These files should be used for academic and research purposes only
- conti_merged_txt.txt - this is a text version, of the original merged json, where "{", "}" and blank lines were stripped
- conti_merged_csv.csv - this is a csv files comprised of 4 columns: ts (timestamp), from, to, body
- conti_merged_valid_json.json - the original json file returned some errors. This json is in a valid format and ready to be ingested
- conti_sankey.csv - the csv file generated by that counts the number of messages sent by each "from" and "to"
- conti_just_body.txt - txt file that only has the messages (used for wordcloud generator
- is the code was used for data treatment and export of files
- is the code that generates the Wordcloud
Interactive version can be found here
Interactive version can be found here
Data visualization charts done with Flourish Studio