Copyright © 2016 by Jeffrey Sarnoff. Released under the MIT License on 15-Sep-2016.
ArbDecimals exports a floating point type realized for the decimal digit resolutions named:
Dec25, Dec50, Dec75, Dec100, Dec150, Dec200, Dec250, Dec300, Dec350, Dec400, Dec450, Dec500.
Most of Julia's arithmetic and elementary functions work. These functions are exported too:
pow, root, sincos, sinhcosh, rgamma, polylog, agm.
All math is performed at twice the nominal precision. This is managed internally, and the user only need know that there is very strong numerical backstopping in support of delivering highly reliable results with desireable performance.
Results for most scalar and vector computations are quite reliable.
With matrices, det, chol, lu work well; eigenvals and svdvals need interval algorithms to work.
ArbDecimals depends on ArbFloats, which needs Nemo. It is best to add these packages one at a time:
Pkg.add("Nemo") # expect much compilation
using Nemo
using ArbFloats
using ArbDecimals
ArbDecimals exports a floating point type realized for the decimal digit resolutions named:
Dec25, Dec50, Dec75, Dec100, Dec150, Dec200, Dec250, Dec300, Dec350, Dec400, Dec450, Dec500.
Most of Julia's arithmetic and elementary functions work. These functions are exported too:
pow, root, sincos, sinhcosh, rgamma, polylog, agm.
All math is performed at twice the nominal precision. This is managed internally, and the user only need know that there is very strong numerical backstopping in support of delivering highly reliable results with desireable performance.
Results for most scalar and vector computations are quite reliable.
With matrices, det, chol, lu work well; eigenvals and svdvals need interval algorithms to work.
ArbDecimals depends on ArbFloats, which needs Nemo. It is best to add these packages one at a time:
Pkg.add("Nemo") # expect much compilation
using Nemo
using ArbFloats
using ArbDecimals