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Add option to display head unfolding information sequentially/summed
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JonasHoefer committed Aug 19, 2024
1 parent 90daa4e commit f14d114
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Showing 2 changed files with 27 additions and 21 deletions.
30 changes: 19 additions & 11 deletions src/Main.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -78,15 +78,17 @@ evalModule m p = do
putStrLn $ "Head linear unfolding of " ++ pretty s
putStrLn $ "Yields " ++ pretty s'
putStrLn ""
putStrLn $ "Unfold counts: " ++ intercalate ", " [ show d ++ ": " ++ show c | (d, c) <- M.toList u]
putStrLn $ "Hence " ++ show (sum u) ++ " unfold steps"
print u
putStrLn $ "Hence " ++ show (length u) ++ " unfold steps"
_ -> putStrLn "No definitions"

---- Repl

data ReplCmd = Term String | Load Bool FilePath | Reload Bool | Quit | Unfold Int String | Infer String deriving (Show)
data UnfoldStepPresentation = Sequential | Summed deriving (Show, Read)

data ReplCmd = Term String | Load Bool FilePath | Reload Bool | Quit | Unfold Int UnfoldStepPresentation String | Infer String deriving Show

inferCmd :: Mod CommandFields ReplCmd
inferCmd = command ":infer"
Expand All @@ -113,6 +115,8 @@ quitCmd = command ":quit" (info (pure Quit) (progDesc "Quit repl"))
unfoldCmd :: Mod CommandFields ReplCmd
unfoldCmd = command ":unfold" $ info
(Unfold <$> option auto (short 's' <> metavar "STEPS" <> showDefault <> value 1 <> help "Number of unfold steps")
<*> option auto (short 'd' <> metavar "DISPLAY-STYLE" <> showDefault <> value Sequential
<> help "Presentation of unfolded steps. Either `Summed` or `Sequential`")
<*> (unwords <$> many (argument str (metavar "DEF"))))
(progDesc "Perform a single unfolding steps on given definition or, if not argument is given, on the last considered term.")

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -223,28 +227,32 @@ repl = do
Left err -> outputStrLn $ show err
Right (_, val, _) -> outputStrLn $ bindStage terminalStage prettyVal val
Right (Unfold k "") -> do
Right (Unfold k s "") -> do
lastUnfoldTarget >>= \case
Nothing ->
outputStrLn "No current unfold target. Either unfold a definition using `:unfold DEF` or load a term using `:infer TERM`"
Just (t, rep) -> do
unfoldTerm k t >>= rep
unfoldTerm k s t >>= rep
Right (Unfold k d) -> do
Right (Unfold k s d) -> do
defUnfoldTarget d >>= \case
Just (t, rep) ->
unfoldTerm k t >>= rep
unfoldTerm k s t >>= rep
Nothing ->
outputStrLn $ d ++ " is not a definition!"

unfoldTerm :: Int -> Tm -> Repl Tm
unfoldTerm k t = do
unfoldTerm :: Int -> UnfoldStepPresentation -> Tm -> Repl Tm
unfoldTerm k s t = do
ρ <- gets environment
let (u, t') = headUnfold ρ t (Just k)
outputStrLn $ pretty t'
outputStrLn (pretty t')
outputStrLn ""
outputStrLn $ "Unfold counts: " ++ intercalate ", " [ show x ++ ": " ++ show c | (x, c) <- M.toList u]
case s of
Sequential -> outputStrLn (show u)
Summed -> do
let u' = M.fromListWith (+) (map (,1::Int) u)
outputStrLn $ "Unfold counts: " ++ intercalate ", " [ show x ++ ": " ++ show c | (x, c) <- M.toList u']
return t'

-- | Returns the term associated to a definition, and a way to replace it, if this definition exists.
Expand Down
18 changes: 8 additions & 10 deletions src/PosTT/HeadLinearReduction.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,8 +1,6 @@
module PosTT.HeadLinearReduction where

import Control.Applicative

import qualified Data.Map as M
import Data.Tuple.Extra (first)

import PosTT.Common
import PosTT.Eval
Expand All @@ -12,8 +10,8 @@ import PosTT.Terms
import PosTT.Values

headUnfold :: Env -> Tm -> Maybe Int -> (M.Map Name Int, Tm)
headUnfold δ = go M.empty
headUnfold :: Env -> Tm -> Maybe Int -> ([Name], Tm)
headUnfold δ = go
ρ = blockedEnv δ
s = foldr sExtName terminalStage (blockedNames δ)
Expand All @@ -30,11 +28,11 @@ headUnfold δ = go M.empty
unfold t = bindStage s $ (fmap . fmap) readBack
$ singleReduction blockedLookup $ eval ρ t

go :: M.Map Name Int -> Tm -> Maybe Int -> (M.Map Name Int, Tm)
go u t (Just 0) = (u, t)
go u t steps = case unfold t of
Nothing -> (u, t)
Just (d, t') -> go (M.alter (\e -> fmap succ e <|> Just 1) d u) t' (pred <$> steps)
go :: Tm -> Maybe Int -> ([Name], Tm)
go t (Just 0) = ([], t)
go t steps = case unfold t of
Nothing -> ([], t)
Just (d, t') -> first (d:) $ go t' (pred <$> steps)

Expand Down

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