Developer: Xiaokai(Johannes) Liu
Maplestory is one of my favorite video games when I was a Child. There are too many memory of Maplestory for me. I still missed the time when I attacked the blue snails in the west of Henesys. Recently, I found I could play Maplestory on Mobile devices (MaplestoryM), which made me exciting. However, the manipulator of it is typically bad, and the process of playing is very boring. Luckily, I found I could develop some scripts to enable play of this game automatically, which save my patience on it.
I investigated almost all the solutions for play MaplestoryM automatically. I learned a lot from these solutions. However, I find these solutions are not enough smart to enable a long time nonstop auto-interaction. So I developed this MaplestoryM-Assistant. Because the interaction methods of MapleStory is very complex. So, I would update this project for several times. Now, the first version enables basic automatic interactions with the environment. I will release a tutorial for it later.
Finally, wish you have fun!