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Add PagedMergeSort, a merge sort using O(√n) space (#71)
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Co-authored-by: Lilith Orion Hafner <[email protected]>
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LSchwerdt and LilithHafner authored Aug 18, 2023
1 parent ef22e53 commit b668837
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Expand Up @@ -9,10 +9,12 @@ The `SortingAlgorithms` package provides three sorting algorithms that can be us
- [HeapSort] – an unstable, general purpose, in-place, O(n log n) comparison sort that works by heapifying an array and repeatedly taking the maximal element from the heap.
- [TimSort] – a stable, general purpose, hybrid, O(n log n) comparison sort that adapts to different common patterns of partially ordered input data.
- [CombSort] – an unstable, general purpose, in-place, O(n log n) comparison sort with O(n^2) pathological cases that can attain good efficiency through SIMD instructions and instruction level parallelism on modern hardware.
- [PagedMergeSort] – a stable, general purpose, O(n log n) time and O(sqrt n) space comparison sort.


## Usage

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279 changes: 278 additions & 1 deletion src/SortingAlgorithms.jl
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Expand Up @@ -9,12 +9,13 @@ using Base.Order
import Base.Sort: sort!
import DataStructures: heapify!, percolate_down!

export HeapSort, TimSort, RadixSort, CombSort
export HeapSort, TimSort, RadixSort, CombSort, PagedMergeSort

struct HeapSortAlg <: Algorithm end
struct TimSortAlg <: Algorithm end
struct RadixSortAlg <: Algorithm end
struct CombSortAlg <: Algorithm end
struct PagedMergeSortAlg <: Algorithm end

function maybe_optimize(x::Algorithm)
isdefined(Base.Sort, :InitialOptimizations) ? Base.Sort.InitialOptimizations(x) : x
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -51,6 +52,34 @@ Characteristics:
const CombSort = maybe_optimize(CombSortAlg())

Indicates that a sorting function should use the paged merge sort
algorithm. Paged merge sort uses is a merge sort, that uses different
merge routines to achieve stable sorting with a scratch space of size O(√n).
The merge routine for merging large subarrays merges
pages of size O(√n) almost in place, before reordering them using a page table.
At deeper recursion levels, where the scratch space is big enough,
normal merging is used, where one input is copied into the scratch space.
When the scratch space is large enough to hold the complete subarray,
the input is merged interleaved from both sides, which increases performance
for random data.
- *stable*: does preserve the ordering of elements which
compare equal (e.g. "a" and "A" in a sort of letters which
ignores case).
- *`O(√n)`* auxilary memory usage.
- *`O(n log n)`* garuanteed runtime.
## References
- Dvořák, S., Ďurian, B. (1986). Towards an efficient merging. In: Gruska, J., Rovan, B., Wiedermann,
J. (eds) Mathematical Foundations of Computer Science 1986. MFCS 1986. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 233.
Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg.
const PagedMergeSort = maybe_optimize(PagedMergeSortAlg())

## Heap sort

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -652,4 +681,252 @@ else

# PagedMergeSort

# unsafe version of copyto!
# as workaround for
function _unsafe_copyto!(dest, doffs, src, soffs, n)
@inbounds for i in 0:n-1
dest[doffs + i] = src[soffs + i]

function _unsafe_copyto!(dest::Array, doffs, src::Array, soffs, n)
unsafe_copyto!(dest, doffs, src, soffs, n)

# merge v[lo:m] and v[m+1:hi] ([A;B]) using scratch[1:1+hi-lo]
# This is faster than merge! but requires twice as much auxiliary memory.
function twoended_merge!(v::AbstractVector{T}, lo::Integer, m::Integer, hi::Integer, o::Ordering, scratch::AbstractVector{T}) where T
@assert lo m hi
@assert abs((m-lo) - (hi-(m+1))) 1 "twoended_merge! only supports balanced merges"
len = 1 + hi - lo
# input array indices
a_lo = lo
a_hi = m
b_lo = m + 1
b_hi = hi
# output array indices
k_lo = 1
k_hi = len
@inbounds begin
# two ended merge
while k_lo <= len ÷ 2
if lt(o, v[b_lo], v[a_lo])
scratch[k_lo] = v[b_lo]
b_lo += 1
scratch[k_lo] = v[a_lo]
a_lo += 1
k_lo +=1
if !lt(o, v[b_hi], v[a_hi])
scratch[k_hi] = v[b_hi]
b_hi -= 1
scratch[k_hi] = v[a_hi]
a_hi -= 1
k_hi -=1
# if the input length is odd,
# one item remains
if a_lo <= a_hi
scratch[k_lo] = v[a_lo]
elseif b_lo <= b_hi
scratch[k_lo] = v[b_lo]
# copy back from t to v
offset = lo-1
for i = 1:len
v[offset+i] = scratch[i]

# core merging loop used throughout PagedMergeSort
Base.@propagate_inbounds function merge!(f::Function,
target::AbstractVector{T}, source_a::AbstractVector{T}, source_b::AbstractVector{T},
o::Ordering, a::Integer, b::Integer, k::Integer) where T
@inbounds while f(a,b,k)
if lt(o, source_b[b], source_a[a])
target[k] = source_b[b]
b += 1
target[k] = source_a[a]
a += 1
k += 1

# merge v[lo:m] and v[m+1:hi] using scratch[1:1+m-lo]
# based on Base.Sort MergeSort
function merge!(v::AbstractVector{T}, lo::Integer, m::Integer, hi::Integer, o::Ordering, scratch::AbstractVector{T}) where {T}
_unsafe_copyto!(scratch, 1, v, lo, m - lo + 1)
f(_, b, k) = k < b <= hi
a, b, k = merge!(f, v, scratch, v, o, 1, m + 1, lo)
_unsafe_copyto!(v, k, scratch, a, b - k)

struct Pages
current::Int # current page being merged into
currentNumber::Int # number of current page (=index in pageLocations)
nextA::Int # next possible page in A
nextB::Int # next possible page in B

next_page_A(pages::Pages) = Pages(pages.nextA, pages.currentNumber + 1, pages.nextA + 1, pages.nextB)
next_page_B(pages::Pages) = Pages(pages.nextB, pages.currentNumber + 1, pages.nextA, pages.nextB + 1)

Base.@propagate_inbounds function next_page!(pageLocations, pages, pagesize, lo, a)
if a > pages.nextA * pagesize + lo
pages = next_page_A(pages)
pages = next_page_B(pages)
pageLocations[pages.currentNumber] = pages.current

Base.@propagate_inbounds function permute_pages!(f, v, pageLocations, page_offset, pagesize, page)
while f(page)
plc = pageLocations[page-3] # plc has data belonging to page
pageLocations[page-3] = page
_unsafe_copyto!(v, page_offset(page) + 1, v, page_offset(plc) + 1, pagesize)
page = plc

# merge v[lo:m] (A) and v[m+1:hi] (B) using scratch[] in O(sqrt(n)) space
function paged_merge!(v::AbstractVector{T}, lo::Integer, m::Integer, hi::Integer, o::Ordering, scratch::AbstractVector{T}, pageLocations::AbstractVector{<:Integer}) where {T}
@assert lo < m < hi
lenA = 1 + m - lo
lenB = hi - m

# this function only supports merges with length(A) <= length(B),
# which is guaranteed by pagedmergesort!
@assert lenA <= lenB

# regular merge if scratch is big enough
lenA <= length(scratch) && return merge!(v, lo, m, hi, o, scratch)

len = lenA + lenB
pagesize = isqrt(len)
nPages = len ÷ pagesize # a partial page at the end does not count
@assert length(scratch) >= 3pagesize
@assert length(pageLocations) >= nPages - 3

@inline page_offset(page) = (page - 1) * pagesize + lo - 1

@inbounds begin
# merge
# merge the first 3 pages into scratch
a, b, _ = merge!((_, _, k) -> k <= 3pagesize, scratch, v, v, o, lo, m + 1, 1)
# initialize variables for merging into pages
pages = Pages(-17, 0, 1, (m - lo) ÷ pagesize + 2) # first argument is unused
# more efficient loop while more than pagesize elements of A and B are remaining
while_condition1(offset) = (_, _, k) -> k <= offset + pagesize
while a < m - pagesize && b < hi - pagesize
pages = next_page!(pageLocations, pages, pagesize, lo, a)
offset = page_offset(pages.current)
a, b, _ = merge!(while_condition1(offset), v, v, v, o, a, b, offset + 1)
# merge until either A or B is empty or the last page is reached
k, offset = nothing, nothing
while_condition2(offset) = (a, b, k) -> k <= offset + pagesize && a <= m && b <= hi
while a <= m && b <= hi && pages.currentNumber + 3 < nPages
pages = next_page!(pageLocations, pages, pagesize, lo, a)
offset = page_offset(pages.current)
a, b, k = merge!(while_condition2(offset), v, v, v, o, a, b, offset + 1)
# if the last page is reached, merge the remaining elements into the final partial page
if pages.currentNumber + 3 == nPages && a <= m && b <= hi
a, b, k = merge!((a, b, _) -> a <= m && b <= hi, v, v, v, o, a, b, nPages * pagesize + lo)
_unsafe_copyto!(v, k, v, a <= m ? a : b, hi - k + 1)
use_a = a <= m
# copy the incomplete page
partial_page_size = offset + pagesize - k + 1
_unsafe_copyto!(v, k, v, use_a ? a : b, partial_page_size)
use_a && (a += partial_page_size)
use_a || (b += partial_page_size)
# copy the remaining full pages
while use_a ? a <= m - pagesize + 1 : b <= hi - pagesize + 1
pages = next_page!(pageLocations, pages, pagesize, lo, a)
offset = page_offset(pages.current)
_unsafe_copyto!(v, offset + 1, v, use_a ? a : b, pagesize)
use_a && (a += pagesize)
use_a || (b += pagesize)
# copy the final partial page only if sourcing from A.
# If sourcing from B, it is already in place.
use_a && _unsafe_copyto!(v, hi - m + a, v, a, m - a + 1)

# rearrange pages
# copy pages belonging to the 3 permutation chains ending with a page in the scratch space
nextA, nextB = pages.nextA, pages.nextB

for _ in 1:3
page = (nextB > nPages ? (nextA += 1) : (nextB += 1)) - 1
page = permute_pages!(>(3), v, pageLocations, page_offset, pagesize, page)
_unsafe_copyto!(v, page_offset(page) + 1, scratch, (page - 1) * pagesize + 1, pagesize)

# copy remaining permutation cycles
for donePageIndex = 5:nPages
# linear scan through pageLocations to make sure no cycle is missed
page = pageLocations[donePageIndex-3]
page == donePageIndex && continue

# copy the data belonging to donePageIndex into scratch
_unsafe_copyto!(scratch, 1, v, page_offset(page) + 1, pagesize)

# follow the cycle starting with the newly freed page
permute_pages!(!=(donePageIndex), v, pageLocations, page_offset, pagesize, page)
_unsafe_copyto!(v, page_offset(donePageIndex) + 1, scratch, 1, pagesize)

# midpoint was added to Base.sort in version 1.4 and later moved to Base
# -> redefine for compatibility with earlier versions
midpoint(lo::Integer, hi::Integer) = lo + ((hi - lo) >>> 0x01)

function pagedmergesort!(v::AbstractVector{T}, lo::Integer, hi::Integer, o::Ordering, scratch::AbstractVector{T}, pageLocations) where {T}
len = hi + 1 - lo
if len <= Base.SMALL_THRESHOLD
return Base.Sort.sort!(v, lo, hi, Base.Sort.InsertionSortAlg(), o)
m = midpoint(lo, hi - 1) # hi-1: ensure midpoint is rounded down. OK, because lo < hi is satisfied here
pagedmergesort!(v, lo, m, o, scratch, pageLocations)
pagedmergesort!(v, m + 1, hi, o, scratch, pageLocations)
if len <= length(scratch)
twoended_merge!(v, lo, m, hi, o, scratch)
paged_merge!(v, lo, m, hi, o, scratch, pageLocations)
return v

function sort!(v::AbstractVector, lo::Integer, hi::Integer, ::PagedMergeSortAlg, o::Ordering)
lo >= hi && return v
n = hi + 1 - lo
pagesize = isqrt(n)
scratch = Vector{eltype(v)}(undef, 3pagesize)
nPages = n ÷ pagesize
pageLocations = Vector{Int}(undef, max(0, nPages - 3))
pagedmergesort!(v, lo, hi, o, scratch, pageLocations)
return v
end # module
32 changes: 26 additions & 6 deletions test/runtests.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -3,10 +3,13 @@ using Test
using StatsBase
using Random

stable_algorithms = [TimSort, RadixSort, PagedMergeSort]
unstable_algorithms = [HeapSort, CombSort]

a = rand(1:10000, 1000)
am = [rand() < .9 ? i : missing for i in a]

for alg in [TimSort, HeapSort, RadixSort, CombSort, SortingAlgorithms.TimSortAlg()]
for alg in [stable_algorithms; unstable_algorithms; SortingAlgorithms.TimSortAlg()]
b = sort(a, alg=alg)
@test issorted(b)
ix = sortperm(a, alg=alg)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -94,8 +97,7 @@ for n in [0:10..., 100, 101, 1000, 1001]
invpermute!(c, pi)
@test c == v

# stable algorithms
for alg in [TimSort, RadixSort]
for alg in stable_algorithms
p = sortperm(v, alg=alg, order=ord)
@test p == pi
s = copy(v)
Expand All @@ -105,8 +107,7 @@ for n in [0:10..., 100, 101, 1000, 1001]
@test s == v

# unstable algorithms
for alg in [HeapSort, CombSort]
for alg in unstable_algorithms
p = sortperm(v, alg=alg, order=ord)
@test isperm(p)
@test v[p] == si
Expand All @@ -120,7 +121,7 @@ for n in [0:10..., 100, 101, 1000, 1001]

v = randn_with_nans(n,0.1)
for ord in [Base.Order.Forward, Base.Order.Reverse],
alg in [TimSort, HeapSort, RadixSort, CombSort]
alg in [stable_algorithms; unstable_algorithms]
# test float sorting with NaNs
s = sort(v, alg=alg, order=ord)
@test issorted(s, order=ord)
Expand All @@ -138,3 +139,22 @@ for n in [0:10..., 100, 101, 1000, 1001]
@test reinterpret(UInt64,vp) == reinterpret(UInt64,s)

for T in (Float64, Int, UInt8)
for alg in stable_algorithms
for ord in [Base.Order.By(identity), Base.Order.By(_ -> 0), Base.Order.By(Base.Fix2(÷, 100))]
for n in vcat(0:31, 40:11:100, 110:51:1000)
v = rand(T, n)
# use MergeSort to guarantee stable sorting in Julia 1.0
@test sort(v, alg=alg, order=ord) == sort(v, alg=MergeSort, order=ord)

# PagedMergeSort with small input without InitialOptimizations
# (
if isdefined(Base.Sort, :InitialOptimizations)
v = [0,1]
@test sort(v, alg=SortingAlgorithms.PagedMergeSortAlg()) == sort(v, alg=MergeSort)

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