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Add eigen and eigvals rules for StridedMatrix (#321)
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* Add implementation of eigen

* Add implementation of eigvals

* Add todo notes

* Test eigen and eigvals

* Choose dimension that is stable

* Fix function call

* Check that pullbacks are type-stable

* Note why we don't check type-stability for rules

* Add test for idempotence

* Test that sensitivities are real when the primals are

* Rearrange tests

* Test sensitivities are real when primals are for eigvals

* Increment version number

* Don't compute eigenvectors if unused

* Don't compute full matrix product

* Avoid calling Matrix

* Overload mutating versions for frule

* Test mutating form for frule

* Use fewer subscripts

* Increment required patch version

* Increment version number

* Increment version number
  • Loading branch information
sethaxen authored Dec 9, 2020
1 parent 80443b1 commit 22eddb4
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Showing 3 changed files with 266 additions and 2 deletions.
4 changes: 2 additions & 2 deletions Project.toml
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@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
name = "ChainRules"
uuid = "082447d4-558c-5d27-93f4-14fc19e9eca2"
version = "0.7.37"
version = "0.7.38"

ChainRulesCore = "d360d2e6-b24c-11e9-a2a3-2a2ae2dbcce4"
Expand All @@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ Statistics = "10745b16-79ce-11e8-11f9-7d13ad32a3b2"

ChainRulesCore = "0.9.21"
ChainRulesTestUtils = "0.5.1"
ChainRulesTestUtils = "0.5.5"
Compat = "3"
FiniteDifferences = "0.11.4"
Reexport = "0.2"
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132 changes: 132 additions & 0 deletions src/rulesets/LinearAlgebra/factorization.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -66,6 +66,138 @@ function svd_rev(USV::SVD, Ū, s̄, V̄)
return Ā

##### `eigen`

# - support correct differential of phase convention when A is hermitian
# - simplify when A is diagonal
# - support degenerate matrices (see #144)

function frule((_, ΔA), ::typeof(eigen!), A::StridedMatrix{T}; kwargs...) where {T<:BlasFloat}
F = eigen!(A; kwargs...)
ΔA isa AbstractZero && return F, ΔA
λ, V = F.values, F.vectors
tmp = V \ ΔA
∂K = tmp * V
∂Kdiag = @view ∂K[diagind(∂K)]
∂λ = eltype(λ) <: Real ? real.(∂Kdiag) : copy(∂Kdiag)
∂K ./= transpose(λ) .- λ
fill!(∂Kdiag, 0)
∂V = mul!(tmp, V, ∂K)
_eigen_norm_phase_fwd!(∂V, A, V)
∂F = Composite{typeof(F)}(values = ∂λ, vectors = ∂V)
return F, ∂F

function rrule(::typeof(eigen), A::StridedMatrix{T}; kwargs...) where {T<:Union{Real,Complex}}
F = eigen(A; kwargs...)
function eigen_pullback(ΔF::Composite{<:Eigen})
λ, V = F.values, F.vectors
Δλ, ΔV = ΔF.values, ΔF.vectors
if ΔV isa AbstractZero
Δλ isa AbstractZero && return (NO_FIELDS, Δλ + ΔV)
∂K = Diagonal(Δλ)
∂A = V' \ ∂K * V'
∂V = copyto!(similar(ΔV), ΔV)
_eigen_norm_phase_rev!(∂V, A, V)
∂K = V' * ∂V
∂K ./= λ' .- conj.(λ)
∂K[diagind(∂K)] .= Δλ
∂A = mul!(∂K, V' \ ∂K, V')
return NO_FIELDS, T <: Real ? real(∂A) : ∂A
eigen_pullback(ΔF::AbstractZero) = (NO_FIELDS, ΔF)
return F, eigen_pullback

# mutate ∂V to account for the (arbitrary but consistent) normalization and phase condition
# applied to the eigenvectors.
# these implementations assume the convention used by eigen in LinearAlgebra (i.e. that of
# LAPACK.geevx!; eigenvectors have unit norm, and the element with the largest absolute
# value is real), but they can be specialized for `A`

function _eigen_norm_phase_fwd!(∂V, A, V)
@inbounds for i in axes(V, 2)
v, ∂v = @views V[:, i], ∂V[:, i]
# account for unit normalization
∂c_norm = -real(dot(v, ∂v))
if eltype(V) <: Real
∂c = ∂c_norm
# account for rotation of largest element to real
k = _findrealmaxabs2(v)
∂c_phase = -imag(∂v[k]) / real(v[k])
∂c = complex(∂c_norm, ∂c_phase)
∂v .+= v .* ∂c
return ∂V

function _eigen_norm_phase_rev!(∂V, A, V)
@inbounds for i in axes(V, 2)
v, ∂v = @views V[:, i], ∂V[:, i]
∂c = dot(v, ∂v)
# account for unit normalization
∂v .-= real(∂c) .* v
if !(eltype(V) <: Real)
# account for rotation of largest element to real
k = _findrealmaxabs2(v)
@inbounds ∂v[k] -= im * (imag(∂c) / real(v[k]))
return ∂V

# workaround for findmax not taking a mapped function
function _findrealmaxabs2(x)
amax = abs2(first(x))
imax = 1
@inbounds for i in 2:length(x)
xi = x[i]
!isreal(xi) && continue
a = abs2(xi)
a < amax && continue
amax, imax = a, i
return imax

##### `eigvals`

function frule((_, ΔA), ::typeof(eigvals!), A::StridedMatrix{T}; kwargs...) where {T<:BlasFloat}
ΔA isa AbstractZero && return eigvals!(A; kwargs...), ΔA
F = eigen!(A; kwargs...)
λ, V = F.values, F.vectors
tmp = V \ ΔA
∂λ = similar(λ)
# diag(tmp * V) without computing full matrix product
if eltype(∂λ) <: Real
broadcast!((a, b) -> sum(real prod, zip(a, b)), ∂λ, eachrow(tmp), eachcol(V))
broadcast!((a, b) -> sum(prod, zip(a, b)), ∂λ, eachrow(tmp), eachcol(V))
return λ, ∂λ

function rrule(::typeof(eigvals), A::StridedMatrix{T}; kwargs...) where {T<:Union{Real,Complex}}
F = eigen(A; kwargs...)
λ = F.values
function eigvals_pullback(Δλ)
V = F.vectors
∂A = V' \ Diagonal(Δλ) * V'
return NO_FIELDS, T <: Real ? real(∂A) : ∂A
eigvals_pullback(Δλ::AbstractZero) = (NO_FIELDS, Δλ)
return λ, eigvals_pullback

##### `cholesky`
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132 changes: 132 additions & 0 deletions test/rulesets/LinearAlgebra/factorization.jl
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Expand Up @@ -85,6 +85,138 @@ end

@testset "eigendecomposition" begin
@testset "eigen/eigen!" begin
# NOTE: eigen!/eigen are not type-stable, so neither are their frule/rrule

# avoid implementing to_vec(::Eigen)
f(E::Eigen) = (values=E.values, vectors=E.vectors)

# NOTE: for unstructured matrices, low enough n, and this specific seed, finite
# differences of eigen seems to be stable enough for direct comparison.
# This allows us to directly check differential of normalization/phase
# convention
n = 10

@testset "eigen!(::Matrix{$T}) frule" for T in (Float64,ComplexF64)
X = randn(T, n, n)
= rand_tangent(X)
F = eigen!(copy(X))
F_fwd, Ḟ_ad = frule((Zero(), copy(Ẋ)), eigen!, copy(X))
@test F_fwd == F
@test Ḟ_ad isa Composite{typeof(F)}
Ḟ_fd = jvp(_fdm, f eigen! copy, (X, Ẋ))
@test Ḟ_ad.values Ḟ_fd.values
@test Ḟ_ad.vectors Ḟ_fd.vectors
@test frule((Zero(), Zero()), eigen!, copy(X)) == (F, Zero())

@testset "tangents are real when outputs are" begin
# hermitian matrices have real eigenvalues and, when real, real eigenvectors
X = Matrix(Hermitian(randn(T, n, n)))
= Matrix(Hermitian(rand_tangent(X)))
_, Ḟ = frule((Zero(), Ẋ), eigen!, X)
@test eltype(Ḟ.values) <: Real
T <: Real && @test eltype(Ḟ.vectors) <: Real

@testset "eigen(::Matrix{$T}) rrule" for T in (Float64,ComplexF64)
# NOTE: eigen is not type-stable, so neither are is its rrule
X = randn(T, n, n)
F = eigen(X)
= rand_tangent(F.vectors)
λ̄ = rand_tangent(F.values)
CT = Composite{typeof(F)}
F_rev, back = rrule(eigen, X)
@test F_rev == F
_, X̄_values_ad = @inferred back(CT(values = λ̄))
@test X̄_values_ad j′vp(_fdm, x -> eigen(x).values, λ̄, X)[1]
_, X̄_vectors_ad = @inferred back(CT(vectors = V̄))
@test X̄_vectors_ad j′vp(_fdm, x -> eigen(x).vectors, V̄, X)[1]
= CT(values = λ̄, vectors = V̄)
s̄elf, X̄_ad = @inferred back(F̄)
@test s̄elf === NO_FIELDS
X̄_fd = j′vp(_fdm, f eigen, F̄, X)[1]
@test X̄_ad X̄_fd
@test @inferred(back(Zero())) === (NO_FIELDS, Zero())
F̄zero = CT(values = Zero(), vectors = Zero())
@test @inferred(back(F̄zero)) === (NO_FIELDS, Zero())

T <: Real && @testset "cotangent is real when input is" begin
X = randn(T, n, n)
= rand_tangent(X)

F = eigen(X)
= rand_tangent(F.vectors)
λ̄ = rand_tangent(F.values)
= Composite{typeof(F)}(values = λ̄, vectors = V̄)
= rrule(eigen, X)[2](F̄)[2]
@test eltype(X̄) <: Real

@testset "normalization/phase functions are idempotent" for T in (Float64,ComplexF64)
# this is as much a math check as a code check. because normalization when
# applied repeatedly is idempotent, repeated pushforward/pullback should
# leave the (co)tangent unchanged
X = randn(T, n, n)
= rand_tangent(X)
F = eigen(X)

= rand_tangent(F.vectors)
V̇proj = ChainRules._eigen_norm_phase_fwd!(copy(V̇), X, F.vectors)
@test !isapprox(V̇, V̇proj)
V̇proj2 = ChainRules._eigen_norm_phase_fwd!(copy(V̇proj), X, F.vectors)
@test V̇proj2 V̇proj

= rand_tangent(F.vectors)
V̄proj = ChainRules._eigen_norm_phase_rev!(copy(V̄), X, F.vectors)
@test !isapprox(V̄, V̄proj)
V̄proj2 = ChainRules._eigen_norm_phase_rev!(copy(V̄proj), X, F.vectors)
@test V̄proj2 V̄proj

@testset "eigvals/eigvals!" begin
# NOTE: eigvals!/eigvals are not type-stable, so neither are their frule/rrule
@testset "eigvals!(::Matrix{$T}) frule" for T in (Float64,ComplexF64)
n = 10
X = randn(T, n, n)
λ = eigvals!(copy(X))
= rand_tangent(X)
frule_test(eigvals!, (X, Ẋ))
@test frule((Zero(), Zero()), eigvals!, copy(X)) == (λ, Zero())

@testset "tangents are real when outputs are" begin
# hermitian matrices have real eigenvalues
X = Matrix(Hermitian(randn(T, n, n)))
= Matrix(Hermitian(rand_tangent(X)))
_, λ̇ = frule((Zero(), Ẋ), eigvals!, X)
@test eltype(λ̇) <: Real

@testset "eigvals(::Matrix{$T}) rrule" for T in (Float64,ComplexF64)
n = 10
X = randn(T, n, n)
= rand_tangent(X)
λ̄ = rand_tangent(eigvals(X))
rrule_test(eigvals, λ̄, (X, X̄))
back = rrule(eigvals, X)[2]
@inferred back(λ̄)
@test @inferred(back(Zero())) === (NO_FIELDS, Zero())

T <: Real && @testset "cotangent is real when input is" begin
X = randn(T, n, n)
λ = eigvals(X)
λ̄ = rand_tangent(λ)
= rrule(eigvals, X)[2](λ̄)[2]
@test eltype(X̄) <: Real

# These tests are generally a bit tricky to write because FiniteDifferences doesn't
# have fantastic support for this stuff at the minute.
@testset "cholesky" begin
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