This is the repository for a tutorial that teaches how to set up a server side rendered web application using Django and Nuxt.js.
- Clone the project to your machine
[git clone]
- Navigate into the diretory
[cd recipes_app]
- Source the virtual environment
[pipenv shell]
- Install the dependencies
[pipenv install]
- Navigate into the backend directory
[cd api]
- Start the backend server
[python runserver]
- Open up a new instance of the terminal (from the parent directory of the project) and navigate into the frontend directory
[cd client]
- Install dependencies
[npm install]
- Start the frontend development server
[npm run dev]
- Explore the server-side rendered application i.e create a new recipe on this address -
- Python - A programming language that lets you work quickly and integrate systems more effectively.
- Django - A high-level Python Web framework that encourages rapid development and clean, pragmatic design.
- Nuxt - Nuxt.js is a minimal framework for creating Vue.js applications with server side rendering, code-splitting, hot-reloading, static generation and more.