimizations and the `strel_type` function

Thanks to Julia's multiple dispatch mechanism, we can provide all the optimization trick without
compromising the simple user interface. This can be programmatically done with the help of
`strel_type` function. For example, if you know a very efficient `erode` implementation for the C4
connectivity SE, then you can add it incrementally:

using ImageMorphology: MorphologySE, SEDiamond

my_erode(A, dims::Dims) = my_erode(A, strel_diamond(A, dims))
my_erode(A, Ω) = _my_erode(strel_type(Ω), A, Ω)

# the generic implementation we've written above
function _my_erode(::MorphologySE, A, Ω)

# the optimized implementation for SE generated from `strel_diamond` function
function _my_erode(::SEDiamond, A, Ω)

# ... and other optimized versions, if there are

In short words, `strel_type` is a trait function to assist the dispatch and code design:

```@repl concept_se

It returns an internal object `SEMask{2}()`. This might look scary at first glance, but it's quite a
simple lookup table that reflects our previous reasoning:

| representation | element type | `strel_type` |
| ----------------------- | ---------------- | ------------ |
| displacement offset | `CartesianIndex` | `SEOffset` |
| connectivity mask | `Bool` | `SEMask` |
| [`strel_diamond`](@ref) | `Bool` | `SEDiamond` |
| [`strel_window`](@ref) | `Bool` | `SEWindow` |

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