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Merge pull request #47 from CarloLucibello/cl/redesign
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redesign message passing mechanism
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CarloLucibello authored Sep 29, 2021
2 parents 57b0c56 + d4ddd95 commit b2f6ebf
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Showing 25 changed files with 710 additions and 581 deletions.
4 changes: 2 additions & 2 deletions Project.toml
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@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
name = "GraphNeuralNetworks"
uuid = "cffab07f-9bc2-4db1-8861-388f63bf7694"
authors = ["Carlo Lucibello and contributors"]
version = "0.1.2"
version = "0.2.0"

Adapt = "79e6a3ab-5dfb-504d-930d-738a2a938a0e"
Expand All @@ -25,7 +25,7 @@ Adapt = "3"
CUDA = "3.3"
ChainRulesCore = "1"
DataStructures = "0.18"
Flux = "0.12"
Flux = "0.12.7"
KrylovKit = "0.5"
LearnBase = "0.4, 0.5"
LightGraphs = "1.3"
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16 changes: 8 additions & 8 deletions
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Expand Up @@ -5,13 +5,13 @@

A graph neural network library for Julia based on the deep learning framework [Flux.jl](
Its most relevant features are:
* Provides CUDA support.
* It's integrated with the JuliaGraphs ecosystem.
* Implements many common graph convolutional layers.
* Performs fast operations on batched graphs.
* Makes it easy to define custom graph convolutional layers.
A graph neural network library for Julia based on the deep learning framework [Flux.jl]( Its features include:

* Integratation with the JuliaGraphs ecosystem.
* Implementation of common graph convolutional layers.
* Fast operations on batched graphs.
* Easy to define custom layers.
* CUDA support.

## Installation

Expand All @@ -28,4 +28,4 @@ Usage examples can be found in the [examples](

## Acknowledgements

A big thank you goes to @yuehhua for creating [GeometricFlux.jl]( of which GraphNeuralNetworks.jl is a radical redesign.
A big thanks goes to @yuehhua for creating [GeometricFlux.jl]( of which GraphNeuralNetworks.jl is a radical redesign.
12 changes: 8 additions & 4 deletions docs/src/api/
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Expand Up @@ -11,11 +11,15 @@ Order = [:type, :function]
Pages = [""]

## Docs
## Interface


## Built-in message functions

64 changes: 51 additions & 13 deletions docs/src/
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@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
# Graphs

The fundamental graph type in GraphNeuralNetworks.jl is the [`GNNGraph`](@ref),
The fundamental graph type in GraphNeuralNetworks.jl is the [`GNNGraph`](@ref).
A GNNGraph `g` is a directed graph with nodes labeled from 1 to `g.num_nodes`.
The underlying implementation allows for efficient application of graph neural network
operators, gpu movement, and storage of node/edge/graph related feature arrays.
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -32,25 +32,50 @@ g = GNNGraph(source, target)

See also the related methods [`adjacency_matrix`](@ref), [`edge_index`](@ref), and [`adjacency_list`](@ref).

## Basic Queries

source = [1,1,2,2,3,3,3,4]
target = [2,3,1,3,1,2,4,3]
g = GNNGraph(source, target)

@assert g.num_nodes == 4 # number of nodes
@assert g.num_edges == 8 # number of edges
@assert g.num_graphs == 1 # number of subgraphs (a GNNGraph can batch many graphs together)
is_directed(g) # a GGNGraph is always directed

## Data Features

One or more arrays can be associated to nodes, edges, and (sub)graphs of a `GNNGraph`.
They will be stored in the fields `g.ndata`, `g.edata`, and `g.gdata` respectivaly.
The data fields are `NamedTuple`s. The array they contain must have last dimension
equal to `num_nodes` (in `ndata`), `num_edges` (in `edata`), or `num_graphs` (in `gdata`).

# Create a graph with a single feature array `x` associated to nodes
g = GNNGraph(erdos_renyi(10, 30), ndata = (; x = rand(Float32, 32, 10)))
# Equivalent definition

g.ndata.x # access the features

# Equivalent definition passing directly the array
g = GNNGraph(erdos_renyi(10, 30), ndata = rand(Float32, 32, 10))

g.ndata.x # `:x` is the default name for node features

# You can have multiple feature arrays
g = GNNGraph(erdos_renyi(10, 30), ndata = (; x=rand(Float32, 32, 10), y=rand(Float32, 10)))

g.ndata.y, g.ndata.x

# Attach an array with edge features.
# Since `GNNGraph`s are directed, the number of edges
# will be double that of the original LightGraphs' undirected graph.
g = GNNGraph(erdos_renyi(10, 30), edata = rand(Float32, 60))
@assert g.num_edges == 60


# If we pass only half of the edge features, they will be copied
# on the reversed edges.
g = GNNGraph(erdos_renyi(10, 30), edata = rand(Float32, 30))
Expand All @@ -59,28 +84,30 @@ g = GNNGraph(erdos_renyi(10, 30), edata = rand(Float32, 30))
# Create a new graph from previous one, inheriting edge data
# but replacing node data
g′ = GNNGraph(g, ndata =(; z = ones(Float32, 16, 10)))

## Graph Manipulation

g′ = add_self_loops(g)

g′ = remove_self_loops(g)

## Batches and Subgraphs

Multiple `GNNGraph`s can be batched togheter into a single graph
containing the total number of the original nodes
and where the original graphs are disjoint subgraphs.

using Flux

gall = Flux.batch([GNNGraph(erdos_renyi(10, 30), ndata=rand(Float32,3,10)) for _ in 1:160])

g23 = getgraph(gall, 2:3)
@assert gall.num_graphs == 160
@assert gall.num_nodes == 1600 # 10 nodes x 160 graphs
@assert gall.num_edges == 9600 # 30 undirected edges x 2 directions x 160 graphs

g23, _ = getgraph(gall, 2:3)
@assert g23.num_graphs == 2
@assert g23.num_nodes == 20
@assert g23.num_edges == 120 # 30 undirected edges x 2 graphs
@assert g23.num_nodes == 20 # 10 nodes x 160 graphs
@assert g23.num_edges == 120 # 30 undirected edges x 2 directions x 2 graphs x

# DataLoader compatibility
Expand All @@ -92,6 +119,17 @@ for g in train_loader
@assert size(g.ndata.x) = (3, 160)

# Access the nodes' graph memberships through

## Graph Manipulation

g′ = add_self_loops(g)

g′ = remove_self_loops(g)

## JuliaGraphs ecosystem integration
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37 changes: 20 additions & 17 deletions docs/src/
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This is the documentation page for the [GraphNeuralNetworks.jl]( library.

A graph neural network library for Julia based on the deep learning framework [Flux.jl](
Its most relevant features are:
* Provides CUDA support.
* It's integrated with the JuliaGraphs ecosystem.
* Implements many common graph convolutional layers.
* Performs fast operations on batched graphs.
* Makes it easy to define custom graph convolutional layers.
A graph neural network library for Julia based on the deep learning framework [Flux.jl]( GNN.jl is largely inspired by python's libraries [PyTorch Geometric]( and [Deep Graph Library](,
and by julia's [GeometricFlux](

Among its features:

* Integratation with the JuliaGraphs ecosystem.
* Implementation of common graph convolutional layers.
* Fast operations on batched graphs.
* Easy to define custom layers.
* CUDA support.

## Package overview

Let's give a brief overview of the package solving a
graph regression problem on fake data.
Let's give a brief overview of the package by solving a
graph regression problem with synthetic data.

Usage examples on real datasets can be found in the [examples]( folder.

### Data preparation

First, we create our dataset consisting in multiple random graphs and associated data features.
that we batch together into a unique graph.
Then we batch the graphs together into a unique graph.

julia> using GraphNeuralNetworks, LightGraphs, Flux, CUDA, Statistics
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -50,17 +53,17 @@ GNNGraph:

### Model building

We concisely define our model using as a [`GNNChain`](@ref) containing 2 graph convolutaional
We concisely define our model as a [`GNNChain`](@ref) containing 2 graph convolutaional
layers. If CUDA is available, our model will live on the gpu.

julia> device = CUDA.functional() ? Flux.gpu : Flux.cpu;

julia> model = GNNChain(GCNConv(16 => 64),
x -> relu.(x),
BatchNorm(64), # Apply batch normalization on node features (nodes dimension is batch dimension)
x -> relu.(x),
GCNConv(64 => 64, relu),
GlobalPool(mean), # aggregate node-wise features into graph-wise features
Dense(64, 1)) |> device;

julia> ps = Flux.params(model);
Expand All @@ -75,8 +78,8 @@ Flux's DataLoader iterates over mini-batches of graphs
(batched together into a `GNNGraph` object).

gtrain, _ = getgraph(gbatch, 1:800)
gtest, _ = getgraph(gbatch, 801:gbatch.num_graphs)
gtrain = getgraph(gbatch, 1:800)
gtest = getgraph(gbatch, 801:gbatch.num_graphs)
train_loader = Flux.Data.DataLoader(gtrain, batchsize=32, shuffle=true)
test_loader = Flux.Data.DataLoader(gtest, batchsize=32, shuffle=false)

Expand All @@ -86,7 +89,7 @@ loss(loader) = mean(loss(g |> device) for g in loader)

for epoch in 1:100
for g in train_loader
g = g |> gpu
g = g |> device
grad = gradient(() -> loss(g), ps)
Flux.Optimise.update!(opt, ps, grad)
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73 changes: 50 additions & 23 deletions docs/src/
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@@ -1,38 +1,55 @@
# Message Passing

The message passing is initiated by [`propagate`](@ref)
and can be customized for a specific layer by overloading the methods
[`compute_message`](@ref), [`update_node`](@ref), and [`update_edge`](@ref).

The message passing corresponds to the following operations
A generic message passing on graph takes the form

\mathbf{m}_{j\to i} &= \phi(\mathbf{x}_i, \mathbf{x}_j, \mathbf{e}_{j\to i}) \\
\mathbf{x}_{i}' &= \gamma_x(\mathbf{x}_{i}, \square_{j\in N(i)} \mathbf{m}_{j\to i})\\
\bar{\mathbf{m}}_{i} &= \square_{j\in N(i)} \mathbf{m}_{j\to i} \\
\mathbf{x}_{i}' &= \gamma_x(\mathbf{x}_{i}, \bar{\mathbf{m}}_{i})\\
\mathbf{e}_{j\to i}^\prime &= \gamma_e(\mathbf{e}_{j \to i},\mathbf{m}_{j \to i})
where ``\phi`` is expressed by the [`compute_message`](@ref) function,
``\gamma_x`` and ``\gamma_e`` by [`update_node`](@ref) and [`update_edge`](@ref)

The message propagation mechanism internally relies on the [`NNlib.gather`](@ref)
where we refer to ``\phi`` as to the message function,
and to ``\gamma_x`` and ``\gamma_e`` as to the node update and edge update function
respectively. The aggregation ``\square`` is over the neighborhood ``N(i)`` of node ``i``,
and it is usually set to summation ``\sum``, a max or a mean operation.

In GNN.jl, the function [`propagate`](@ref) takes care of materializing the
node features on each edge, applying the message function, performing the
aggregation, and returning ``\bar{\mathbf{m}}``.
It is then left to the user to perform further node and edge updates,
manypulating arrays of size ``D_{node} \times num_nodes`` and
``D_{edge} \times num_edges``.

As part of the [`propagate`](@ref) pipeline, we have the function
[`apply_edges`](@ref). It can be independently used to materialize
node features on edges and perform edge-related computation without
the following neighborhood aggregation one finds in `propagate`.

The whole propagation mechanism internally relies on the [`NNlib.gather`](@ref)
and [`NNlib.scatter`](@ref) methods.

## An example: implementing the GCNConv

Let's (re-)implement the [`GCNConv`](@ref) layer use the message passing framework.
## Examples

### Basic use propagate and apply_edges

### Implementing a custom Graph Convolutional Layer

Let's implement a simple graph convolutional layer using the message passing framework.
The convolution reads

\mathbf{x}'_i = \sum_{j \in N(i)} \frac{1}{c_{ij}} W \mathbf{x}_j
\mathbf{x}'_i = W \cdot \sum_{j \in N(i)} \mathbf{x}_j
where ``c_{ij} = \sqrt{|N(i)||N(j)|}``. We will also add a bias and an activation function.
We will also add a bias and an activation function.

using Flux, LightGraphs, GraphNeuralNetworks
import GraphNeuralNetworks: compute_message, update_node, propagate

struct GCN{A<:AbstractMatrix, B, F} <: GNNLayer
Expand All @@ -49,16 +66,26 @@ function GCN(ch::Pair{Int,Int}, σ=identity)
GCN(W, b, σ)

compute_message(l::GCN, xi, xj, eij) = l.weight * xj
update_node(l::GCN, m, x) = m

function (l::GCN)(g::GNNGraph, x::AbstractMatrix{T}) where T
c = 1 ./ sqrt.(degree(g, T, dir=:in))
x = x .* c'
x, _ = propagate(l, g, +, x)
x = x .* c'
return l.σ.(x .+ l.bias)
@assert size(x, 2) == g.num_nodes

# Computes messages from source/neighbour nodes (j) to target/root nodes (i).
# The message function will have to handle matrices of size (*, num_edges).
# In this simple case we just let the neighbor features go through.
message(xi, xj, e) = xj

# The + operator gives the sum aggregation.
# `mean`, `max`, `min`, and `*` are other possibilities.
x = propagate(message, g, +, xj=x)

return l.σ.(l.weight * x .+ l.bias)

See the [`GATConv`](@ref) implementation [here]( for a more complex example.

## Built-in message functions

In order to exploit optimized specializations of the [`propagate`](@ref), it is recommended
to use built-in message functions such as [`copyxj`](@ref) whenever possible.

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