Provide a simple, yet extensive overview of your Duty calendars using RFC 5545 compliant iCalendars.
Verified with PagerDuty, Google & Microsoft outlook Calendars.
Source Code:
- 🚀 Extendable Plugin structure allowing you to tune calendars & enrich duty officers information with for example LDAP.
- 📈 Full RFC 5545 compliant iCalendar support, including recurring events, by using iCal-library.
- ✨ Dynamic web-interface with the ability to tune using the plugin structure. Examples would be:
- Different color schemes.
- Your own company logo.
- Icons for extra user information.
- And much much more.
- 💪 React front-end is pre-compiled and served through FastAPI.
- 🆎 Fully typed code base.
Python 3.8+
DutyBoard runs using:
- FastAPI as web service.
- iCal-library for it's integration with iCalendars.
DutyBoard comes with a flexible plugin structure. You create a Python file like plugin/example/
in your container. Then simply set DUTY_BOARD_PLUGIN_LOCATION
to that file, and DutyBoard will automatically load everything according to your specification.
The example plugin comes with:
- iCalendar support to figure out who is on Duty.
- LDAP integration to enrich the information of who is on Duty.
- Customization options to modify the front-end according to your companies style.
Larger corporations often have many Duty schedules. This is often to shield team members from ad-hoc work during their work-week or to ensure the platform runs smoothly 24/7. However, exposing Duty schedules is easy at the start, but once you have three schedules, it becomes unclear who is on duty. Hence, a small front-end usually solves this, but that require manual intervention when the schedule changes. This projects aims to solve that by automatically fetching who is on duty from iCalendars