Webpage to display newsfeed content by running server-side javascript
Create news website with the following requirements :
- Display top 10 headlines from the BBC and SKY on a webpage
- Use a node.js server
- All data to go through the nodejs server
node v0.13.0-pre
npm 2.3.0
Darwin 12.5.0 Darwin Kernel Version 12.5.0
As https://gist.github.com/isaacs/579814#file-only-git-all-the-way-sh
Requires node and npm
$ npm install
- Conditions: For terms see http://www.bbc.co.uk/terms/additional_rss.shtml, http://news.sky.com/info/rss
To test locally, (optionally) using verbose (command argument verbose*, VERBOSE*) logging,
$ node newsfeed-display.js verbose &
Expected console logging
Server running at http://localhost:8124/
Rendering articles from feedsource http://feeds.bbci.co.uk/news/rss.xml
Rendering articles from feedsource http://feeds.skynews.com/feeds/rss/home.xml
Already encountered feed sources:
Adding feed http://feeds.skynews.com/feeds/rss/home.xml with feeds_processed_length = 0
Already encountered feed sources: http://feeds.skynews.com/feeds/rss/home.xml
Adding feed http://feeds.bbci.co.uk/news/rss.xml with feeds_processed_length = 1
Webpage output should resemble
For simple 'walkthrough' tests using a 'mocked by hand' implementation of the HttpRequest as file output for analysis, see subdirectory handmocked.
To establish regression baseline.
Test tool dependencies
- superagent ... HTTP test suite for ajax and node
http://visionmedia.github.io/superagent/docs/test.html - mocha ... Testing framework for node.js and browser code op semantics
To execute tests
$ mocha test