This project exists to offer an alternative way to play Warhammer 40k, by addressing two of it's biggest shortcomings - it can be big and slow, and it has a high barrier to entry for new player.
You might ask "Isn't that what Kill Team is for?" and you'd have a point, but Kill Team is diverging ever further from regular 40k and it leaves a void, one which Vanguard attempts to fill.
As much as possible, stick to the 40k core rules and codecies. This means that time and money invested into Vanguard also carries over into regular 40k.
Don't add restrictions to what models and wargear a player can use; allow for an interesting variety, even in very small games. New models should mean new opportunities.
Support very small games. This keeps the barrier to entry much lower than normal.
Enable the game to scale up with a player's growing collection, until they are ready to play regular games of 40k.
- Quick to learn.
- Quick to play.
- Easy to transport.
If Vanguard sounds like a game you'd like to play, see the Vanguard Rules, and feel free to provide feedback on the Discussion Page.
You can contact me directly at [email protected]