Releases: JuliaArbTypes/ArbFloats.jl
Releases · JuliaArbTypes/ArbFloats.jl
ArbFloats.jl (builds remotely)
v0.3.2 Update build.jl
ArbFloats.jl (builds locally)
v0.3.1 Rename Project.toml to Project.toml.hold
ArbFloats (for v0.7.0-)
v0.3.0 upgrade nemo
ArbFloats: constrain to v0.6.x (fixed require)
v0.2.3 adjusted Julia version span
ArbFloats (v0.7 sig fixups + 1 typo fixed)
v0.2.1 fix typo
ArbFloats.jl: Test PR, fix REQUIRE, v0.7.0
v0.2.0 Update REQUIRE
ArbFloats: fix min/max with !finite
v0.1.17 do not show dots for exact values
ArbFloats: better show, update Nemo
Merge pull request #16 from tkelman/patch-1 use isdefined for iszero instead of VERSION check
fix subtle promotion bug, better eps
v.0.1.15 useradius for epsilon
fix minor hiccups, add fmod, modf
v0.1.14 change parse to parse_readable to protect other uses of parse