Uses Python 3 to read .DM files for chemicals and chemical reactions, which are stored as .JSON files. This was designed with Hippie Station in mind so should be inherently compatible with /tg/ station
Change the "Path" value in config.ini to to point the root folder of your local repo
Run "" first, this will go over the path you configured for and try to read all the chemicals and reactions. This data is stored in two files: chemicals.json and reactions.json
Run "" to open the program. This will let you query chemicals and generate a list of steps to create chemicals.
If you enter the beginning or full id of a chemical it will return the chemicals details and any reactions it is involved in.
If you enter "make " it will return a list of steps used to produce that chemical.
You can alter this by adding "exactly" to add steps which remove excess chemicals from the container (if you don't have a large container)
You can also add "recipe" to get a "key=value;" recipe which can be used to import into the chem dispenser in the game.
Python 3
A local copy of the repo you want to read