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DockerHub Repository | Forked from C4illin/ASFclaim

ASFclaim is a tool designed to automatically claim new free packages on Steam when available, working in conjunction with ArchiSteamFarm (ASF) with IPC enabled.

How It Works

  1. GitHub Gist Integration: The tool retrieves a list of free Steam packages from a specified GitHub Gist (set by the GIST_ID environment variable).
  2. Processed Licenses: It keeps track of which codes have already been processed to avoid claiming the same package multiple times.
  3. Claiming Process: The tool claims free Steam packages by sending commands to ASF (ArchiSteamFarm).
  4. Interval-based Processing: The tool processes up to 40 codes per interval (as defined by ASF_CLAIM_INTERVAL, in hours). This ensures that the tool can claim available packages at a steady pace without hitting the Steam API limit.

Important: On first use, the tool will start processing from the bottom of the Gist list and claim up to 40 codes per interval (as defined by ASF_CLAIM_INTERVAL). This allows the tool to prioritize newly added packages, ensuring that recent additions are processed as soon as possible, even if the tool hasn't yet gone through the entire list. This approach helps prevent delays in claiming new packages and avoids processing the same codes multiple times, especially since scanning the entire list could take a couple of days to finish before it starts processing only newly added packages.

Optional: Discord Webhook Integration

Use the optional webhook integration to receive claim notifications on Discord.

Notification Types

Successfully Claimed Game


Claimed Package Containing a DLC (with or without status visibility)

DLC Status DLC No Status

Claimed Game Package with Multiple Results and Visible Botnames

Multiple Results

When WEBHOOK_SHOWACCOUNTSTATUS is set to false, bot names and statuses remain hidden—ideal for public channels.


Baremetal Prerequisites

  1. Enable IPC in ASF (add password to .env if not empty).
  2. Install Node.js (v18 or later).

Manual Installation

# Clone the repository
git clone

# Navigate to directory
cd ASFclaim

# Install dependencies
npm install

# Start the application
node .

Docker Installation

You can use pre-built Docker images to run ASFclaim:

Pull the Docker Image:

You can choose from two Docker image repositories:

  • From Docker Hub:

  • From GitHub Container Registry:

Docker Image Tags

The ASFclaim Docker image is available in three primary tag formats, each suited to different use cases:

  • main (Continuous Development)

    • Description: The main tag is automatically updated to reflect the latest commit on the main branch in GitHub.
    • Usage Consideration: This tag is not recommended for production use, as it changes frequently and may include untested or unstable updates. Use main only if you're contributing to development or need access to the latest features and fixes.
    • Frequency: Updated with each new commit to the main branch, making this a rapidly evolving image.

    Note: Pulling the main tag may introduce breaking changes or instability, as it represents ongoing development work.

  • latest (Latest Stable Release)

    • Description: This tag points to the most recent stable release of ASFclaim. Unlike main, the latest tag is only updated with stable, fully-tested versions.
    • Usage Recommendation: Use the latest tag if you want the most current stable build without specifying a particular version. Ideal for production environments where stability is critical.
  • A.B.C.D (Versioned Release)

    • Description: Versioned tags, such as A.B.C.D, are frozen at a specific release version and will not receive updates after publication.
    • Usage Recommendation: Use versioned tags when you need consistency and want to avoid updates that might alter functionality. These tags are ideal for production environments requiring fixed versions.

Quick Start with Docker

docker run -d \
  --name asfclaim \
  -e TZ=America/Chicago \
  -e ASF_PROTOCOL=http \
  -e ASF_HOST=localhost \
  -e ASF_PORT=1242 \
  -e ASF_BOTS=asf \
  -e WEBHOOK_URL=none \
  -e WEBHOOK_ENABLEDTYPES="error;warn;success" \
  -v ./storage:/app/storage/ \

Docker Compose

Create a docker-compose.yml:

        image: journeyover/asfclaim:latest
            - TZ=America/Chicago
            - ASF_PROTOCOL=http
            - ASF_HOST=localhost
            - ASF_PORT=1242
            - ASF_COMMAND_PREFIX="!"
            - ASF_BOTS=asf
            - ASF_CLAIM_INTERVAL=3
            - WEBHOOK_URL=none  # Replace with your Discord Webhook URL
            - WEBHOOK_ENABLEDTYPES=error;warn;success  # 'info' might be too verbose
            - WEBHOOK_SHOWACCOUNTSTATUS=true  # Set to 'false' to hide bot names in Discord
            - ./storage:/app/storage/

Environment Variables

ENV Description Info Default Value Required
TZ Your timezone Timezone identifier (e.g., Europe/Amsterdam) America/Chicago No
ASF_PROTOCOL ASF IPC Transfer protocol Options: http or https http No
ASF_HOST ASF IPC Hostname or IP Hostname or IP address localhost No
ASF_PORT ASF IPC Port Port number for IPC 1242 No
ASF_PASS ASF IPC Password Plaintext password for ASF No
ASF_COMMAND_PREFIX Command prefix for ASF Prefix used before commands ! No
ASF_BOTS List of ASF bot names Comma-separated bot names asf No
ASF_CLAIM_INTERVAL Hours to wait for execution Interval in hours between checks 3 No
GIST_ID Gist ID containing Steam codes GitHub Gist ID for fetching codes e8c5cf365d816f2640242bf01d8d3675 No
WEBHOOK_URL Discord Webhook URL URL for Discord webhook or none to disable none No
WEBHOOK_ENABLEDTYPES Displayed notification types in Discord chat Semicolon-separated types (e.g., error;warn;success) error;warn;success No
WEBHOOK_SHOWACCOUNTSTATUS Show result from ASF Options: true or false true No

External Resources


🎮 Claim free steam games using ASF









  • JavaScript 94.8%
  • Dockerfile 5.2%