Our final project in university. The Capybot allows users to map WiFi signals into a 2D space.
- Build a differential rover
- Generate rich maps about WiFi coverage
- Implement Kalman filters for sensor fusion
- Path planning algoritms:
- Potential fields
- Low level control is located in the CapyWheels repo
- You can check the full documentation under the
$/Doc$ folder
@ Luis Vaca @ Josue Mojica @ Jorge Pérez
To pull the submodules included use:
git submodule update --init --recursive
Also, you may need to install from APT:
sudo apt install ros-melodic-packageName
- ros-melodic-depthimage-to-laserscan
- ros-melodic-realsense2-camera (Follow additional instructions for Jetson Devices)
- ros-melodic-rosserial
Change the branch on realsense-ros
cd src/realsense-ros/ git checkout ros1-legacy
You may need to downgrade your OpenCv version depending on the image installed. Check this for help