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jishnub authored Jun 5, 2023
2 parents 34b631b + 91f9f6f commit e0713bb
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Showing 3 changed files with 47 additions and 12 deletions.
6 changes: 0 additions & 6 deletions src/FillArrays.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -171,7 +171,6 @@ getindex_value

@inline getindex_value(F::Fill) = F.value

AbstractArray{T}(F::Fill{V,N}) where {T,V,N} = Fill{T}(convert(T, F.value)::T, F.axes)
AbstractArray{T,N}(F::Fill{V,N}) where {T,V,N} = Fill{T}(convert(T, F.value)::T, F.axes)
AbstractFill{T}(F::AbstractFill) where T = AbstractArray{T}(F)
AbstractFill{T,N}(F::AbstractFill) where {T,N} = AbstractArray{T,N}(F)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -339,11 +338,6 @@ fillsimilar(a::Ones{T}, axes...) where T = Ones{T}(axes...)
fillsimilar(a::Zeros{T}, axes...) where T = Zeros{T}(axes...)
fillsimilar(a::AbstractFill, axes...) = Fill(getindex_value(a), axes...)

rank(F::Zeros) = 0
rank(F::Ones) = 1

struct RectDiagonal{T,V<:AbstractVector{T},Axes<:Tuple{Vararg{AbstractUnitRange,2}}} <: AbstractMatrix{T}
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2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion src/fillbroadcast.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -205,7 +205,7 @@ for op in (:+, :-)
function broadcasted(::DefaultArrayStyle{1}, ::typeof($op), a::AbstractVector{T}, b::ZerosVector{V}) where {T,V}
broadcast_shape(axes(a), axes(b)) == axes(a) || throw(ArgumentError("Cannot broadcast $a and $b. Convert $b to a Vector first."))
TT = promote_type(T,V)
broadcasted(TT$op, a)
broadcasted(TT, a)

broadcasted(::DefaultArrayStyle{1}, ::typeof($op), a::AbstractFillVector{T}, b::ZerosVector) where T =
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51 changes: 46 additions & 5 deletions test/runtests.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -340,16 +340,16 @@ equal_or_undef(a, b) = all(equal_or_undef.(a, b))
function test_addition_subtraction_dot(As, Bs, Tout::Type)
for A in As, B in Bs
@testset "$(typeof(A)) and $(typeof(B))" begin
@test A + B isa Tout{promote_type(eltype(A), eltype(B))}
@test @inferred(A + B) isa Tout{promote_type(eltype(A), eltype(B))}
@test equal_or_undef(as_array(A + B), as_array(A) + as_array(B))

@test A - B isa Tout{promote_type(eltype(A), eltype(B))}
@test @inferred(A - B) isa Tout{promote_type(eltype(A), eltype(B))}
@test equal_or_undef(as_array(A - B), as_array(A) - as_array(B))

@test B + A isa Tout{promote_type(eltype(B), eltype(A))}
@test @inferred(B + A) isa Tout{promote_type(eltype(B), eltype(A))}
@test equal_or_undef(as_array(B + A), as_array(B) + as_array(A))

@test B - A isa Tout{promote_type(eltype(B), eltype(A))}
@test @inferred(B - A) isa Tout{promote_type(eltype(B), eltype(A))}
@test equal_or_undef(as_array(B - A), as_array(B) - as_array(A))

# Julia 1.6 doesn't support dot(UniformScaling)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -439,6 +439,21 @@ end
for A in As_special_nonsquare, B in Bs_us
test_addition_and_subtraction_dim_mismatch(A, B)

@testset "Zeros" begin
As = ([1,2], Float64[1,2], Int8[1,2], ComplexF16[2,4])
Zs = (TZ -> Zeros{TZ}(2)).((Int, Float64, Int8, ComplexF64))
test_addition_subtraction_dot(As, Zs, Vector)
for A in As, Z in (TZ -> Zeros{TZ}(3)).((Int, Float64, Int8, ComplexF64))
test_addition_and_subtraction_dim_mismatch(A, Z)

As = (@SArray([1,2]), @SArray(Float64[1,2]), @SArray(Int8[1,2]), @SArray(ComplexF16[2,4]))
test_addition_subtraction_dot(As, Zs, SVector{2})
for A in As, Z in (TZ -> Zeros{TZ}(3)).((Int, Float64, Int8, ComplexF64))
test_addition_and_subtraction_dim_mismatch(A, Z)

@testset "Other matrix types" begin
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -871,13 +886,39 @@ end
@test Zeros{Int}(5,6) ./ Zeros{Int}(5) Zeros{Int}(5) .\ Zeros{Int}(5,6) Fill(NaN,5,6)

@testset "Addition" begin
@testset "Addition/Subtraction" begin
@test Zeros{Int}(5) .+ (1:5) (1:5) .+ Zeros{Int}(5) (1:5) .- Zeros{Int}(5) 1:5
@test Zeros{Int}(1) .+ (1:5) (1:5) .+ Zeros{Int}(1) (1:5) .- Zeros{Int}(1) 1:5
@test Zeros(5) .+ (1:5) == (1:5) .+ Zeros(5) == (1:5) .- Zeros(5) == 1:5
@test Zeros{Int}(5) .+ Fill(1,5) Fill(1,5) .+ Zeros{Int}(5) Fill(1,5) .- Zeros{Int}(5) Fill(1,5)
@test_throws DimensionMismatch Zeros{Int}(2) .+ (1:5)
@test_throws DimensionMismatch (1:5) .+ Zeros{Int}(2)

for v in ([1:5;], SVector{5}(1:5), SVector{5,ComplexF16}(1:5))
a = Zeros{Int}(5) .+ v
b = v .+ Zeros{Int}(5)
c = v .- Zeros{Int}(5)
@test a == b == c == v
@test all(x -> x isa AbstractVector{promote_type(eltype(v), Int)}, (a,b,c))

a = Zeros{Int}(1) .+ v
b = v .+ Zeros{Int}(1)
c = v .- Zeros{Int}(1)
@test a == b == c == 1:5
@test all(x -> x isa AbstractVector{promote_type(eltype(v), Int)}, (a,b,c))

a = Zeros{Float64}(5) .+ v
b = v .+ Zeros{Float64}(5)
c = v .- Zeros{Float64}(5)
@test a == b == c == v
@test all(x -> x isa AbstractVector{promote_type(eltype(v), Float64)}, (a,b,c))

a = Zeros{Float64}(1) .+ v
b = v .+ Zeros{Float64}(1)
c = v .- Zeros{Float64}(1)
@test a == b == c == v
@test all(x -> x isa AbstractVector{promote_type(eltype(v), Float64)}, (a,b,c))

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