Not fully functional as of yet, having some issues with dependencies not resolving... Inspiration for a substantial portion of this renderer taken from OpenGL's learnopengl tutorial.
TerrainRenderer is a C++ application that renders a terrain from a height map image using OpenGL. The project demonstrates the following OpenGL Functionalities: loading height maps, generating vertex and index buffers, compiling shaders, and rendering 3D terrain scenes; thus providing a basic framework into Terrain Rendering techniques.
Dependencies: Need to have CMake, MinGW (GCC and G++), GLFW, and GLEW installed on your system. Initialize the build process by creating a build directory, running CMake, and compiling the project with make:
- Clone the repository:
- Install dependencies and set up your environment. Ensure MinGW is added to your system PATH through System Environmental Variables .
- Create a build directory and compile the project
- Run the application with the specified path to the heightmap.
Performance: Should be able to handle 1024x1024 heightmaps on mid-range cpus fairly smoothly. Vertex buffer objects and element buffer objects were used for data management and rendering.