This project provides a CMake module that adds dictionary-like functionality to your CMake scripts. It allows you to store and retrieve key-value pairs in a dictionary structure, enabling more organized and dynamic handling of configuration data within your CMake project.
- Dictionary Storage: Store key-value pairs in named dictionaries.
- List Storage: The dictionary can store CMake lists as values. Semicolons (;), which are used to separate list elements in CMake, are internally replaced with colons (:) for storage. This allows lists to be stored and retrieved without additional string manipulation.
- Value Retrieval: Retrieve values from dictionaries by specifying the key.
- Graceful Handling of Missing Keys: If a key does not exist in the dictionary, an empty string is returned.
To use the dictionary functionality in your CMake project, include the dict.cmake file in your CMakeLists.txt or other CMake script:
To set a key-value pair in a dictionary, use the dict(SET dict_name key value) function. This function allows you to store a value associated with a key in a named dictionary.
# Define a dictionary named "my_dict"
dict(SET my_dict "username" "john_doe")
# Add another key-value pair to "my_dict"
dict(SET my_dict "email" "[email protected]")
In this example, the dictionary my_dict will contain two key-value pairs: username with the value "john_doe" and email with the value [email protected].
To retrieve a value from a dictionary, use the dict(GET dict_name key variable) function. The value associated with the specified key will be stored in the variable.
# Retrieve the value associated with the key "username" from "my_dict"
dict(GET my_dict "username" username_var)
# Print the retrieved value
message(STATUS "Username: ${username_var}")
In this example, the variable username_var will hold the value "john_doe", and the message Username: john_doe will be printed.
The dictionary can also store CMake lists as values. When setting a list, the semicolons (;
) used to separate elements in a CMake list are automatically replaced with newlines (\n
) during storage. This allows the list to be stored as a single string while preserving its structure.
# Define a list
set(my_list "item1;item2;item3")
# Store the list in the dictionary under the key "items"
dict(SET my_dict "items" "${my_list}")
When retrieving the list, the semicolons are automatically restored, so you can use the list directly without any additional string manipulation.
If you attempt to retrieve a value for a key that does not exist in the dictionary, the dict(GET) function will return an empty string.
# Try to retrieve a non-existing key "password" from "my_dict"
dict(GET my_dict "password" password_var)
# Check if the key was found
if((NOT DEFINED password_var) OR (password_var STREQUAL ""))
message(STATUS "Key 'password' not found.")
message(STATUS "Password: ${password_var}")
In this example, since the key "password" does not exist in my_dict, password_var will be an empty string, and the message Key 'password' not found. will be printed.
This repository is forked from nicolas17/cmake-dict. Special thanks to Nicolas for the original implementation.
Contributions are welcome! If you find any bugs or have suggestions for improvements, feel free to open an issue or submit a pull request.